The Healing Bounty of Nature

Mike Puskas

With all the craziness and unrest in the world and with Anxiety and Depression at an all time high I can't think of a more holistic and organic healing regime than creating viable CBD Oil for better health and vitality. The difference here is the main ingredient to success with your GROW is unconditional LOVE. read less
How ToHow To


The Human Cannabinoidal System for Perfect Healing
The Human Cannabinoidal System for Perfect Healing
We are all blessed at birth with an internal human Bio chemical Endocannibinoid system. Yet most of us don't even know of its existence or its al-chemical healing properties. This video explains in detail with imagery the important work that I as an enthusiastic individual grower and genetic breeder of Cannabis strains how this system works in all of us. The natural Cannabis created in all of us has the ability to reprogram the neurons that fire impulse triggers in the brain. The neurons in the brain are programmed in such a way to send impulse triggers to different parts of the body to react and respond in a certain manner to what we are feeling emotionally and physically.  But it doesn't have the full picture. Its like our brains are devoid of a certain chemical compound (the neutral judge) sitting between the two separate hemispheres best represented as a geomagnetic push and pull energy force which de compartmentalizes our brains structure to allow the CBDa molecular matrix and the THCa molecular matrix to fuse together naturally to double the impact of its healing properties and impact. Neither one separate matrix or the other can create the torroidal field (unified field) in which this fusion can operate. This is known widely in quantum physic circles as the Vector Equilibrium. The video goes to great lengths to explain this in a manner that clearly demonstrates this push me pull you geomagnetic dance of electrically charged particles (molecules) making up the healing matrix. Once this process naturally morphs into our unified field we can de compartmentalize our brains structure where we no longer have a left brain (analytical) hemisphere or a right brain (creative) hemisphere separated by the Hippocampus (projection sphere) as the entire neural network becomes one organic neutral entity. So our emotions are no longer influenced one way or another as each thought is processed through the newly formed molecular matrix in the Endocannibinoid system. Now the brains neurons will fire their impulse triggers to the body evenly and without distortion in their natural field of energy. This is a game changer when it comes to understanding the process of quantum healing of the body's ailments.
Turbo Charged High Frequency Soil (April 2022)
Turbo Charged High Frequency Soil (April 2022)
Welcome to Series 2 of this grow series and just as the title states we are entering into a turbo charged high density conscious frequency that's re calibrating the soil with more pro photon and plasma energy which fuels the development of living Microbes that break the organic matter down and feeds your plants. Think of it as a Mycellium network for the future. The sun's potency really amps up the CBD and THCa cannabinoid production creating more extended grows with bigger and healthier yields. In short the increased activity on the sun with the Mclass CME's and coronal shifts is sending more of this energy to Gaia which then nourishes and boosts the soil with more nutrients creating healthier environments for your grow.  After some OS and Forum based discussion I have decided to keep a grow journal and each day starting at Day15 of this indoor winder grow will be documented by separate audio recordings that at the end will be turned into written transcripts that will then be posted in the Journal forum on  So I'll be uploading these to the channel in weekly increments. I have also shot some new outdoor and indoor grow video showing off the 3rd generation strain of these Indica beauty's that have yielded some incredible oils which I have now turned into quality edibles in the form of Tinctures, Gummies and Gellcaps under the newly created "9 Blade Smooth Chocolate" brand. I'll post those links below for easy access. Finally we will look at new means of co creation and how to pump sentient solar frequency's into your grow space along with your love frequency to really amp up the flowering process to create some solid dense buds with beautiful amber trichomes. I'll be hinting towards a number of potential new players joining the channel to bring the cannabis science up to date and the latest technology around focused diode LED lights and their diffusion process. Videos Spotify Channel: Telegram Group: P & C 2022 7th Sense Productions all rights reserved worldwide in perpetuity
Expansion is the Natural Key (Season 2 - A New Frontier)
Expansion is the Natural Key (Season 2 - A New Frontier)
Welcome to Season 2 of Mikes CBD grow 111 and the new frontier of what growing high grade Cannabis with love can really produce. Introducing what has been commonly known as, Chocolate Super-highway and the many attractive hybrid qualities now apparent in the strains gene pool and genetic blueprint. There is so much to share with all of you since the new expansion protocol was put into place a few short months ago. Suffice to say there are new people, a new partner and a whole new vision leaning toward a sentient co creation on the beautiful island of Hawaii to create a time sensitive high quality terpene based Hemp Paste for therapeutic and healing intentions. I will go into greater detail about this enterprise fueled by spirit as this first episode naturally presents the origin story of this unique strain of Cannabis that is now about to enter its third generation of propagation. In this season we get deeply immersed into the Quantum universe by growing with magnets and mirrors as well as magnetized and ionized water4 treatments to preserve quality and increase yield in the Grow. Here is an article with an actual case study of how another grower was able to successfully undertake this exercise and produce some amazing results. There will be a series of videos once again presented on D.Tube and for those new to the Podcast here is a link to the 7th Sense on the platform.!/c/7thsense999 So sit back, relax, skin up and enjoy the ride as its going to be a quantum leap into the art of growing CBD / Cannabis with a twist and permissive based consciousness and expression as its guide post. Is this love, is this love, is this love, is this love...that I'm feeling?
