Weight and Your Liver Health- with Emily Sutton, PharmD

The Dr. Francavilla Show

14-08-2023 • 32 mins

In recent times, metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) has emerged as a pressing global health issue, rapidly surpassing hepatitis and alcohol-related problems as the leading cause of liver disease and transplants. Often undetected until advanced stages, MAFLD is intricately linked with metabolic syndrome, hampering the liver's capacity to regulate excess sugars and lipids effectively.

In this episode, we're joined by Emily Sutton, PharmD, CDECS, a clinical pharmacist specializing in the treatment of chronic diseases with a focus on diabetes and obesity. She has worked with patients from all backgrounds in Vermont to provide equitable care and access to appropriate medications.

She highlights that MAFLD is often found incidentally through imaging or blood tests. While drug trials progress, lifestyle changes remain key. Medications for diabetes management, such as GLP-1 receptor agonists, show promise in reducing inflammation.

Early diagnosis is key to preventing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Understanding inflammation, risks, and liver enzymes empowers proactive health. Connect with Emily Sutton's clinical practice for insights. To learn more, dive into this episode.

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