Leaders to Legends Podcast 🗡✨

Pillars of Growth Graham Lichtner

The Leaders To Legends Podcast was created with the modern man in mind.

In this podcast the host, Graham Frank Lichtner is your guide to more Presence, Peace and Power. Through his personal insights, coaching stories and interviews with other men living out their unique and Legendary lives you too will unlock your infinite potential and have the tools to share it with the world.

With that said, this podcast is just the first step, it's up to you to put the knowledge, wisdom and awareness gained into action.

Thank you so much for tuning in 💗.

Legends Find A Way 💫

Pillars of Growth LLC

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Living a Life of Purpose: Where Your Talents Meet the World
Living a Life of Purpose: Where Your Talents Meet the World
The purpose of todays podcast episode is to expand on a little piece of awareness we uncovered in the journey to journaling prompt this morning!!!For me I have found one of the areas of inspiration within myself is where my talents in communication and the worlds need for open communication meet! It is here I have found major purpose in life. A place where the work I do is rewarding personally and professionally (freedom to express), I can charge and create whatever I want (freedom financially) and I know each person I get to connect with leaves the experience a more present, peaceful and powerful person.To me this is the sweet spot and I want to help you find yours!!!Reflection Questions:1. What inspires you about yourself and why?!2. What is your greatest talent (s) & where does the world need them and why?!Really take the time to reflect on this and I think you'll find a sweet spot that you can build upon!Remember, your talent and the world are two points colliding into one another!!! It's your job to make the bridge and find the courage to bring your sauce into the world!!!Here is the excerpt from the journey to journaling video on my Youtube that opened this all up!!!“Maybe the thing that MOST inspires me is my work. Learning to communicate with myself and others has been the greatest achievement of my life! Teaching others to do this, coaching them to be their most real. Encouraging them to blaze their own trail in life and Become legends. Tis the most powerful and glorious work I could imagine doing. Creating art & Tools to help people do this on their ow?! It’s all simply the most profound and useful work there is. I am SO blessed to do it and live it.”You got this and lmk your thoughts in the comments!!!Presence, Peace & Power be with you.Legends Find a Way!You can find more Leaders to Legends Podcasts on apple and spotify etc!!!
The Great Contentment 😌 : Learning to Live a Peaceful Life 🌱
The Great Contentment 😌 : Learning to Live a Peaceful Life 🌱
The purpose of this podcast episode is to learn to be content or satisfied (Peaceful) with our lives. To understand that when you change your PERCEPTION of the words you speak and seek their true meaning, you find yourself REDEFINING them. This opens the door to living freely, and on your own terms. And this is “The Great Contentment”.“As I walked this morning I felt the wind on my face, the peeking sun ready to rise in south Florida and a school bus of children with their parents waving goodbye.It got me thinking about my ancestors.Waving bye for their children to be separated all day?Would I do that?Will I do that?Why?And then somehow my mind moved into a topic that I really feel encapsulates a lot of the issues and problems our western world face.Being content with life :).And how so much of what needs to change is simply acceptance and okay ness with what is present in our lives.I call the impending wave of reality, “The Great Contentment” because it’s a movement.Ideas spread like voices down the street.One person to the next fainter and fainter the further you get, louder the closer.But if everyone you know is experiencing it simultaneously then you have yourself a movement!A new idea piercing the mind and opening the heart.And so much of what is needed NOW in this moment is that.Open minds and open hearts.Contentment with your life is a way to experience this bliss.Why?Because Contentment is the state of “Peace or Happiness”…Think about it.How often do you say don’t be content or some variation of that…Next time try saying, “Never be peaceful or happy”…Sounds pretty silly right LOL!And for the hustle narrative, the grind tribe, the MORE IS BETTER MOVEMENT.You’re sprinting towards your own doom.No one will remember your legacy unless you decide to step into the present moment and create something or build something worthy of being praised by all humanity.So aim for NOW.Aim for the moment.Aim for contentment, or rather aim for being peaceful and happy.Stop buying into the narrative that you need to “DO SO MUCH”.The world doesn’t need more people going for home runs, it needs people who want to hit singles, doubles, triples.It needs people who want to WALK together to build something better.And you can do your part