Protein Why we need it and how to eat more protein.

The Dr. Francavilla Show

28-08-2023 • 25 mins

We're delving into the essential macronutrients – carbohydrates, fats, and proteins – each with its own unique composition derived from distinct building blocks that offer specific benefits to our bodies. In this episode, we're narrowing down our focus to the crucial role of protein and how it impacts weight management.

Protein serves a greater purpose than mere nourishment; it actively functions within the body. Increasing your protein intake becomes essential when aiming to manage your weight. Its high thermic effect contributes to increased calorie burning during digestion. Diets rich in protein sustain a feeling of fullness, promoting satiety and curbing overeating. Moreover, it safeguards lean muscle mass during weight loss, thereby supporting a healthy metabolism.

We invite you to join us in this episode for an in-depth exploration of protein: its diverse sources, strategies to incorporate it without unnecessary additional calories, and a discovery of protein-rich foods that seamlessly integrate into your dietary regimen.