It’s one thing to embrace our wisdom and experience when we hit our 40s and 50s… it’s a whole other thing to embrace our ageing skin! EEKKKK!!!
Fortunately we have a special guest on The Hormone Hub, Susie Garden Naturopath and Nutritionist from The Glow Protocol, on the show to talk us through the changes that happen to our skin and how we can help our skin as we get older.
We chat about why there are so many changes to our skin as we hit perimenopause.
We look at the role gut health plays on our skin and how we can have even better skin as we go through menopause.
Without botox or having a facelift!
Susie has also developed an innovative TGA Listed supplement, Energy Glow NR which supports energy production, stress response, collagen formation, immune health and skin regeneration (plus so much more!).
She has given us a generous $30 off her Energy Glow NR Supplements and enter KYLIE at checkout.