Next Level Soul Podcast with Alex Ferrari

Alex Ferrari

The Next Level Soul® Podcast is a podcast that helps you navigate life's journey and connect with the power within you to make changes in your life. Host Alex Ferrari asks the big questions about living and thriving in the world today by having candid and inspiring conversations with some of the world's best teachers and thought leaders from every walk of life.

The show discusses all the mysteries of life's journey and reality. Topics like: Spirituality, Near Death Experiences, Channelers, Quantum Physics, Creativity, Ancient Civilizations, Lost History, Spiritual Masters, End of Life, Mindset, and Healing & Wellness. We are here to help you shift your level of consciousness and help you on your life's journey.

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FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: Harvard Doctor DIES; Has PROFOUND SHARED Crossing & Shown EVIDENCE of HEAVEN (SDE) with William J. Peters
FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: Harvard Doctor DIES; Has PROFOUND SHARED Crossing & Shown EVIDENCE of HEAVEN (SDE) with William J. Peters
William Peters, M.Ed, MFT, is the founder of the Shared Crossing Project whose mission is to positively transform relationships to death and dying through education and raising awareness about shared crossings and their healing benefits. As the director of the Shared Crossing Research Initiative (SCRI), William and his team collect and study extraordinary end-of-life experiences (shared crossings).William is a global leader in shared death studies and end-of-life phenomenon. He has developed methods to facilitate the shared death experience and to assist experiencers in meaningfully integrating their experiences. William is a psychotherapist at the Family Therapy Institute of Santa Barbara where he specializes in end-of-life counseling as a means toward psycho-spiritual evolution.He served as a hospice worker with Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco. His work is informed by his two NDEs and a variety of shared crossings. William has presented at the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine’s Annual Conference. William’s work has appeared in the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and in Omega – Journal of Death Studies.William’s book entitled At Heaven’s Door: What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach About Dying Well and Living Better, published by Simon & Schuster.Become a supporter of this podcast:
In the mystical dance of the cosmos, where ancient civilizations leave their enigmatic footprints, today's episode brings back Matt Lacroix. With his profound insights and relentless curiosity, Matt shares a journey that transcends time and space, weaving through the lost chapters of human history.From the moment Matt Lacroix steps into the studio, there's an air of excitement and anticipation. His passion for uncovering the hidden truths of ancient civilizations is palpable. "Your show was pivotal in my life," he reveals, setting the tone for a conversation that promises to unravel mysteries and ignite the imagination.Matt's recent expedition to Turkey has unearthed astonishing discoveries. Among these is a site known as Ionos Legacy, which he describes as potentially one of the most holy temples on Earth. "Once the world understands what that temple is and how old it is, it will be one of the most significant pilgrimage sites," he asserts. The implications of such a discovery are profound, challenging our understanding of history and spirituality.In the heart of Eastern Turkey, Matt explored symbols and stonework that echo those found in Peru, Bolivia, Saudi Arabia, and Cambodia. These connections suggest a global network of ancient cultures that shared knowledge and possibly even spiritual practices. One of the most striking finds is the depiction of the first chalice and the first cross, intricately carved and eerily similar to symbols used by the Knights Templar and in the Vatican.The conversation delves deeper into the significance of these symbols and their potential origins. Matt's research suggests that these ancient sites, with their sophisticated stonework and enigmatic symbols, were centers of spiritual enlightenment. He draws parallels between these symbols and those found in other ancient cultures, proposing that they might share a common source. "Are we finding this legacy that passed around the world?" he ponders, inviting listeners to consider a more interconnected ancient world.Matt's journey also led him to Shad Hous Tebe, where he discovered what he calls "ascension basalt pillars." These massive structures, still partially buried, hint at a level of architectural and spiritual sophistication that defies conventional explanations. The sheer size and precision of these pillars raise questions about the technological capabilities of the cultures that built them and the spiritual significance they might hold.As Matt recounts his explorations, he emphasizes the importance of reassessing our historical narratives. The sites he visited, like many others around the world, have been misidentified and misunderstood for decades. He argues that this is due in part to a failure to recognize the true origins and significance of these ancient structures. "Why would a culture switch from highly advanced stonework to primitive mud brick?" he asks, challenging the traditional archaeological interpretations.In the final moments of the conversation, Matt reflects on the broader implications of his discoveries. He suggests that these ancient sites hold not just historical but also spiritual significance, offering insights into the origins of religion, divinity, and human consciousness. By understanding these connections, we can gain a deeper appreciation of our shared heritage and the spiritual wisdom of our ancestors.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSInterconnected Ancient Wisdom: Matt's discoveries highlight a possible global network of ancient cultures that shared spiritual and architectural knowledge, suggesting a more interconnected ancient world than previously thought.Reevaluating Historical Narratives: The misidentification of ancient sites calls for a reassessment of historical narratives, urging us to recognize the advanced capabilities and spiritual significance of these ancient cultures.Origins of Spiritual Symbols: The depiction of early religious symbols, such as the chalice and the cross, in ancient sites suggests that these symbols have a much older and more universal origin than traditionally believed.In the vast tapestry of human history, where each thread weaves a story of discovery and enlightenment, Matt Lacroix's journey offers a glimpse into a past that continues to shape our present. By exploring these ancient mysteries, we not only uncover the roots of our civilization but also connect with the timeless wisdom of our ancestors.Please enjoy my conversation with Matt Lacroix.Become a supporter of this podcast:
3d ago
In the hushed whispers of the cosmic winds, we find ourselves immersed in today's profound dialogue with Richard Martini. A filmmaker turned afterlife researcher, Richard brings to the table not just stories but encounters with the beyond that challenge our very understanding of existence. His journey is a testament to the seamless blend of artistry and spirituality, a voyage from the tangible frames of film to the ethereal frames of our souls.Richard Martini’s odyssey into the afterlife began with a personal loss that transformed his path. The passing of his dear friend Luana Anders marked the beginning of his exploration into the unseen realms. Luana, an actress of over 300 TV shows and movies, began appearing in Richard's dreams and later, more vividly, in his waking life. This wasn't a figment of imagination but a profound connection that spurred him to dive deeper into understanding the afterlife. As Richard recounts, "When they started seeing her, I thought, well, that can't be me making that up because they're reporting the same things I'm seeing."In our conversation, Richard unveils his unique method of using hypnotherapy to explore past lives and the afterlife. He mentions working with Dr. Michael Newton, a pioneer in the field, and how these sessions revealed astonishing details about the continuity of the soul. Richard’s work, documented in films and books like "Flipside" and "Hacking the Afterlife," provides a window into these otherworldly experiences. He emphasizes, "We are all just actors on a stage, and the real learning happens when we step off the stage and reflect on our performance."Richard shares an intriguing story about using a medium to communicate with Amelia Earhart. He describes how the medium, Jennifer Schaefer, accurately recounted details only known to Richard, proving the veracity of these spiritual encounters. Richard states, "Amelia told us that when they dug her up, they only found an arm," a fact corroborated later by historical research. Such experiences underline the depth of Richard's work and its potential to bridge the gap between the living and the departed.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSThe Continuity of the Soul: Richard’s experiences and research suggest that our soul's journey doesn't end with death. Instead, we continue to learn, grow, and interact with the world from the other side. This continuity offers a comforting perspective on life and death.The Importance of Forgiveness and Healing: Through past life regressions and afterlife communications, Richard highlights the significance of resolving past traumas and embracing forgiveness. Understanding that we plan our lives, including the challenges, can help us navigate our current experiences with more compassion and wisdom.The Role of Spiritual Guides: Richard emphasizes the presence and assistance of spiritual guides throughout our lives. These guides, who have walked similar paths before, offer support and wisdom, helping us make sense of our earthly experiences and guiding us towards our spiritual goals.In a particularly poignant part of our discussion, Richard shares a quote from one of his sessions: "Life continues. And it's not about vanity or success. It's about focusing your work on what will change the planet and heal people." This insight resonates deeply, reminding us that our actions and intentions here and now can have far-reaching impacts beyond our immediate understanding.Richard’s stories are not just tales of the afterlife; they are a call to live more fully, to embrace our spiritual journey with curiosity and openness. As we navigate our paths, his experiences encourage us to seek connections with our guides, heal from our past, and look beyond the veil with wonder.Please enjoy my conversation with Richard Martini.Become a supporter of this podcast:
