Letting Go Of Distractions 🗑

Leaders to Legends Podcast 🗡✨

05-06-2023 • 42 mins

This episode was inspired by an IG post I made last week and this morning it felt right to convert it to a podcast episode!!! (Follow me on IG @graham.lichtner)!!!

The purpose of this episode is give you some insight into me, some of the obstacles I struggled with & how I let go of them…

It’s important to understand that you are in the driver seat, whether you’re in control of the car is another story.

Working through these things all begins with letting GO.

I let go of…

  • Alcohol 🥃 , because it genuinely makes me feel like garbage & my energy goes down.
  • Weed 🍁, because it eventually trapped me in my head and I felt stuck & hopeless.
  • Porn 👤 because I knew I wanted true and unconditional love, not 10 seconds of pleasure.
  • Chasing money 💰 , because I realized it’s my PRESENCE in peoples lives that brings wealth not my hustle.
  • Status 👑, because I was no longer ok with other people telling me who I was or wasn’t.
  • External Validation 💔, because I am all I truly need to feel at home.
  • Timelines ⌛️, because my life is meant to be lived not measured.
  • Being Seen 👀 —> Because the more i embrace the discomfort in BEing what I am the more it turns to joy and effortless expression of ME!!!
  • Needing to bring people with me ⛓ —> Because not everyone is meant to be in EVERY season of my life… letting go of them allowed me to move at a different pace and explore new parts of myself!!!
  • Needing to KNOW 🏗 —> Trusting the the next natural step & intuitive step are moving me closer to my dream :)

I’m in control & whether you want to believe it so are you. You want a different life, make different choices.

The question is, are you willing to take responsibility of your life?!

Are these things I mentioned holding you in place or holding you back from WHO you are?!

Which of these or others do you need to accept, own and let go of to bring more presence, peace and power into your life?!

Are you using any of these to HIDE, SUPPRESS or AVOID deeper emotional issues that you have but are afraid to face?!

Whatever comes up after this question, journal it!!! Whatever you’re hiding… whatever you’re suppressing… whatever you’re avoiding, write it out. Take a moment. Process your emotion :)

The process of journaling is the process of letting go. Getting real with yourself and making a commitment to move on.

Stay mindful and one by one they will fall away…

What remains will be the core of who you are. And from there you rise higher than you could ever imagine!!!

Legends Find a Way 💫

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