simply by bringing more contentment into your life.Excuse me, I meant more peace and happiness.If you don’t know where to find that, start with taking a breath and prioritizing the things that matter most in your heart, not in your head.The Great Peacefulness…Could you imagine?A world of people genuinely excited and happy to be here and now and nowhere else.A world of people who actually want to leave it better than they found it.A world of people working together.A world of Peace.Contentment is underrated.Start now.Presence, Peace & Power be with you.Legends Find a Way 💫”My question to you this morning is...Can I be content with my life?! Why / why not?Take some time to really reflect on it. Your Destiny is to learn to be content with WHO you are. Presence, Peace & Power be with you on your journey.- Graham :)
Guilt Needs a Host: Breaking Generational Trauma ❤️‍🩹
Guilt Needs a Host: Breaking Generational Trauma ❤️‍🩹
The purpose of this podcast episode is to embrace the TRUTH that generational trauma has been handed down to YOU. Your parents, their parents and up the ancestral lineage have passed REAL life experiences down to you through behavioral patterns, energetic links and DEEP emotional dynamics and psychological beliefs. Now, in this moment, you are presented with a real choice. Be the HOST for this type of energy, or heal yourself by owning, accepting and processing it. Becoming aware of it and transforming it. Summon the courage to CONFRONT this energy within yourself, and begin the process of integrating who you are with who you want to be! This power of choice is what makes human beings unique. Clarity comes from walking the path. The inspiration 💫...Thousands of years.Hundreds of lives.Moving like a ghost, their nightmares are mine.I didn’t ask for this, but neither did they.Coming to consciousness, the price I pay.Understanding this secret, the path to joy.The fortunate truth, I do not enjoy. I have been passed a set of genes.My ancestors made the way for me.But being here in this moment has a cost.I still feel ALL of their loss.All of their pain, all of their aches.I am asleep, but also awake. Guilt needs a host, shame needs the shade.My vessel is primed, to carry the weight.But what happens when the weight is lifted?    My heart beats true, my name in-scripted.      Out of the nightmare and into the dream.A life of love, freedom and peace.Today I choose to embrace their pain.The trauma of my ancestors has reached end-game.Each feeling passed down, each thought passed through.I feel it now, what love can do.In this moment my ancestors are here.Remembering them, I treat them with care.Facing the pain from long ago.Generational trauma has met a formidable foe.I am scared but not afraid.My ancestors have shown me THE WAY 💫.The Integration:What is something you feel has been passed down in your family from generation to generation & why?!How do you carry this thing? Is it something you are aware of, or are you just becoming aware of it in this moment?!Trace the pain back, see if you can plot it on a mental chart and see where it came from.What will it require of you to break the generational cycle and step into a space where you free yourself and future family / relationships from it?!How will it feel to do so?!What possibilities lie on the other side of this breakthrough?!As always, you can find me @graham.lichtner on instagram. Feel free to ask me questions there :)!Presence, Peace & Power be with you!!!Legends Find a Way 💫
Presence. Peace. Power: The Foundation of Leadership ✊
Presence. Peace. Power: The Foundation of Leadership ✊
The purpose of this podcast episode is to introduce you to the foundational principles of Leaders Into Legends and what I deem as “Personal Empowerment” in this era. This triangle of trust is the pathway to more self confidence, more present moments and a lasting peace that impacts everyone you come into contact with. To me there are few things as important as educating yourself on these principles, these energies and practicing them whenever you SEE them in your life. Grace is the word as this will take time to integrate. There is no hurry as all things in nature mature naturally. Slow and steady, on the path to internal freedom and external joy. Your life is in your hands when you’re in your POWER.The Inspiration..."The Foundation of Leadership ✊"Presence, the moment, the origin of creation.Peace, the feeling, a unified nation.Power, a flash, a sudden rise.Presence, here and now, through your eyes.Peace, calm, a steady beat.Power, energy, infinity on repeat.Presence, seeing & knowing myself.Peace, sacred, a hidden wealth.Power, confidence, a sweet day dream.Presence, a manifested moment, a vision complete.Peace, acceptance, freedom to roam.Power, my light, forever shone.The triangle of trust, a formidable connection.The path, the way to my resurrection.The episode is so good I'm not writing anything else in this caption, just need to listen, keep your journal handy and get ready for the sauce.Presence, Peace & Power be with you.Legends Find a Way 💫.