BONUS MONDAYS: Doctor UNCOVERS Secret to HEALING Trauma WITHOUT DRUGS! with Dr. Gregory Scott Brown
4d ago
BONUS MONDAYS: Doctor UNCOVERS Secret to HEALING Trauma WITHOUT DRUGS! with Dr. Gregory Scott Brown
In the endless pursuit of balance in our lives, we often overlook the power within us to heal. Today, we welcome Dr. Gregory Scott Brown, a psychiatrist and author who champions the self-healing mind. Dr. Brown's journey into mental health and his book, "The Self-Healing Mind," stem from his personal struggle with depression in his early twenties. This pivotal experience led him to discover the transformative power of self-care, yoga, and spirituality, which eventually inspired his professional path.Dr. Brown's narrative is a testament to the power of self-awareness and proactive self-care. He candidly shares his initial struggles with depression and the serendipitous discovery of self-care practices that helped him heal. Now, as a psychiatrist, he emphasizes the importance of integrating evidence-based self-care with conventional treatments like medication and therapy. He passionately believes in the potential of self-care to complement professional treatments and help individuals achieve better mental health outcomes.Dr. Gregory Scott Brown discusses the stigma surrounding mental health, particularly among men. He highlights the cultural expectations that discourage vulnerability, making it difficult for men to seek help. This stigma is even more pronounced in communities of color, where mental health discussions are often taboo. Dr. Brown's openness about his own experiences aims to break these barriers and encourage more men to seek the help they need.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSIntegrating Self-Care into Daily Life: Dr. Brown outlines five pillars of self-care: sleep, spirituality, nutrition, breathwork, and movement. These practices are accessible and can significantly enhance mental health when integrated into daily routines.Embracing Vulnerability and Seeking Help: Dr. Brown underscores the importance of men embracing vulnerability and seeking help for mental health issues. Reducing stigma and fostering open discussions can lead to better mental health outcomes for everyone.Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness: Mindfulness, as Dr. Brown explains, involves conscious awareness and being present in the moment. This practice can quiet the mind, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.Dr. Brown elaborates on the physiological benefits of self-care practices. For instance, meditation activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which lowers blood pressure and reduces anxiety by flooding the brain with inhibitory neurotransmitters like GABA. Similarly, exercise increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which promotes optimal brain function and mental health.He also emphasizes the role of nutrition in mental health, citing the SMILES trial, which showed that a Mediterranean diet can reduce depression by lowering inflammation. Dr. Brown advocates for a balanced approach to nutrition, encouraging small, sustainable changes rather than drastic overhauls.Dr. Brown's discussion on spirituality highlights its broad scope beyond religious practices. Spirituality can involve connecting with oneself through meditation, connecting with others through altruism, or connecting with a higher power through prayer. These practices can quiet the default mode network in the brain, reducing perceptions of physical and emotional pain.In addressing burnout, Dr. Brown emphasizes the importance of recognizing the signs and integrating self-care practices to prevent it from escalating into more severe mental health issues. He advises paying attention to functional impairments in daily life and seeking professional help when necessary.As we navigate the complexities of mental health, Dr. Brown's insights remind us of the power within ourselves to foster healing and balance. By embracing self-care, vulnerability, and mindfulness, we can unlock our potential for profound mental and emotional well-being.Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Gregory Scott Brown.Become a supporter of this podcast:
6d ago
In today's episode, we are graced by the profound insights of Lee Harris, an esteemed energy intuitive and channeler, who shares his wisdom on the ever-evolving landscape of human consciousness. As we navigate through this enriching dialogue, we find ourselves immersed in the interplay between art, spirituality, and the profound shifts in the collective psyche.Lee's journey into spirituality began with a love for theater and storytelling, which he describes as a "shamanic nature of theater and embodying stories." Before he delved into the spiritual realm, his passions were deeply rooted in music, film, and theater, where he discovered the power of art to open hearts and evoke deep emotions. "It moves into your body, it moves into your psyche, and it opens something in you," he reflects, illustrating the transformative power of artistic expression.As we explore the current state of the entertainment industry, Lee offers a spiritual perspective on the shifts happening in Hollywood and the music world. He observes a growing divide between soulless, corporate productions and authentic, soulful creations. "I still love the art and the shamanic spiritual core element that music and movies can bring," he shares, emphasizing the importance of genuine connection and emotional resonance in artistic endeavors.The conversation shifts to the broader societal changes, particularly the increasing speed at which everything seems to be evolving. Lee speaks of an energy vortex that is affecting everyone, causing rapid breakdowns, healings, and transformations. "The speed at which things are breaking down, healing, changing, elevating, going sideways is quite intense for people," he notes, highlighting the unprecedented pace of change we are all experiencing.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSEmbrace the Speed of Change: As Lee mentions, the rapid pace of transformation can be overwhelming, but it also offers opportunities for profound personal growth and evolution.Seek Authenticity in Art: Whether in music, film, or personal expression, authenticity and emotional truth resonate deeply and can be a powerful force for connection and healing.Understand the Role of Energy: Recognizing the energetic dynamics at play in our lives and the world around us can help us navigate challenges and align with higher frequencies of consciousness.Lee's insights extend to the political and technological revolutions unfolding around us. He foresees a decade of revolution, marked by a growing awareness of the corruption and dysfunction within existing systems. "People are slowly waking up to the fact that there is a great divide between people and government," he observes, predicting a transformative shift as more individuals seek alternative ways of organizing and governing society.A particularly poignant moment in our conversation arises when Lee discusses the importance of focusing on personal empowerment and vibrational alignment. He encourages listeners to detach from the fear propagated by mainstream narratives and instead cultivate a sense of inner peace and strength. "Imagine if you knew you were going to be dead in seven days time," he challenges, urging us to live fully and authentically, free from the grip of fear.As we delve into the nature of spiritual awakening, Lee highlights the significance of community and mutual support. He speaks of the energetic garden we are collectively creating, emphasizing the power of collective consciousness to raise the vibration of the planet. "You are creating a garden on Earth, an energetic garden, that many are tuning in on using technology," he explains, drawing a beautiful metaphor for the interconnectedness of our spiritual journeys.In the final moments of our dialogue, Lee reflects on the evolving role of organized religion and the rise of individual spiritual paths. He acknowledges the historical role of religion in providing structure and moral guidance but points out the need for evolution beyond rigid dogmas. "Religion in its purest form, is a faith-focused practice," he states, advocating for a more open and inclusive approach to spirituality.Lee Harris leaves us with a powerful vision of the future—a world where authentic expression, conscious evolution, and collective empowerment pave the way for a more harmonious and enlightened society. His words serve as a reminder that we are all active participants in this grand journey of awakening, each contributing our unique light to the collective tapestry.Please enjoy my conversation with Lee Harris.Become a supporter of this podcast:
FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: The Story of This Generation's Mother Theresa with the Inspirational Maggie Doyne
1w ago
FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: The Story of This Generation's Mother Theresa with the Inspirational Maggie Doyne
