Take a Bow 🩰: Embracing Your Greatness

Leaders to Legends Podcast 🗡✨

07-06-2023 • 29 mins

The purpose of todays podcast episode is to learn to take a bow. For the little wins and the massive victories. For the epic defeats and moments of failure. For every moment you put yourself on the line to be judged. Take a bow for yourself.  Let yourself be vulnerable in the moment to FEEL your own innate power. Your uniqueness expressed for yourself and the world to enjoy. There is a deeper strength and courage when you can handle the spotlight, deliver the performance of a lifetime, take a bow and savor your flowers.

Embracing your greatness starts here.

This excerpt from my upcoming book was the inspiration for this episode!!! I shared it below and after it the questions that bring it all full circle. As always make sure to reflect and journal out your answers to the questions. It will offer you something you can integrate TODAY!!!

✨Your greatness can only go as far as you are willing to personally receive it…

It can only go as far as you believe it.

It can only go as far as you let it.

If you’re afraid of your greatness because you dont want to outshine others, you’re leaving so much joy on the table. You’re trading it for mediocrity and inevitable resentment.

It’s up to you to CHOOSE to let go of the perceptions others have of you.

The visions others have for your life.

The leashes they want to put on you to keep you “close to them”.

It’s out of fear not love.

But what’s out of fear is NOT OF ME!!!

If you dare love, LEAD.

Lead them.

Lead with love by letting them go and creating space for them to FOLLOW!!!

In that space take a bow.

Show the audience that indeed they just witnessed greatness and everyone is better for it.

No shame.

No guilt.

No comparison.




Your power and your genuine love and compassion for yourself and all that you represent!!!

You are a gift to the world.

But if you cannot enjoy your true essence & give it permission to shine, you will never feel like you DESERVE a bow.

Practice right here and now…

Visualize the crowd in your life.

See them in awe.

Feel their presence and inspiration.

Soak it all in.

Take a bow and light up the world.

This is your moment.

Seize it.

Legends find a way 💫

Reflection Questions:

  1. What do you feel is your greatness? Your unique ability, talent, power?!
  2. Where in your life are you NOT owning your greatness, uniqueness or power?!
  3. Why are you allowing yourself to not shine?!
  4. What would it feel like to SHINE as bright as you possibly can?! Visualize it!
  5. Where in your life do you need to let this SHINE in?! And why is that important to you?!!!
  6. What in this moment do you feel WORTHY of taking a bow for? Make a list of all of your accomplishments. All of your failures. Look at them. Think of the courage required to even attempt them. When you’re ready Stand up and take a bow for each of them! Wave to the crowd and let them know they just witnessed greatness.
  7. Where can you bring your greatness, your power into your life moving forward?! Write it out and bring it with you. This is your gift, your life. Bring all the sauce.

If this was helpful make sure to share it with someone who could use it & let me know what you think about the show!!!

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