The BDO's Survival Guide to Vendor Relationships | Ep. #11

The BDO Show

01-04-2024 • 36 mins

Navigate the intricate dance of selecting the best third-party vendors for SBA lending in our latest BDO Show episode. We've brought together the power players to walk us through the minefield of collaborating with attorneys, appraisers, environmental specialists, and life insurance providers. They share insights on how these key partnerships can be the difference between a deal soaring or sinking, and why it's often the local familiarity that wins over broad national strokes, especially when it comes to understanding the subtleties of regional markets.

This episode isn't just about whom you choose, but how you work with them. The team also pulls back the curtain on the environmental due diligence scene in Michigan, underscoring the immense value of local firms well-versed in state regulations. It's a masterclass in why direct vendor communication and industry-specific savvy are essential for timely and accurate appraisals and assessments.

But what about the relationships behind these transactions? We recount personal tales of lightning-fast responses from vendors whose hustle has cemented their place in our trusted network. From securing last-minute life insurance policies to salvaging deals on the brink, it's clear that the human element can't be ignored. We chat about the art of crafting these vital connections, the kind that not only get you through one deal but pave the way for countless more. If you're looking to sharpen your vendor selection skills and build a portfolio of go-to professionals, this episode is your toolkit.

Please e-mail us any questions, or suggestions for future episode topics at

This episode is sponsored by:

SBA Protection Quick Close Life Insurance – the fastest, easiest way to secure the insurance protection your borrower needs for their SBA loan. For more information, visit their website or email Adam Bergen at

The views and opinions expressed in this program are our own and/or those of our guests. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of our employers.

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