In a world teeming with noise and distraction, sometimes it takes a quiet heart to make the loudest impact. On today’s episode, we welcome Maggie Doyne, a soul who turned the simplicity of babysitting money into a beacon of hope in Nepal. Her journey from suburban New Jersey to the remote villages of Nepal is nothing short of miraculous, a modern tale of compassion that evokes the spirit of Mother Teresa.Maggie’s path was not one mapped out by ambition but by a profound inner calling. As a typical teenager from New Jersey, Maggie questioned the meaning of success and chose to take a gap year to explore the world beyond her suburban bubble. It was in the heart of northeastern India that she encountered the raw realities of life, where refugees and migrants fleeing the Nepalese civil war laid bare the harsh truths of poverty and displacement. It was here, amidst the rubble and chaos, that Maggie met a young girl named Hema, who was breaking rocks for survival. This encounter was the spark that ignited Maggie’s mission.Maggie’s response to Hema’s plight was not a grand plan but a simple, heartfelt act. She enrolled Hema in a local school, recognizing that education was the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. From this small beginning, Maggie’s vision grew. She partnered with her co-founder, Top, and with her babysitting savings, they purchased land in Nepal. They built a home, not just any home, but a vibrant, loving sanctuary for children who had lost everything. This home became the foundation of the BlinkNow Foundation, a testament to the power of love and community.Maggie Doyne faced countless challenges on her journey. Navigating cultural barriers, dealing with the harsh realities of child labor, and confronting deep-seated societal norms required resilience and an unwavering spirit. In Nepal, traditions such as Chhaupadi, where menstruating women are banished to cow sheds, posed significant risks to women and girls. Maggie worked tirelessly to address these issues, using empowerment, education, and community engagement to bring about change. Her efforts were not without resistance, but her dedication never wavered.In her words, “You can pray all you want; shit can still happen.” This raw truth underscores the reality that spirituality and good intentions are not shields against the hardships of life. Maggie’s story is a powerful reminder that while the path may be fraught with difficulty, the impact of genuine compassion can transform lives. Her work has led to hundreds of children being saved from the streets, given education, and provided with a future full of possibilities.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSThe Power of One: Maggie’s journey illustrates that one person’s actions, driven by love and compassion, can create ripples of change that transform entire communities.Listening to the Heart: True purpose often emerges when we quiet the noise around us and listen to the deeper callings of our heart. Maggie’s decision to take a gap year and explore beyond her comfort zone led her to discover her life’s mission.Embracing Resilience: Maggie’s story teaches us that resilience and persistence in the face of adversity are crucial. The journey may be difficult, but the rewards of seeing lives transformed are immeasurable.As we reflect on Maggie’s incredible journey, we are reminded that change begins with a single step, a single act of kindness. Her story is a beacon of hope, showing us that even in the midst of overwhelming challenges, the human spirit is capable of extraordinary compassion and resilience.Please enjoy my conversation with Maggie Doyne.Become a supporter of this podcast:
NLS 470: TOP Psychic REVEALS: LIGHT & DARK Forces Battles for HUMANITY'S SOUL Moving Forward! with Lisa Campion
NLS 470: TOP Psychic REVEALS: LIGHT & DARK Forces Battles for HUMANITY'S SOUL Moving Forward! with Lisa Campion
In the tapestry of today's episode, we are honored to welcome Lisa Campion, a radiant beacon in the realms of psychic development and Reiki healing. Her life, a journey woven with spiritual gifts and profound experiences, offers a treasure trove of wisdom and insight.As we traverse through Lisa's childhood memories, we are transported to a time when being psychic was a silent, solitary path. Born in the 60s and growing up in the 70s and 80s, Lisa recounts a world where discussing psychic abilities was taboo, often leading to social isolation or worse. "I learned early on to be really quiet about what I was experiencing," she reflects, highlighting the stark contrast between the past and the present's more accepting and resourceful environment.Lisa's psychic journey began with her first memories, vividly recalling her crib surrounded by light beings. These early experiences, though isolating, were filled with a sense of spiritual intervention and guidance. Her childhood was marked by interactions with spirits and a haunting realization at a young age that she possessed abilities others did not. Despite the lack of information and support, Lisa navigated her way through these challenges, guided by an inner resilience and the occasional serendipitous encounter with enlightened teachers.One pivotal moment in Lisa's life was meeting Maharishi Yogi during a Transcendental Meditation initiation at the age of ten. His acknowledgment of her gifts and the subsequent encouragement became a cornerstone of her spiritual path. This encounter, coupled with her parents' open-mindedness despite their lack of concrete answers, provided a unique environment for Lisa to explore and understand her abilities.Lisa's teenage years were further enriched by her involvement in Silva Mind Control, now known as Silva Method, which offered her structured psychic training. A moment of epiphany occurred when she watched the movie "Poltergeist," realizing that being a professional psychic was a viable path. This revelation ignited a lifelong passion for the paranormal and horror genres, serving as a bridge to understanding her own experiences.As an adult, Lisa seamlessly blended her psychic abilities with therapeutic skills, becoming a therapist and integrating Reiki into her practice. "I was sort of saved by the New Age," she muses, reflecting on how the dawn of this era in the 80s provided the resources and validation she had long sought. Her development as a professional psychic in the late 80s marked the beginning of a career dedicated to helping others awaken and harness their own spiritual gifts.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSTrust in Your Inner Gifts: Lisa's journey emphasizes the importance of trusting and nurturing one's innate abilities, even when societal norms may not support them.Seek Knowledge and Community: The transition from isolation to empowerment in Lisa's life underscores the value of seeking knowledge and building a supportive community around one's spiritual journey.Be of Service: Lisa's path reflects a profound dedication to being of service to others, using her gifts to help awaken and heal those around her.In this profound conversation, Lisa shares her vision of the future, foreseeing a time of deconstruction and chaos as outdated systems crumble. She believes we are on the cusp of rebuilding these systems with greater beauty, harmony, and order. Her optimism shines through as she envisions a world where spiritual awakening and collective consciousness pave the way for a more compassionate and interconnected humanity.Lisa's insights into psychic Reiki reveal how combining psychic development with Reiki healing can enhance one's ability to serve others. She stresses the importance of training and practice in developing these gifts, advocating for a holistic approach to spiritual growth.As our dialogue draws to a close, we are left with a sense of hope and inspiration. Lisa's unwavering faith in humanity's potential to choose light over darkness, coupled with her practical wisdom, offers a guiding star for all who seek to navigate the complexities of modern life with a spiritual compass.Please enjoy my conversation with Lisa Campion.Become a supporter of this podcast:
NLS 469: NEW DISCOVERY: Lost Ancient Technology Could Lead to FREE ENERGY, If THEY ALLOW IT! with Geoffrey Drumm
NLS 469: NEW DISCOVERY: Lost Ancient Technology Could Lead to FREE ENERGY, If THEY ALLOW IT! with Geoffrey Drumm
In the realm of ancient mysteries and untapped knowledge, our latest podcast episode features the brilliant Geoffrey Drumm. With a lifelong passion for ancient Egypt, Geoffrey delves deep into the enigma of the Great Pyramid, proposing a groundbreaking theory about its true purpose. As he reveals, these monumental structures were not mere tombs but sophisticated chemical reactors designed for a variety of applications, from industrial-scale chemical production to advanced mining operations.Geoffrey's fascination with Egypt began in childhood, inspired by adventurous tales of Indiana Jones and a profound curiosity about ancient civilizations. This passion led him to explore alternative theories about the Great Pyramid's function, diverging from the conventional belief in its role as a mere electrical generator. Instead, Geoffrey posits that the pyramids were used to produce chemicals such as ammonia and sulfuric acid on an industrial scale, a hypothesis grounded in extensive research and first-hand expeditions to Egypt.One of the most striking aspects of Geoffrey Drumm's theory is his detailed explanation of how the pyramids harnessed natural forces. "The Egyptian pyramids were operational during a time period from 8500 BCE to 5300 BCE, a time known as the Sahara wet period," Geoffrey explains. During this era, the pyramids utilized naturally occurring thunderstorms and geological features to power their chemical processes. This revelation sheds new light on the advanced understanding of physics and chemistry possessed by ancient Egyptians.Geoffrey's hypothesis extends beyond the Great Pyramid, encompassing other significant structures like the step pyramid, red pyramid, and Bent Pyramid. He describes a network of interconnected pyramids and temples that worked together to produce a range of chemicals essential for ancient Egyptian society. From agricultural fertilizers to compounds used in mining and metallurgy, these ancient technologies showcase a level of sophistication that rivals modern industrial processes.