Brothers In Arms 🤝 | Leaders Into Legends Men's Group Announcement
Brothers In Arms 🤝 | Leaders Into Legends Men's Group Announcement
The purpose of todays podcast episode is to tell the story of the recent bachelor party I was on and the coming together that happened during. To tell the stories of countless retreats & to share the biggest project I have created yet. This is my invitation to ALL of you to get involved and to let yourselves be seen, be accepted, be loved and realize your own power. This is the Leaders Into Legends Men's Group🗡🪨✨...The inspiration…Where my brother goes I go, through and through.It’s in this space I understand you.I put my faith in you, my trust, my spirit, my heart 💖.It’s this level of vulnerability that sets us apart.It’s the courage within that forges the bond.It’s this energy of trust that goes on and on.Brother to brother, heart to heart. Being with you feels like the start. Of something beautiful, spontaneous, connected and real.Something that creates the space for me to heal. In my darkest hour I lean on you all.It’s because of your love I do not fall.In my lightest hour I rise a King.It’s you my friends who honor me.With your genius, your presence, your lessons, your gifts. Brother to Brother, heart to heart, king to king I submit.That in this world I may have finally found.A group of men that won’t stand down.Men who will stand by my side, through stormy seas.Men who will help me fulfill my dreams. Men who will support me, teach me, build and expand. Men who want nothing more than to lend a hand.It’s through you I grow and it’s through you I rise.A King of my kingdom, Eagle of the skies.We come together for a common cause.To live life fully, freely, flawed.It’s in this connection with myself and you.Hand in hand, heart in heart we build something new.It’s with you my brothers my power is awakened.                         Kings of love, Angels of a safe haven.One unit, one mission, one message.Brothers in arms, forever connected.“Brothers In Arms 🤝” - Inspired by the men who were present at the bachelor party of @benjamintorresdpt & all of the men I have had the pleasure of hosting at the Leaders Into Legends Men’s Retreat Experience 🗡🪨✨…Excited to being this new journey of the Leaders Into Legends Men's Group on August 1st, 2023. If that is something you want to be apart of message me @graham.lichtner on instagram and we can chat to see if you're a good fit.Much LoVE always,Legends Find a Way 💫
Castle Walls 🏰: Building Strong Boundaries
Castle Walls 🏰: Building Strong Boundaries
The purpose of todays podcast episode is to build your castle walls, your boundaries that shield you from the world. That protect you from others energy and desires. That provide you with a place to reflect, learn and grow. To nurture your inner wisdom & creativity, and to always have a place to call home. Building and ENFORCING boundaries is not something that is taught or thought highly of in our society. The line between manipulation and influence is razor sharp and for many they simply do not have the strength to speak, act and live in their own best interest. I feel todays episode is a step towards personal sovereignty & a way forward.Today, I want to start by reading the Poem that inspired the episode called “Castle Walls 🏰…Inside my Castle lies my soul 💫.My spirit, my life.My true home.The walls that surround me are thick and strong.The moat a river, the tower tall.I protect myself because no-one will.My power within me, a phoenix lying still 🔥.In a world such as ours, boundaries are needed.There is nothing more beautiful than life unimpeded.Keep danger out and if it comes too close…Call to arms, and use love as the arrows 🏹.A gentle touch.A graceful light.My boundaries are strong and will last the night.I will not venture out from my castle looking for war.I already have what I am looking for ✨.------------Some reflection questions to think about are...1. Who am I and WHAT do I stand for?! -->Build your castle walls (boundaries) around this thesis!!!2. What are my boundaries and do I enforce them?! Why / Why not?!3. What would I gain within myself by practicing enforcing my personal and professional boundaries?!In the episode I give a visual example of 4 walls and within them a circle. Your circle is your treasure, your thesis, WHO you are and WHAT you stand for. The 4 walls are boundaries that shield and protect you, but also challenge you to enforce WHO you are. Feel free to draw your own and rise the Phoneix that you are 🔥!!! If you felt this episode was helpful leave a review and share with someone who needs it!!!Thanks so much!!!- Graham ☺️Legends Find a Way 💫
Take a Bow 🩰: Embracing Your Greatness
Take a Bow 🩰: Embracing Your Greatness