Cannabis - The Elixir of Love (Why things go terribly wrong)
Cannabis - The Elixir of Love (Why things go terribly wrong)
Welcome to the final episode of this first series which is quite emotional on a number of fronts. I go into greater detail about the end of the GROW and what has become of many of the plants and where they have ended up. I offer some insights consciously as to certain means and methods of output of the final product. For those in the know I talk in detail about Plant lockout and salt and sodium toxicity and how it can literally take a healthy high vitality GROW and turn it into a disastrous experience overnight.  I discuss the power of the flip and how you can change a plants grow cycle from deep flowering (Bud production) back to Vegetative stage and what that means in both the short and the long term to the final result. Above all the emotional out pour the number one thing to know and stick to like glue is your intention and what aligns it to your greater hope for the GROW. As humans we all slip up and we all make mistakes and nature can be a very tough task master that will remind you just how small and inconsequential we are. So always remember to stay in your lane, stick to your guns and maintain a consistent, conscious and positive attitude to the GROW and you can't go wrong. Thanks to everyone who has tuned in and or shared this Podcast with others and I hope that it has lifted your heart just that little bit more to help you understand that we all live in a co creative universe and that we are all here to support one another in this journey on the planet today and tomorrow. Blessings, love and light....Mike (Series 1 Composite Video of the GROW)
Harmony and Nature are your best friends for healthy propagation.
Harmony and Nature are your best friends for healthy propagation.
In this episode I go into greater detail about LED lights and their output for the three main stages of your GROW. We look at seedling, vegetative and flowering stages and how the correct diffusion of your light source at the right height over your plants will ensure a healthy and consistent grow cycle. This episode will also correlate with the second video detailing the 14th day of the flowering cycle that I posted on D.Tube which is a Blockchain protected video platform and the link to that video will be listed below. I speak about pollination with reference to both male and female seed parents and how that will also influence the ease, grace and flow of your GROW. I also speak about the introduction of C02 as the conscious breath of the plant and how the more you can help the plants produce Co2, the more vigorous your vegetative stage and flowering stage of your GROW will be. I touch upon natural weather cycles that define when to plant and what the triggering cycle of the seasons in both hemispheres of the world manifests in the shift between the vegetative cycle into the flowering (budding) cycle. I talk about the size of plants in your GROW room and how you can regulate both humidity and temperature in a more easy and readily controllable manner to develop consistent growing techniques that you can then create a standardised template to use for future GROWs.!/v/7thsense999/QmZ1sAq1pNb7p9pUNBkdYwBtmyGqdaUDGfxTvjjj8Uqr8A
The Beauty and Bounty of Nature (Mikes 1.1.1. Grow)
The Beauty and Bounty of Nature (Mikes 1.1.1. Grow)
With all the craziness and unrest in the world and with Anxiety and Depression at an all time high it's never been more important to develop  a holistic and self supporting healing regime to help support better  mental health and human vitality. I can't think of a better means by  which to do this then through the natural healing capacity of organic CBD Oil. So this simple grass roots approach to growing Cannabis at home whether it be indoor or outdoor is a perfect way to achieve your goal for better health. The unique distinction here with this Podcast is that  I am coming from a Conscious growing perspective. That's right the more conscious of our intention to produce the healing modality that supports our every day lives will ensure stress free, healthier, higher quality and higher yield grows because your grounding your GROW with love. The more you love your plants and the process of nurturing them every day the more they will respond to you and the better they will grow and the less fuss you will need to experience to get the desired result. In this weekly Podcast I will cover all of the elements required to produce a successful GROW, Harvest, Curing, Oil Extraction and dealing with an established CBD Health Bank like the Nimbin Hemp Embassy. Subjects Covered 1. Growing Indica and Sativa strains with unconditional love 2. Sharing your heart with your plants 3. Water (reverse osmosis / prill water) and Nutrients (organic and chemical) 4. Soil mediums and Composting 5. LED Light sources - Par charts and Growing cycles 6. Introducing C02 to your GROW space 7. LST Training (Light stem training) 8. Worm juice  Vs Compost Tea 9. Pests, Insects and Organic Problems 10. Defoliating and Light Diffusion 11. Viable Seeds, Seedlings, Vegetative Stage and Flowering (Buds) 12. Viable Cloning - Bubble filters and Rockwool 13. Spray misting and Foliage feeding 14. Exploding the Nutrient Myth (vegetative and flowering stages) 15. Pollinating and Mother Plant seeding (selecting viable flowering arms) 16. Harvest, Curing and Oil Extraction 17. Preserving and Storing Pollen for future GROWS. I'll be featuring some of my bands (Ninety Two Degrees) music at the  end of the Podcast and the soundtrack will be Reggae and Dub to keep  with the flavor of connecting with the beauty and bounty of Nature. Iry  Iry the power of healing is in your hands.... Check out the video of the first stage of the Bud cycle of the GROW corresponding to the content of this Podcast.!/v/7thsense999/QmUujNqhyqZcffLvD3XyeEL98PpkpLHkmzzvxNt1ExUvJD Namaste