The Potential for AI to Improve the Doctor-Patient Relationship - Morgan Cheatham, VP at Bessemer Venture Partners

Raise the Line

31-10-2023 • 32 mins

Today’s Raise the Line guest has created two new degree programs at Brown University, is a vice president and board director at one of the oldest venture capital firms in the nation, and was CEO at a groundbreaking digital healthcare company. Oh, and he’s still in his twenties.  As an investor, Morgan Cheatham -- who is also a third-year medical student at Brown University -- is applying his impressive experience, intellect and energy to the use of computation in improving patient care, and he’s encouraged by what he sees. A prime example is Abridge, a company that uses an AI audio system to capture and summarize the information patients share during appointments, allowing the doctor to focus on the patient, not on typing notes.  “A guiding light in my career has been how we take this sacred one-to-one relationship and scale it one to many, and Abridge is the company that does just that,” Cheatham tells host Shiv Gaglani, who also happens to be a successful healthcare entrepreneur and third-year medical student.  And while Cheatham is excited by the potential application of AI in healthcare, he notes that the medical community needs to move quicky to establish quality standards for its use. “How do we build the right validation benchmarks and evaluation criteria to know whether or not it is performing well?” Don’t miss this fun and fascinating conversation that also covers the necessity of embracing ambiguity, remaining curious and seeking diverse perspectives to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare and technology.

Mentioned in this episode: Bessemer Venture Partners