The purpose of todays podcast episode is to learn to take a bow. For the little wins and the massive victories. For the epic defeats and moments of failure. For every moment you put yourself on the line to be judged. Take a bow for yourself.  Let yourself be vulnerable in the moment to FEEL your own innate power. Your uniqueness expressed for yourself and the world to enjoy. There is a deeper strength and courage when you can handle the spotlight, deliver the performance of a lifetime, take a bow and savor your flowers.Embracing your greatness starts here.This excerpt from my upcoming book was the inspiration for this episode!!! I shared it below and after it the questions that bring it all full circle. As always make sure to reflect and journal out your answers to the questions. It will offer you something you can integrate TODAY!!!✨Your greatness can only go as far as you are willing to personally receive it…It can only go as far as you believe it.It can only go as far as you let it.If you’re afraid of your greatness because you dont want to outshine others, you’re leaving so much joy on the table. You’re trading it for mediocrity and inevitable resentment.It’s up to you to CHOOSE to let go of the perceptions others have of you.The visions others have for your life.The leashes they want to put on you to keep you “close to them”.It’s out of fear not love.But what’s out of fear is NOT OF ME!!!If you dare love, LEAD.Lead them.Lead with love by letting them go and creating space for them to FOLLOW!!!In that space take a bow.Show the audience that indeed they just witnessed greatness and everyone is better for it.No shame.No guilt.No comparison.Just PRESENCE.Just PEACE.Just POWER.Your power and your genuine love and compassion for yourself and all that you represent!!!You are a gift to the world.But if you cannot enjoy your true essence & give it permission to shine, you will never feel like you DESERVE a bow.Practice right here and now…Visualize the crowd in your life.See them in awe.Feel their presence and inspiration.Soak it all in.Take a bow and light up the world.This is your moment.Seize it.Legends find a way 💫Reflection Questions:What do you feel is your greatness? Your unique ability, talent, power?!Where in your life are you NOT owning your greatness, uniqueness or power?!Why are you allowing yourself to not shine?!What would it feel like to SHINE as bright as you possibly can?! Visualize it!Where in your life do you need to let this SHINE in?! And why is that important to you?!!!What in this moment do you feel WORTHY of taking a bow for? Make a list of all of your accomplishments. All of your failures. Look at them. Think of the courage required to even attempt them. When you’re ready Stand up and take a bow for each of them! Wave to the crowd and let them know they just witnessed greatness.Where can you bring your greatness, your power into your life moving forward?! Write it out and bring it with you. This is your gift, your life. Bring all the sauce.If this was helpful make sure to share it with someone who could use it & let me know what you think about the show!!!
Letting Go Of Distractions 🗑
Letting Go Of Distractions 🗑
This episode was inspired by an IG post I made last week and this morning it felt right to convert it to a podcast episode!!! (Follow me on IG @graham.lichtner)!!!The purpose of this episode is give you some insight into me, some of the obstacles I struggled with & how I let go of them… It’s important to understand that you are in the driver seat, whether you’re in control of the car is another story.Working through these things all begins with letting GO.I let go of…Alcohol 🥃 , because it genuinely makes me feel like garbage & my energy goes down.Weed 🍁, because it eventually trapped me in my head and I felt stuck & hopeless.Porn 👤 because I knew I wanted true and unconditional love, not 10 seconds of pleasure.Chasing money 💰 , because I realized it’s my PRESENCE in peoples lives that brings wealth not my hustle.Status 👑, because I was no longer ok with other people telling me who I was or wasn’t.External Validation 💔, because I am all I truly need to feel at home.Timelines ⌛️, because my life is meant to be lived not measured.Being Seen 👀 —> Because the more i embrace the discomfort in BEing what I am the more it turns to joy and effortless expression of ME!!! Needing to bring people with me ⛓ —> Because not everyone is meant to be in EVERY season of my life… letting go of them allowed me to move at a different pace and explore new parts of myself!!! Needing to KNOW 🏗 —> Trusting the the next natural step & intuitive step are moving me closer to my dream :)I’m in control & whether you want to believe it so are you. You want a different life, make different choices. The question is, are you willing to take responsibility of your life?!Are these things I mentioned holding you