It Happens to Men Too -- An Honest Discussion about Men and Eating Disorders: Interview with Ross Sonnenblick | Episode 120

Hope Illuminated Podcast

07-11-2023 • 42 mins

In a world where societal pressures and media influence often focus on women's body image, it's crucial to shed light on a less-discussed but equally pressing issue: men, body image, and eating disorders. Research on men's culture and body image reveals a complex interplay of factors influencing how men perceive and engage with their bodies. Societal expectations, media representations, and peer influences play significant roles in shaping men's body image ideals.
For instance, many men experience muscular dysmorphia, a condition where individuals obsessively pursue extreme muscle growth, often to the detriment of their mental and physical health. This topic was the focus of my doctoral research where I found that steroid-using, body-building men often had similar psychological challenges as women living with anorexia.
Understanding this evolving landscape is crucial in addressing men's body image issues and promoting a healthier, more inclusive perspective on masculinity and self-worth. By understanding these challenges, men’s health advocates hope to foster greater awareness, empathy, and support for men facing these issues.
In this episode, I interview Ross Sonnenblick about his doctoral research, his desire to help others, and his lived experience with body image challenges.For more information on this episode go to

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