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSAncient Wisdom and Modern Science: Geoffrey's research bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and modern scientific understanding, highlighting the advanced knowledge of physics and chemistry possessed by ancient civilizations.The Power of Nature: The pyramids' reliance on natural forces like lightning and geological features underscores the profound connection ancient Egyptians had with their environment, harnessing its power for technological advancements.Holistic View of Ancient Technologies: Geoffrey's comprehensive approach provides a holistic view of ancient technologies, emphasizing the interconnectedness of various pyramids and their roles in supporting a thriving, complex society.In his exploration, Geoffrey also touches upon the spiritual and therapeutic aspects of the pyramids. The temples and structures surrounding the pyramids were designed not only for practical purposes but also for spiritual ascension and healing. This dual purpose reflects a deep understanding of the interplay between the physical and metaphysical realms, a concept that continues to captivate researchers and spiritual seekers alike.In conclusion, Geoffrey Drumm's insights offer a fresh perspective on one of history's greatest mysteries. His dedication to uncovering the true function of the Great Pyramid and other ancient structures reveals a civilization far more advanced than previously imagined. These revelations not only challenge our understanding of history but also inspire us to explore the hidden potentials of natural forces and ancient wisdom.Please enjoy my conversation with Geoffrey Drumm.Become a supporter of this podcast:
BONUS MONDAYS: Studied Over 4000 NDEs; What I Discovered SHOCKED Me to the CORE! with Dr. PMH Atwater
BONUS MONDAYS: Studied Over 4000 NDEs; What I Discovered SHOCKED Me to the CORE! with Dr. PMH Atwater
In the vast expanse of human experience, few journeys are as profound and transformative as those encountered on the edge of life and death. On today's episode, we welcome Dr. PMH Atwater, a pioneer in the study of near-death experiences (NDEs), particularly in children. Her work illuminates the mysterious realms that lie beyond our physical existence and offers profound insights into the nature of life, death, and consciousness.Dr. Atwater's journey into the realm of NDEs began with her own profound experiences. She died three times within three months, each experience different yet transformative. From these harrowing encounters, she emerged with a mission, guided by what she describes as "the voice like none other"—a voice that was not a guardian or an archangel, but a presence as vast as the universe itself. This voice tasked her with researching and documenting the near-death phenomenon, leading to her prolific career.Her research has unveiled remarkable patterns, especially among children who have had near-death experiences. Unlike adults, children often describe their experiences with a simplicity and purity that is both enlightening and heart-wrenching. Dr. Atwater's findings reveal that many children who experience NDEs between birth and the age of five exhibit extraordinary mental and artistic abilities as they grow. Yet, despite their advanced capabilities, a significant number of these children struggle with the desire to return to the other side, feeling a profound sense of displacement in this world.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSThe Nature of Light: Dr. Atwater's research highlights three distinct types of light experienced by children during NDEs: a powerful, non-specific light; a nurturing black light with purplish tinges; and a communicative white light sometimes interlaced with gold or silver. Children describe these lights as emanating from a greater "God light," with the black and white lights representing mother and father energies, respectively. This classification underscores the diverse and deeply personal nature of spiritual experiences.The Importance of Visualization: One of Dr. Atwater's most practical and profound findings is the power of visualization techniques for child experiencers. Teaching children how to visualize can help them navigate their longing to return to the other side, allowing them to reconnect with the profound sense of love and belonging they experienced during their NDEs while also grounding them in their earthly lives.The Concept of Home: The sense of "home" is a recurring theme in Dr. Atwater's work. For many child experiencers, the other side feels more like home than the physical world. This longing for home can lead to significant emotional challenges, including PTSD and a persistent desire to return to the other side. Addressing this deep-seated yearning is crucial for their emotional and spiritual well-being.Dr. Atwater's work with children reveals that their near-death experiences often involve encounters with beings, lights, and realms that defy conventional understanding. For example, some children report meeting a "council of elders" or experiencing a life review that includes not only their actions but also the ripple effects of their thoughts and presence on the environment and others. These experiences offer profound lessons on the interconnectedness of all life and the far-reaching impact of our thoughts and actions.In her book "The Forever Angels," Dr. Atwater delves into the unique characteristics of child NDEs and how these experiences shape their lives. One striking finding is that many child experiencers, despite their advanced mental abilities, often feel out of place in this world and struggle with a deep sense of loss and longing for the other side. This highlights the need for greater awareness and support for children who have had NDEs, helping them integrate their experiences in a healthy and constructive manner.Dr. Atwater's own journey through three near-death experiences and her subsequent research has provided invaluable insights into the nature of life and death. Her work emphasizes that our experiences on the other side are deeply personal and varied, reflecting our individual spiritual paths. She advocates for a greater understanding of these experiences and the development of supportive practices, such as visualization, to help those who have had NDEs navigate their unique journeys.In conclusion, the conversation with Dr. PMH Atwater offers a profound glimpse into the mysteries of near-death experiences, particularly in children. Her research underscores the importance of recognizing and supporting the unique needs of child experiencers, helping them integrate their extraordinary experiences into their earthly lives. Dr. PMH Atwater's work is a testament to the profound interconnectedness of all life and the enduring power of love and light.Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. PMH Atwater.Become a supporter of this podcast:
FLASHBACK: Man DIES, Has NDE & Is Shown the FUTURE; Predicts Assassination Attempt on Trump, 2 YRS AGO! with Ken Leth
FLASHBACK: Man DIES, Has NDE & Is Shown the FUTURE; Predicts Assassination Attempt on Trump, 2 YRS AGO! with Ken Leth
Kenneth P. Leth died and went to heaven when he was 8, but the full picture of what he experienced didn’t come to the forefront right away. When he became a young adult Ken experienced a STE that opened a door. From then on the memories have been coming back. Ken is 67 now and details are still coming to him in moments of knowing, or clarity. As per Ken talking about it in an interview with people is almost like a therapy session for him. There are always insights and details that come out during a session. They may not be obvious to you, but he often come away with more than he expected. Meeting other experiencers through organizations like IANDS, or NDERF has been a great help as well.Among the important events that Ken now remember:Ken lived a previous life that he can remember parts of.Ken met with a panel, or group of entities who acted like a council. They determined his level of spiritual growth to be lacking before he was sent back down from heaven to live this current life.He have a spirit guide who comes through to give him messages when important things are about to happen.Ken can recall his birth because he almost died then too, and he was shown his birth during my life review at age 8.Beyond the usual NDE stuff, Ken was also shown the future, and is willing to talk about that as well if you wish. A lot of his predictions are happening right now, today, with current events.Ken Leth's book: A Child Goes to HeavenAnyone reading Ken Leth’s book will come to understand why we were born in the flesh and why family is just as important here on Earth as it is there in Heaven. Ken Leth was 8 years old when his appendix burst. In the midst of life-saving surgery he was whisked into Heaven where he met his great-great grandparents and many other deceased members of his extended family who assured him he was loved more than he could possibly imagine.A Child Goes to Heaven is an inspirational book that addresses the profound truth that the love we feel here on Earth is an extraordinarily weak imitation (at best) of the love we will experience in Heaven. This Second Edition contains “Publisher’s Notes” that reveal the futuristic visions Ken saw in Heaven, some of which have already occurred.Please enjoy my conversation with Ken Leth.Become a supporter of this podcast:
NLS 468: Ascended Master BUDDHA Channeled LIVE! His Message & Warning to HUMANITY! with Genevieve Taeger
NLS 468: Ascended Master BUDDHA Channeled LIVE! His Message & Warning to HUMANITY! with Genevieve Taeger
