Nam - Awareness

Armory of Khalsa Parchar

11-12-2023 • 1 hr 33 mins

There are many interpretations however when we take a look at the different techniques humans have used in order to obtain self-realization they shine light on that which we didn't see before. Sometimes one must experience the darkness of ignorance in order to appreciate the light of oneness. In this unorthodox and nuance way of observing meanings of words that most dare not go because of fear we shall plunge deep into the depths with sword and shield, consciousness and awareness from a Gurmat non-dualistic perspective for the sake of just understanding from both experience and study.


Must of Gurbani expands on different Sanatan Dharam (Hinduism),sufi and metaphysical concepts but from the Advait (Non-Dual) perspective so as a warning please realize that we are all learning and attempting to understand Gurbani from our practical experiences of life and the plethora of information that is available. Please excuse any ignorance and aid in the guidance to the oneness of the Guru by contacting us and sharing your thoughts all criticism is welcomed good or bad our love for the Sangat is unconditional.




Advaita Vedanta