in place or holding you back from WHO you are?! Which of these or others do you need to accept, own and let go of to bring more presence, peace and power into your life?! Are you using any of these to HIDE, SUPPRESS or AVOID deeper emotional issues that you have but are afraid to face?!Whatever comes up after this question, journal it!!! Whatever you’re hiding… whatever you’re suppressing… whatever you’re avoiding, write it out. Take a moment. Process your emotion :)The process of journaling is the process of letting go. Getting real with yourself and making a commitment to move on.Stay mindful and one by one they will fall away…What remains will be the core of who you are. And from there you rise higher than you could ever imagine!!!Legends Find a Way 💫
Money Is Not My Identity 👤
Money Is Not My Identity 👤
The purpose of todays podcast is to help you detach from identifying with how much money you earn or how much is in your bank account. To detach and unsubscribe from, "MONEY is the end all be all" and step into the vulnerable place of learning to find an internal self-worth separate from money. You are not MONEY, you are YOU and thats enough. Right here and right now.This episode was inspired by this post I made the other night, questions to reflect on are at the bottom! Much LoVE always and you already know...Use Your Gifts...Serve One World.Legends Find a Way 💫---“The amount of $$$ I make is NOT my identity.It’s not WHO I am.It doesn’t control me.It doesn’t bring me peace.It doesn’t tell the story of my life.It doesn’t make me better or worse.It doesn’t guarantee I’ll be happy with my life.It doesn’t need to be at the forefront of every thought in order for me to feel good or “on track”.It doesn’t need to bring me feelings of guilt or shame if I don’t have more.It doesn’t need to make me feel superior over others if I do have more.I get to choose.Swift and graceful is my ability to re-create and re-shape.Godly.That’s where my power lies.My identity, I choose.How about you?”The questions to reflect on are:Where did I first attach to money being WHO I AM and WHO I NEED TO BE in order to ________?!Where has the belief that I am money led me and do I like it where I’m at right now in my life?! (Really be honest on this one... It's so powerful.)What would it be like to find internal validation for BEING me and earning money in return for doing great inspired work?!How can I recreate my relationship with money and myself?!Who AM I really in this moment?! How can I find internal happiness and joy while recreating my relationship w/ money?!In words, speak your new relationship with money…Shifting your identity from the external world and "things" to the internal heart and self takes time. Be patient. Trust yourself. Look in the mirror and learn to love what you see.Pce Pce
Your Pain Is Real ❤️‍🩹
Your Pain Is Real ❤️‍🩹
Your Pain Is Real ❤️‍🩹30 Days of Feeling excerpt #1 Day 1: Your Pain is Real…Everything you’ve ever been through in your life has left emotional residue.Like a scrape on your arm that left a scar.You’re not a machine, you’re a human being.And humans have hearts.Hearts FEEL.And you likely have felt the full range of human emotions.From sadness & anger to happiness and joy.Right here I want you to begin by giving yourself permission to embrace that range of feelings.Embrace your pain, for without it you would not be who you are in this moment and without it you will not be able to experience joys life has to offer.Many people are emotionally constipated.They have experienced something SO painfully intense they no longer wish to feel at all.But thats not why you’re reading this.You’re reading this because YOU want to get re-connected with yourself, your heart and your magic ✨.Start here by embracing your pain.Let it be REAL.Let it be visual and let it be visceral.In the space below write it out. Whatever you’ve been holding onto. Whatever has been gripping you.Whatever has scarred you.Whatever is on your heart write it out. Expressing and letting go of this pain will allow for sunnier days to shower you with light, warmth and love.Open yourself up to feel.And embrace that your pain is real…-------Like I said in the episode this all came through this morning so bear with me as I make subtle changes here and there. The main thing I want you to takeaway from today is that spending a little time each day reflecting on HOW you feel will bring new awareness, insights and feelings into your life. If you can approach yourself with an open heart your connection with yourself, friends, family, your partner, your business, career etc will deepen and strengthen. That is the kind of growth that can last.Much LoVE always and if this episode was helpful for you drop a review or message me with feedback. Thank you so much!!!Legends Find A Way 💫