In the dance of existence, the rhythms of life often draw us into unexpected encounters, where wisdom and insight flow like a gentle stream, nourishing our souls. On today's episode, we welcome the luminous Genevieve Taeger, a gifted channeler who brings forth the profound teachings of the Buddha. This conversation, rich with spiritual insights, explores the future of humanity and the essence of our collective journey toward enlightenment.Genevieve's journey began with a profound realization: "Be the Buddha and breathe and experience your breath. Because the mind has become extremely busy, especially with digital technology, so busy, that one has even forgotten that they have this breath." This simple yet profound observation reminds us of the importance of mindfulness and the need to return to our breath, to the very essence of our being. Genevieve's teachings emphasize that when we place our attention on ourselves and reclaim our power, we unlock the potential to transform our lives and the world around us.In this enlightening dialogue, Genevieve shares the Buddha's wisdom on the current state of humanity. She speaks of the awakening that is sweeping across the globe, a shift in consciousness that challenges us to rise above our fears and embrace the divine within. "People are feeling a lot of the ascension," she explains, referring to the physical and emotional symptoms that many experience as they align with higher frequencies. These changes, she assures us, are a natural part of our spiritual evolution, guiding us toward a more enlightened state of being.Genevieve also delves into the concept of divine realization, highlighting the power of prayer and the importance of recognizing the divine presence in ourselves and others. "If they can put someone above themselves, then they give away their own power," she asserts. By reclaiming this power and acknowledging our own divinity, we can effect profound change in our lives and in the world. This shift in perspective allows us to see beyond the surface, to perceive the deeper truths that connect us all.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSReclaim Your Power: Understand that by placing your attention on yourself and recognizing your own divinity, you reclaim your power and unlock your potential for transformation.Embrace the Breath: Return to the breath, to the pauses that reconnect you with the Almighty. This mindfulness practice grounds you and aligns you with the divine essence within.See the Divine in All: Recognize the divine presence in yourself and others. This realization elevates your consciousness and fosters a deeper connection with the world around you.Genevieve's teachings remind us of the importance of mindfulness in our daily lives. By focusing on our breath and embracing the pauses between inhalation and exhalation, we reconnect with the divine and ground ourselves in the present moment. This practice not only enhances our spiritual awareness but also helps us navigate the challenges of modern life with grace and equanimity.As we explore the future of humanity, Genevieve offers a hopeful vision. She speaks of a time when humanity will fully awaken to its divine potential, creating a world where love, compassion, and wisdom prevail. This transformation, she believes, is already underway, driven by the rising frequencies of the Earth and the cosmic energies that envelop us. It is a call to action, urging us to embrace our spiritual journey and contribute to the collective awakening.In concluding this profound conversation, we are reminded of the power of inner work and the continuous journey toward higher consciousness. Genevieve's insights serve as a beacon, illuminating the path for those who seek to understand the deeper mysteries of life. Her message is one of hope, empowerment, and divine love, guiding us toward a future where we live in harmony with ourselves, each other, and the world.Please enjoy my conversation with Genevieve Taeger.Become a supporter of this podcast:
FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: EVERYTHING We’ve Been Told About DEATH & LOSS is WRONG! Shocking TRUTH Revealed! with Colin Campbell
FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: EVERYTHING We’ve Been Told About DEATH & LOSS is WRONG! Shocking TRUTH Revealed! with Colin Campbell
In the labyrinth of human emotion, few experiences are as universally profound and isolating as grief. Today, we welcome Colin Campbell, a filmmaker, professor, and father, whose journey through unimaginable loss offers a poignant exploration of love, community, and the transformative power of grieving together. Colin's story is not just about the pain of losing his children, Ruby and Hart, but also about finding the strength to continue, supported by the ancient wisdom of communal mourning.Colin Campbell shared the heartbreaking story of the crash that claimed the lives of his beloved children, Ruby and Hart. They were on their way to Joshua Tree when a drunk and high driver collided with their car, forever altering their lives. Ruby, a talented artist and voracious reader, and Hart, a charming and humorous young man, were both killed on impact. Colin and his wife, Gail, survived but were left to navigate the immense void left by their children’s absence.In the aftermath of the tragedy, Colin found solace in the Jewish traditions embraced by his family. Although he identifies as an atheist, he was profoundly moved by the practical and communal aspects of Jewish mourning rituals. One such ritual, Shiva, involves friends and family visiting the bereaved’s home for seven nights, providing support and allowing the grieving process to unfold in a shared space. "It was an amazing gift," Colin reflected, noting how these gatherings helped him and Gail process their grief by talking about Ruby and Hart and feeling the love and support of their community."Grieving in community is essential," Colin emphasized. This sentiment contrasts sharply with the common cultural expectation to grieve in isolation. Many people feel abandoned by friends and family during their darkest times, a theme Colin has encountered repeatedly in grief groups. The loneliness of grief can be overwhelming, but the Jewish practices of communal support, like Shiva and the daily recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish, offer a powerful antidote to this isolation. These rituals require the presence of a community, reinforcing the idea that we do not have to face our grief alone.Colin's exploration of grief also touches on the importance of rituals in managing the pain of loss. For him, the Jewish tradition of actively participating in the burial—literally throwing the first handfuls of dirt onto the coffin—was a deeply painful yet necessary act. It confronted him with the stark reality of his loss, helping to combat the powerful force of denial that often accompanies grief. "We have to feel the pain to feel the love," Colin stated, highlighting the intertwined nature of these emotions.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSCommunal Support in Grief: One of the most powerful aspects of Jewish mourning traditions is the emphasis on communal support. Grieving in isolation can intensify feelings of despair and loneliness, whereas grieving in the presence of loved ones can provide a sense of connection and support.Embracing the Pain: Allowing oneself to fully experience the pain of loss is crucial for healing. Denying or avoiding the pain only prolongs the suffering. Rituals that confront the reality of loss, like those in Jewish tradition, can help in processing grief more effectively.Transformative Power of Rituals: Rituals, whether religious or personal, can provide structure and meaning during the chaotic period of grief. They serve as touchstones that help the bereaved navigate their emotions and find a path toward healing.Colin’s journey through grief has also led him to foster a deeper sense of purpose. Alongside his wife, Gail, he has founded the Ruby and Heart Foundation, which supports initiatives like W AC, an organization that sends writers to underserved schools to read aloud to children and provide them with free books. This initiative honors Ruby and Hart’s love for reading and ensures their legacy continues to inspire and support others.In sharing his story, Colin Campbell offers a beacon of hope and resilience. His willingness to lean into the pain, supported by community and tradition, provides a roadmap for others navigating the turbulent waters of grief. By embracing the love and the pain, Colin has found a way to keep Ruby and Hart’s memory alive, transforming his grief into a source of strength and connection.Please enjoy my conversation with Colin Campbell.Become a supporter of this podcast:
NLS 467: TOP Psychic PREDICTS 2024 Elections & FUTURE of American EMPIRE! NOT What U THINK! with Cyndi Dale
NLS 467: TOP Psychic PREDICTS 2024 Elections & FUTURE of American EMPIRE! NOT What U THINK! with Cyndi Dale
In today's enlightening episode, we welcome the extraordinary Cyndi Dale. With an innate gift for psychic abilities, Cyndi has traversed a remarkable journey that began in childhood and has led her to become a respected author and healer. Her story is one of resilience, understanding, and profound insights into the unseen realms.Cyndi shared her earliest memories of experiencing the world differently. Raised in a typical American household with Norwegian Lutheran parents, her psychic abilities were both a mystery and a challenge. She recounted a vivid childhood experience of seeing angels and other entities, which her parents dismissed as imagination. This early dismissal of her gifts led to a period of denial and struggle. "I thought it was normal to see dead people floating on the ceiling," Cyndi Dale reminisced, highlighting the innocence and confusion of her younger self.As she grew older, Cyndi faced significant challenges, including a near-death experience that profoundly changed her perspective. She decided to embrace her abilities fully and began to explore and understand her gifts. Through therapy and self-discovery, Cyndi learned to set boundaries and use her psychic abilities for healing and guidance. Her journey is a testament to the power of acceptance and the courage to walk an unconventional path.In our conversation, Cyndi also delved into the complexities of being a psychic in today's world. She discussed the common misconceptions and fears surrounding psychic abilities, often viewed through a lens of skepticism or superstition. Despite these challenges, Cyndi's dedication to her craft and her desire to help others navigate their own intuitive paths remained unwavering.One of the most profound aspects of our discussion was Cyndi's insight into the current state of the world. She spoke candidly about the political and social upheavals we are witnessing, attributing much of the chaos to a clash of extreme ideologies. "I think what we're seeing right now as so-called Republican versus Democrat are two extreme ideologies. And I think when you narrow them in a little closer, you have ideologies that don't need to violate each other," she explained.