The Human Cannabinoidal System for Perfect Healing

The Healing Bounty of Nature

20-10-2022 • 39 mins

We are all blessed at birth with an internal human Bio chemical Endocannibinoid system. Yet most of us don't even know of its existence or its al-chemical healing properties. This video explains in detail with imagery the important work that I as an enthusiastic individual grower and genetic breeder of Cannabis strains how this system works in all of us. The natural Cannabis created in all of us has the ability to reprogram the neurons that fire impulse triggers in the brain. The neurons in the brain are programmed in such a way to send impulse triggers to different parts of the body to react and respond in a certain manner to what we are feeling emotionally and physically.  But it doesn't have the full picture. Its like our brains are devoid of a certain chemical compound (the neutral judge) sitting between the two separate hemispheres best represented as a geomagnetic push and pull energy force which de compartmentalizes our brains structure to allow the CBDa molecular matrix and the THCa molecular matrix to fuse together naturally to double the impact of its healing properties and impact. Neither one separate matrix or the other can create the torroidal field (unified field) in which this fusion can operate. This is known widely in quantum physic circles as the Vector Equilibrium. The video goes to great lengths to explain this in a manner that clearly demonstrates this push me pull you geomagnetic dance of electrically charged particles (molecules) making up the healing matrix.

Once this process naturally morphs into our unified field we can de compartmentalize our brains structure where we no longer have a left brain (analytical) hemisphere or a right brain (creative) hemisphere separated by the Hippocampus (projection sphere) as the entire neural network becomes one organic neutral entity. So our emotions are no longer influenced one way or another as each thought is processed through the newly formed molecular matrix in the Endocannibinoid system. Now the brains neurons will fire their impulse triggers to the body evenly and without distortion in their natural field of energy. This is a game changer when it comes to understanding the process of quantum healing of the body's ailments.

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