Guilt Needs a Host: Breaking Generational Trauma ❤️‍🩹

Leaders to Legends Podcast 🗡✨

21-08-2023 • 40 mins

The purpose of this podcast episode is to embrace the TRUTH that generational trauma has been handed down to YOU. Your parents, their parents and up the ancestral lineage have passed REAL life experiences down to you through behavioral patterns, energetic links and DEEP emotional dynamics and psychological beliefs. Now, in this moment, you are presented with a real choice. Be the HOST for this type of energy, or heal yourself by owning, accepting and processing it. Becoming aware of it and transforming it. Summon the courage to CONFRONT this energy within yourself, and begin the process of integrating who you are with who you want to be! This power of choice is what makes human beings unique. Clarity comes from walking the path.

The inspiration 💫...

Thousands of years.

Hundreds of lives.

Moving like a ghost, their nightmares are mine.

I didn’t ask for this, but neither did they.

Coming to consciousness, the price I pay.

Understanding this secret, the path to joy.

The fortunate truth, I do not enjoy.

I have been passed a set of genes.

My ancestors made the way for me.

But being here in this moment has a cost.

I still feel ALL of their loss.

All of their pain, all of their aches.

I am asleep, but also awake.

Guilt needs a host, shame needs the shade.

My vessel is primed, to carry the weight.

But what happens when the weight is lifted?

My heart beats true, my name in-scripted.

Out of the nightmare and into the dream.

A life of love, freedom and peace.

Today I choose to embrace their pain.

The trauma of my ancestors has reached end-game.

Each feeling passed down, each thought passed through.

I feel it now, what love can do.

In this moment my ancestors are here.

Remembering them, I treat them with care.

Facing the pain from long ago.

Generational trauma has met a formidable foe.

I am scared but not afraid.

My ancestors have shown me THE WAY 💫.

The Integration:

  1. What is something you feel has been passed down in your family from generation to generation & why?!
  2. How do you carry this thing? Is it something you are aware of, or are you just becoming aware of it in this moment?!
  3. Trace the pain back, see if you can plot it on a mental chart and see where it came from.
  4. What will it require of you to break the generational cycle and step into a space where you free yourself and future family / relationships from it?!
  5. How will it feel to do so?!
  6. What possibilities lie on the other side of this breakthrough?!

As always, you can find me @graham.lichtner on instagram. Feel free to ask me questions there :)!

Presence, Peace & Power be with you!!!

Legends Find a Way 💫

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