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSIntuition as a Guide: Cyndi emphasizes the importance of listening to our intuition as a guiding force in our lives. By staying open to our inner voice, we can navigate complex situations with greater clarity and wisdom.Embracing Boundaries: Setting boundaries is crucial for managing psychic abilities and maintaining personal well-being. Cyndi's experience highlights the need for clear limits to protect oneself from being overwhelmed by external energies.Navigating Change with Compassion: In a world filled with turmoil, approaching situations with compassion can help bridge divides and foster understanding. Cyndi's perspective encourages us to look beyond ideological differences and find common ground.Cyndi's story is not just about psychic abilities but about embracing one's true self despite societal norms and expectations. Her journey is a beacon of hope for those who feel different and misunderstood, showing that it is possible to turn perceived weaknesses into strengths.As we concluded our conversation, Cyndi left us with a powerful reminder: "We're all psychic to some degree. It's about how we choose to harness and understand that energy." This insight invites us all to explore our inner worlds and connect with the deeper parts of ourselves.Please enjoy my conversation with Cyndi Dale.Become a supporter of this podcast:
In the journey of our exploration, we sometimes stumble upon revelations that change our perception of the world. On today's episode, we welcome the profoundly insightful Alan Green. Alan, a classically trained pianist turned researcher, has traversed a fascinating path from music to unraveling the mysteries encoded in the works of Shakespeare, the Great Pyramid, and the hidden symbology within. His tale is one of synchronicity, profound experiences, and an unyielding quest for truth.Alan Green embarked on this odyssey through a series of remarkable events. Despite his initial resistance to Shakespeare, a sudden and inexplicable encounter with extra-dimensional beings set him on a course that would merge his musical expertise with an extraordinary passion for uncovering hidden codes. "I had no interest in Shakespeare," he recounts, "but within minutes of watching a friend's play, I was hooked."In this profound conversation, we dive deep into Alan's book, "Decoding Shakespeare," where he uncovers a labyrinth of codes that suggest a far more complex origin of the Bard’s works. Alan's revelations are supported by meticulous research and scientific proof. He describes how radar scans of Shakespeare’s gravestone and monument revealed anomalies that aligned with hidden codes. "The actual cavity is 250 times the size it's supposed to be," Alan explains, emphasizing the significance of scientific proof in validating these ancient mysteries.As we delve further, Alan shares his experiences of receiving what he describes as downloads of information from higher beings. These downloads have enabled him to understand advanced mathematics and geometry, which he believes were essential in decoding the messages embedded within Shakespeare’s texts and other historical artifacts. "I had no idea what was going on," he says, "but I could feel them operating inside my head."SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSThe Interconnectedness of Art and Science: Alan's research underscores the profound connection between artistic expression and scientific knowledge. The intricate codes within Shakespeare’s works demonstrate a blend of creativity and mathematical precision that transcends ordinary literature.The Role of Higher Guidance: Alan's encounters with extra-dimensional beings and his subsequent ability to decode complex messages suggest that higher guidance can play a crucial role in human understanding and evolution.The Hidden Mysteries of History: The anomalies found in Shakespeare’s gravestone and the Great Pyramid, along with the encoded messages, point to a deliberate effort by ancient and historical figures to preserve and convey knowledge through time.In the latter part of our conversation, Alan elaborates on the profound implications of his discoveries. He connects Shakespeare’s works to the geometry of the Great Pyramid and the Vitruvian Man, proposing that these structures contain encoded knowledge meant to be unveiled by future generations. "The codes predicted this," Alan asserts, highlighting the extraordinary foresight of these ancient architects.Alan’s journey is not merely one of intellectual discovery but also a spiritual awakening. His dedication to revealing these truths serves as an inspiration to us all. As he puts it, "We are all Shakespeare, wearing masks of delusion. Behind the mask lies the truth, the Divine, the holy of holies inside each of us."In closing, Alan’s insights challenge us to look beyond the surface of historical narratives and seek the deeper truths encoded within. His work is a testament to the enduring quest for knowledge and the belief that we are all part of a greater, interconnected reality.Please enjoy my conversation with Alan Green.Become a supporter of this podcast:
BONUS MONDAYS: REPROGRAM Your Mind NOW: Discover the Most POWERFUL Strategy! with Dr. Dain Heer
BONUS MONDAYS: REPROGRAM Your Mind NOW: Discover the Most POWERFUL Strategy! with Dr. Dain Heer
In today's episode, we welcome Dr. Dain Heer, a transformative figure in the world of Access Consciousness. His journey from a successful chiropractor to a leading voice in personal development is both inspiring and enlightening. Dain’s path began with a deep sense of dissatisfaction despite having what appeared to be a perfect life. Living in Santa Barbara and running a thriving practice, he was battling intense inner turmoil, feeling suicidal and desperate for a change. His story is a testament to the power of spiritual awakening and the possibilities that lie beyond our immediate perceptions.Dr. Dain Heer’s transformation started with a chance encounter with Access Consciousness, a modality that dramatically altered his perspective on life. He stumbled upon an ad that promised a life of ease, joy, and glory, leading him to a session that shifted his despair into immense gratitude and a newfound love for life. This pivotal moment set him on a journey to spread these transformative tools globally, growing Access Consciousness from a small movement into a worldwide phenomenon.One of the core principles that Dain emphasizes is the importance of letting go of judgments—both of ourselves and others. He believes that most of our negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions are not actually ours but are picked up from those around us. By asking the simple question, "Who does this belong to?" and recognizing that these feelings often lighten when we question them, we can begin to disassociate from the negativity that doesn't belong to us and reclaim our sense of peace and clarity.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSNon-Judgment: Embracing a state of non-judgment towards oneself and others can lead to profound inner peace and clarity.Ownership of Emotions: Understanding that many of our negative emotions and thoughts may not actually be ours can help us release unnecessary burdens.Possibility and Choice: Life is full of infinite possibilities, and our choices shape our reality. By consciously choosing our perspectives and actions, we can create a more fulfilling life.Dain's work is grounded in the belief that consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. This approach allows individuals to let go of what isn't serving them without the baggage of guilt or shame. He introduces tools like the Access Consciousness Bars, a light touch technique that significantly reduces anxiety, stress, and depression. This practice facilitates a state of calm, creativity, and connection, helping individuals tap into a higher state of being.During the podcast, Dain shared his personal story of struggling with fear and anxiety, especially when starting his second chiropractic practice. He recounted how making cold calls would leave him shaking and in tears, but his determination to not let fear run his life kept him moving forward. His transformation came through consistent application of Access Consciousness tools, which gradually dissolved his fears and opened him up to new possibilities.A profound part of Dain's teaching is the understanding that we often carry the emotional weight of others. By distinguishing between what truly belongs to us and what we have absorbed from those around us, we can begin to lighten our emotional load. This awareness allows for a more authentic and joyful existence, free from the unnecessary constraints of others' judgments and fears.In conclusion, Dr. Dain Heer offers a powerful message of transformation through consciousness. His journey from despair to joy underscores the potential within each of us to change our reality by shifting our perspective and embracing the infinite possibilities of life. His teachings remind us that we have the power to let go of what does not serve us and to create a life filled with ease, joy, and glory.Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Dain Heer.Become a supporter of this podcast:
NLS 465: America's TOP Psychic REVEALS How the OTHER SIDE is Trying to WARN & PROTECT YOU! with Matt Frasier
NLS 465: America's TOP Psychic REVEALS How the OTHER SIDE is Trying to WARN & PROTECT YOU! with Matt Frasier
