Embracing Diversity: new tools to support inclusion in long-term care

Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-Term Care

25-10-2022 • 18 mins

A new diversity toolkit is providing resources for long-term care organizations to help raise awareness of issues of equity, diversity and inclusion. The Embracing Diversity: A Toolkit for Supporting Inclusion in Long-Term Care Homes is an interactive resource with print and online components that gives long-term care homes practical steps to nurture diverse and welcoming communities.

We spoke with Michelle Fleming and Ashley Flanagan about the toolkit and the importance of understanding issues of equity, diversity and inclusion in long-term care.

Michelle Fleming is a senior knowledge broker at the Ontario Centres for Learning Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care.  Dr. Ashley Flanagan is a research fellow in Diversity in Aging at the National Institute on Aging.

For more information about the toolkit, contact Michelle at: MFleming@bruyere.org

Learn more about the Strengthening a Palliative Approach to Long-Term Care project at: https://spaltc.ca/

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