In the quiet, reflective moments of our lives, we often find ourselves seeking deeper meaning and connection beyond the mundane. On today's episode, we welcome the profound Matt Fraser, a renowned psychic medium, who guides us through the mysteries of the afterlife and the profound wisdom it offers. In this enlightening conversation, Matt Fraser shares his insights on life, death, and everything in between, offering a perspective that encourages us to live more fully and with greater purpose.Matt Fraser begins by discussing the concept of the life review, a process that spirits go through after passing. He explains, "At the end of the life review, everything becomes crystal clear—who your soulmate is, why you had certain challenges, why you went through certain obstacles in life, how you overcame them, and what you learned about yourself." This revelation serves as a powerful reminder that our struggles and triumphs are not random but are integral to our spiritual growth.One of the most compelling aspects of Fraser's work is his ability to communicate with spirits and convey their messages to the living. He shares that spirits often have regrets, not unlike those we experience in life. However, these regrets are viewed through a lens of understanding and acceptance. "What people don't realize is that spirits do have regrets once they make it to the other side," Fraser explains. This acknowledgment can be a powerful motivator for us to address our own regrets while we still have the opportunity.Fraser also delves into the idea of parallel realities and how our decisions create different paths that our soul might explore. He mentions, "When those big life decisions are made, there is a splinter parallel reality that goes off, and that's explored." This notion suggests that every choice we make is significant and that there are countless versions of our lives being lived out simultaneously, each offering unique lessons and experiences.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSEmbrace Your Gifts: According to Fraser, many spirits regret not fully embracing their unique talents and abilities during their earthly lives. He encourages us to pursue our passions fearlessly, regardless of societal pressures or fears of judgment. "The sad thing is, because of society, a lot of people are afraid to dive into their own journey," he notes.Practice Forgiveness: One of the most profound lessons from the spirit world is the importance of forgiveness. In the afterlife, souls understand the motivations and struggles of others, leading to a natural process of forgiveness. Fraser emphasizes, "Holding grudges is holding on to someone else's energy. Let go and free yourself."Find Purpose in Loneliness: Loneliness and isolation are common human experiences, but Fraser suggests that these feelings can lead to discovering new purposes in life. He shares a touching story of a woman whose life was transformed by a stray dog, illustrating how unexpected connections can bring joy and fulfillment.As our conversation with Matt Fraser draws to a close, it becomes clear that the wisdom of the afterlife offers profound guidance for our lives. Whether it's embracing our unique gifts, practicing forgiveness, or finding purpose in unexpected places, these lessons encourage us to live with greater intention and compassion. Fraser's insights remind us that life is not just about the challenges we face but about how we choose to overcome them and what we learn along the way.Please enjoy my conversation with Matt Fraser.Become a supporter of this podcast:
FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: How to Remember Your SOUL CONTRACT! Discover YOUR Soul’s Plan with Phillip Mountrose
FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: How to Remember Your SOUL CONTRACT! Discover YOUR Soul’s Plan with Phillip Mountrose
In the serene unfolding of today’s episode, we are honored to be joined by the enlightened Phillip Mountrose, a pioneer in the field of holistic healing and spiritual growth. Phillip's journey, intertwined with his wife and partner Jane, is a testament to the power of love, creativity, and resilience in navigating the spiritual and physical realms. His insights into connecting with the higher self, the power of visualization, and the art of holistic healing offer profound guidance for those seeking deeper understanding and transformation.Phillip Mountrose began his spiritual journey in his youth, feeling a sense of the bigger picture and a desire to connect with the world in a more profound way. He shared how early experiences of isolation and rejection during his adolescent years pushed him towards a deeper inquiry into life's purpose and the illusions of societal norms. This quest led him to explore various spiritual teachings, eventually guiding him to the works of mystics like Gurdjieff and Uspensky, and to practices like hypnotherapy and holistic healing.In this enlightening conversation, Phillip delves into the practice of tapping, a key aspect of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). By tapping on specific points on the body, one can balance the system and clear emotional and physical blockages. "Even though I have this irritation about my bill, anything is possible and miracles are happening now," he explains, highlighting how affirmations can enhance the healing process. This simple yet profound practice aligns the body and mind, facilitating deep transformations.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSConnecting to Your Higher Self: Phillip emphasizes the importance of connecting to your higher self through practices like soul centering and visualization. By opening your heart and tuning into your inner guidance, you can access profound wisdom and clarity that transcend everyday challenges.Embracing Your Unique Genius: Discovering and embracing your unique gifts and talents is crucial for living a fulfilled life. Whether it’s through art, healing, or any other passion, your unique genius is a key to your life’s purpose and happiness.Healing Through Awareness: Awareness is the first step to healing. By recognizing and addressing emotional and physical traumas, often through practices like EFT and visualization, you can transform your life and align with your true self.Phillip shares a compelling story of how he and Jane used their understanding of holistic healing to navigate life's challenges. Moving from Sacramento to the Central Coast of California was a significant change that required patience and trust in the process. Despite a challenging real estate market, they remained open and ready for the right moment, which eventually came in the form of an unexpected buyer. This story illustrates the importance of being grounded and pragmatic while following your heart and intuition.In the realm of spiritual kinesiology, Phillip discusses how muscle testing can reveal hidden issues and guide the healing process. This technique, combined with connecting to the soul, provides a powerful tool for transformation. By addressing deeper issues, whether they are emotional, physical, or spiritual, one can achieve profound healing and alignment.Phillip’s approach to overcoming fear is particularly insightful. He suggests that fear is a doorway to discovering and mastering important life lessons. By facing and understanding our fears, we can transform them into opportunities for growth and empowerment. His analogy of the cave, where the treasures we seek lie within our deepest fears, resonates deeply and encourages us to embrace challenges as paths to enlightenment.In conclusion, Phillip Mountrose’s wisdom and practices offer a holistic approach to living a more conscious and fulfilling life. By connecting to our higher selves, embracing our unique genius, and using tools like EFT and spiritual kinesiology, we can navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. His journey and teachings remind us of the power of love, creativity, and self-awareness in achieving true happiness and spiritual fulfillment.Please enjoy my conversation with Phillip Mountrose.Become a supporter of this podcast:
NLS 464: The MAINSTREAM is HIDING THE TRUTH About the Great Pyramids' TRUE Ancient Builders! with Luke Caverns
NLS 464: The MAINSTREAM is HIDING THE TRUTH About the Great Pyramids' TRUE Ancient Builders! with Luke Caverns
In a world where the mysteries of ancient civilizations beckon, today's episode brings you the enigmatic and fascinating Luke Caverns. A seeker of lost histories and hidden truths, Luke's journey into the depths of ancient Egypt's secrets unfolds with an electrifying resonance that echoes through the corridors of time.Luke Caverns begins by sharing a vivid memory from his childhood, a moment that ignited his passion for ancient history. As a young boy, he was banished to his room while his parents entertained guests, but the distant sound of swords clashing and ancient armies battling in a movie captivated his imagination. This initial spark led him down a path filled with the rich stories of his ancestors, antiquarians, and treasure hunters, fueling his insatiable curiosity about the past.In our discussion, Luke Caverns delves into the mysterious Olmec heads of Mexico, emphasizing how the elements have eroded these ancient artifacts over thousands of years. He draws parallels to the Great Pyramid of Giza, questioning how such structures could have withstood millennia if they were as old as some theories suggest. Luke's insights challenge the conventional timeline, urging us to reconsider the history we've been taught.One of the most captivating moments comes when Luke recounts his grandfather's adventures in New Mexico, where he discovered the legendary seven lost gold mines. This tale of exploration and discovery runs deep in Luke's veins, passed down through generations. It’s a legacy that has profoundly shaped his worldview and fueled his quest to uncover the hidden truths of our ancient past.As we traverse through Luke's anecdotes, he speaks passionately about the challenges facing modern archaeology. He describes the resistance from mainstream archaeologists who cling to established narratives, often dismissing new evidence that contradicts their views. "We're not really at all in a place where we can definitively say what was and wasn't happening some 12,000 years ago," he states, underscoring the vast unknowns that still shroud our understanding of ancient civilizations.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSThe Eternal Quest for Knowledge: Luke's journey is a testament to the relentless human spirit in seeking knowledge and understanding. His stories remind us that our quest for truth is ongoing and that every discovery opens new doors to the past.The Power of Ancestral Legacy: Luke's connection to his family's history highlights the powerful influence of our ancestors. Their experiences and stories shape our identity and fuel our passions, urging us to continue their legacy.Challenging Conventional Narratives: Luke's willingness to question established historical timelines encourages us to maintain an open mind. In the pursuit of truth, it's essential to embrace new evidence and perspectives, even when they challenge long-held beliefs.As we near the end of this profound conversation, Luke reflects on the complex and sophisticated nature of the Great Pyramid. He theorizes about the advanced technology and knowledge that ancient Egyptians might have possessed, knowledge that has been lost to time but hints at a civilization far more advanced than we can imagine. Luke's insights inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity about our history, urging us to look beyond the surface and explore the depths of human civilization.In conclusion, our discussion with Luke Caverns is a journey through time, a quest to uncover the secrets of our ancestors and understand the profound legacies they've left behind. Luke's stories and insights challenge us to rethink our history and remain open to the endless possibilities of human civilization.Please enjoy my conversation with Luke Caverns.Become a supporter of this podcast:
On today's episode, we welcome the remarkable Carol Collins, a dynamic and insightful channeler and medium. Carol, often referred to as America's Medium, bridges the gap between the physical and non-physical realms, bringing through teachings from a collective of non-physical beings known as "The Teachers." Her journey from a structured, logical career in IT and the military to the fluid, intuitive world of channeling is nothing short of extraordinary.Carol's early life was deeply rooted in structure and discipline. As a former Marine and a professional in the Department of Defense, she thrived in environments that valued precision and order. However, a significant personal upheaval in her mid-forties led her to explore deeper, more esoteric realms of existence. "I had what everybody had at some point—a mid-life crisis," she recalls. It was during this period of introspection and isolation that Carol's intuitive abilities began to surface, leading her down an unexpected path.Carol's first profound spiritual encounter came through a serendipitous experience with a video of Esther Hicks channeling Abraham. "Within that 15 minutes, the whole front of my chest became warm, and it was like this vibration," she shares. This experience ignited a curiosity and a deep sense of connection that guided her towards a daily practice of meditation. Over the next nine months, her intuitive abilities blossomed, eventually leading to her first channeled messages.In her role as a channeler, Carol brings forth teachings that cover a wide array of spiritual topics. These teachings are organized into what she refers to as the "Four Pillars of Learning": conscious life and the purpose of physical existence, the law of attraction and thought creation, using source frequency to heal, and intuitive development. These pillars form the foundation of her work, offering a comprehensive roadmap for spiritual growth and self-healing.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSHarness the Power of Thought: Carol emphasizes the importance of understanding and utilizing the law of attraction. "Your non-physical mind creates or manifests your future experiences based on your dominant emotions," she explains. By consciously cultivating positive emotions, we can influence the quality of our future experiences.Healing Through Source Frequency: One of Carol's key teachings involves using source energy for healing. This involves techniques such as touchpoint activation and energy movement, which help to clear negative emotions and promote physical and emotional well-being.Embrace Your Intuitive Nature: Developing and trusting one's intuition is central to Carol's message. She encourages people to recognize and nurture their innate psychic abilities, which can guide them in making better decisions and understanding their life's purpose.Carol's journey from a life of structure to one of spiritual exploration is a testament to the transformative power of following one's intuition. Her work not only offers guidance but also empowers individuals to take control of their own spiritual development. "Living a fulfilled life means anticipating that you will satisfy soul intentions," she states, encapsulating her philosophy of continuous growth and self-discovery.In this profound conversation, Carol Collins provides a beacon of hope and clarity for those navigating their own spiritual journeys. Her teachings remind us that we are not alone and that we have access to profound wisdom and guidance from the non-physical realm. By embracing this guidance, we can create a life filled with purpose, healing, and joy.Please enjoy my conversation with Carol Collins.Become a supporter of this podcast:
BONUS MONDAYS: AMPLIFY Your Brain's Capacity: DAILY ROUTINES for Top-Tier FOCUS & PRODUCTIVITY! with David Allen
BONUS MONDAYS: AMPLIFY Your Brain's Capacity: DAILY ROUTINES for Top-Tier FOCUS & PRODUCTIVITY! with David Allen
On today's episode, we welcome the remarkable David Allen, a master of productivity and author of the groundbreaking book "Getting Things Done." In this enlightening conversation, David reveals the spiritual underpinnings of his renowned methodology and shares profound insights into how we can manage our lives with clarity and purpose. His teachings are not just about getting tasks done but about achieving a state of mental peace that allows us to live more fully and authentically.David's journey began in the turbulent 1960s at Berkeley, where he was more interested in achieving personal enlightenment than pursuing a conventional career. "I got fascinated by clear space," he reflects. This fascination led him to drop out of graduate school and embark on a quest for self-discovery. Along the way, he took on various jobs, from running a service station to managing a landscape company, always seeking ways to simplify and improve processes. This eclectic experience laid the foundation for what would become his life's work.David discovered that the key to productivity lies in maintaining a clear mind. He emphasizes that our minds are for having ideas, not for holding them. "Your mind is for having ideas, not for holding them," he asserts. By externalizing our tasks and commitments into a trusted system, we can free up mental space for creative and strategic thinking. This principle is the cornerstone of his Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology, which has helped countless individuals and organizations achieve greater efficiency and peace of mind.David explains that one of the most important steps in his GTD approach is identifying and capturing everything that has our attention. This involves writing down all tasks, no matter how small, and organizing them in a way that allows for easy access and review. "What you need to do is first of all, you need to identify everything that's got your attention. That's not on cruise control," he explains. By doing so, we can ensure that nothing slips through the cracks and that we can engage with each task at the appropriate time.In discussing the practical aspects of his methodology, David also touches on the spiritual dimension of productivity. He believes that being clear and organized allows us to be more present and engaged with our lives. "It's about how you feel," he says, highlighting the importance of inner clarity and focus. This approach not only enhances our productivity but also supports our spiritual well-being by reducing stress and fostering a sense of control and balance.David's insights are both profound and practical, offering a holistic approach to managing our lives. He emphasizes the importance of the "two-minute rule," which suggests that if a task can be completed in two minutes or less, it should be done immediately. This simple yet powerful principle helps prevent small tasks from piling up and becoming overwhelming. "Anything you can do in two minutes that still needs to be done should be done right then because it would take you longer to remember or write it down," he advises.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSClear Mental Space: David's emphasis on maintaining a clear mental space encourages us to regularly declutter our minds, allowing us to focus on the present moment and what truly matters.Externalizing Tasks: By externalizing our tasks and commitments, we free our minds from the burden of holding information, thereby enhancing our creativity and strategic thinking.Actionable Steps: Breaking down large tasks into manageable, actionable steps helps reduce procrastination and makes it easier to engage with our commitments.In this profound conversation, David offers a wealth of wisdom on how to navigate our lives with greater clarity and purpose. His GTD methodology is not just about getting things done; it's about creating a system that supports our overall well-being and spiritual growth. By externalizing tasks and focusing on actionable steps, we can free our minds to engage more fully with the present moment and our broader life goals.Please enjoy my conversation with David Allen.Become a supporter of this podcast: