The Michael Yardney Podcast | Property Investment, Success & Money

Michael Yardney; Australia's authority in wealth creation through property

Are you looking for financial freedom or more choices in life? You're in the right place. Twice each week Michael Yardney shares smart property investment strategies as well as the success and personal finance secrets of the rich, in around 30 minutes. MIchael has been voted one of Australia's top 50 Influential Thought Leaders and while he is best known as a real estate investment expert, he is also Australia's leading expert in the psychology of success and wealth creation and a #1 best selling author of 9 books. Michael frequently challenges traditional finance advice with innovative ideas on property investing, personal finance and wealth creation. His wisdom stems from his personal experience and from mentoring over 2,000 business people, investors and entrepreneurs over the last decade. Michael's message will be priceless regardless of the size of your real estate investment portfolio - whether you're just starting out or an experienced investor wanting to move to the next level, he will provide you a roadmap for real estate investing and financial success. read less


Inheritance strategies to make your children richer with Ken Raiss
3d ago
Inheritance strategies to make your children richer with Ken Raiss
In today’s show, Ken Raiss and I will discuss inheritance strategies to help make your children richer. Whether you've already built substantial wealth or are just starting your financial journey, it's never too early or too late to start thinking about how to pass on your wealth to the next generation. Today Ken shares his insights and expertise on estate planning, trust structures, and tax implications of inheritance. We discuss the pros and cons of different strategies, including gifting, testamentary trusts, and family trusts, and explore how these can be tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. So, whether you're a parent looking to provide for your children's future, or just curious about inheritance strategies and how they work, this episode is for you. Estate Planning Essentials with Ken Raiss I hope that by the end of this episode, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to craft a legacy that not only protects your assets but also prepares the next generation for financial success. Ken's expert insights provide valuable guidance for anyone looking to secure their family's financial future and ensure a smooth transfer of wealth. We discuss: ●        Inheritance strategies for wealth transfer, focusing on estate planning, trust structures, and tax implications ●        Importance of creating a strong will and communicating effectively with family members to avoid contested wills ●        The benefits and flexibility offered by family security trusts, testamentary trusts, and charitable foundations ●        Strategies for financially educating family members to ensure they understand and respect the assets they will inherit ●        Complexities of blended families and how to safeguard assets for original children ●        Special disability trusts to protect and provide for children with disabilities ●        Business succession planning o   Key agreements o   Insurance considerations ●        Importance of involving children in financial responsibilities ●        Education trusts and their role in funding children’s schooling in a tax-effective manner Links and Resources: Ken Raiss, director Metropole Wealth Advisory Have a chat with Ken Raiss and the team at Metropole Wealth Advisory to secure your financial future – click here Get Ken Raiss’ report: Your Guide to Understanding Ownership Structures & Trusts – just click here Why not get the team at Metropole on your side to give you holistic property and wealth advice– find out more here Get your bundle of E-books and resources  my gift for subscribing to this podcast Some of our favorite quotes from the show: “In essence, the owner of the assets doesn't change, it's the trust, it's just the people who control it, who have access to it, that change.” – Michael Yardney “A testamentary trust can be set up during your lifetime. It forms part of your will, but it only comes into effect upon your death.” – Michael Yardney “And here's a little-known secret to success that only a small number of employees have ever discovered: going that extra mile is an investment in themselves.” – Michael Yardney PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW Reviews are hugely important to me because they help new people discover this podcast. If you enjoyed listening to this episode, please leave a review on iTunes - it's your way of passing the message forward to others and saying thank you to me. Here's how
Navigating our Property Markets | Big Picture Podcast with Pete Wargent
5d ago
Navigating our Property Markets | Big Picture Podcast with Pete Wargent
Welcome to another Big Picture episode of the Michael Yardney podcast, where I chat with leading financial commentator Pete Wargent. Since our last chat, a lot's happened, including rising inflation causing embarrassment to the Reserve Bank, with some commentators now speculating interest rates will rise again. As usual, there are clues in the news as to what's ahead for our economy and our housing markets and we discuss a raft of macro and microeconomic factors that should give you some clues as to what's ahead for our housing markets. Housing Market Hurdles and Economic Trends in Australia We discuss: ●        The May inflation figures and their potential impact on future interest rate hikes ●        How government spending, particularly federal and state budgets, is contributing to inflation ●        Rising living costs and electricity prices and their effects on spending habits across different demographics ●        Challenges faced by the Australian government's target to build 1.2 million homes by 2029 o   High cash rates o   Reduced investor interest o   Soaring construction costs ●        Comparing current construction trends to peak periods like 2017 ●        The roles of foreign buyers in the market ●        Insights from Pete’s book, The Buy Right Approach to Property Investing Mastering the Skills to Invest Wisely in Properties. This episode is packed with expert insights from Pete and practical tips, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding and navigating the complexities of Australia's economic and housing market landscape. Links and Resources: Metropole’s Strategic Property Plan – to help both beginning and experienced investors Get a bundle of free reports and eBooks – Pete Wargent’s blog Pete Wargent’s new book: The Buy Right Approach to Property Investing: Mastering the skills to Invest Wisely in Property Some of our favorite quotes from the show: “Well, the May housing approval figures came out and they shot up a little bit, but we're still nowhere near the sort of figures we're going to need to reach that target.” – Michael Yardney “I guess what we're saying is that unemployment is going to rise a little bit. The Reserve Bank wants that, but that may slow inflationary pressures down a little bit. But there's still jobs out there if you're wanting them.” – Michael Yardney “The message here is most of the critics actually sit on the sidelines. They're not in the arena, they don't try.” – Michael Yardney PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW Reviews are hugely important to me because they help new people discover this podcast. If you enjoyed listening to this episode, please leave a review on iTunes - it's your way of passing the message forward to others and saying thank you to me. Here's how
Governments passing the buck for the housing crisis, blaming property investors, with Nicola McDougall
Governments passing the buck for the housing crisis, blaming property investors, with Nicola McDougall
For years, the dream of homeownership has seemed increasingly out of reach for many. But what of those who can't even afford to rent Social Housing? Waiting lists are overflowing and the number of available dwellings just needs to catch up. Today Nicola McDougall, chair of the Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA) joins me and passionately advocates for a fair and more effective approach to social housing. You see, despite the government raking in billions of dollars from property taxes each year, our social housing stock has remained stagnant, and the number of people in desperate need of housing continues to rise. Now, I'm not talking about affordable housing. We’ll explain the differences, but unfortunately, private investors are often being blamed for this crisis. That's not the case. Nicola will help unpack the reasons behind the housing shortfall, discuss some of the impacts of government policies, and we're going to explore what needs to be done to provide adequate housing for all Australians. Understanding Social Housing and Private Investment in Australia In today’s conversation with Nicola McDougall, we dive into the intricacies of Australia's social housing crisis and its impact on private investors. We discuss statistics, government policies, and strategic investment opportunities in a challenging market. ●        The differences between social housing (government-provided for the most vulnerable) and affordable housing (making renting and purchasing more accessible) ●        175,000 households on social housing waiting lists, stagnant social housing stock despite 33% population growth ●        Decline in social housing stock in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia ●        The role of private investors in providing rental housing ●        Critique of government policies, including ineffective housing initiatives and the financial burdens placed on private investors o   Anti-investor legislation, such as increased property taxes and rental reforms, and their exacerbating effects on the housing crisis ●        Potential government incentives to encourage private investment in rental housing, including adjustments to capital gains tax ●        Challenges faced by highly leveraged property investors in a high-interest-rate environment ●        Opportunities in Melbourne's low vacancy rates and skyrocketing rents ●        Importance of portfolio diversification across different states and working with wealth strategists to outperform the market ●        Hidden taxes in the New South Wales budget, such as the shift of emergency service levies from insurance companies to property owners Whether you're a seasoned property investor or you’re just concerned about Australia's housing future, this episode offers valuable perspectives and actionable advice. Links and Resources: Get the team at Metropole to help build your personal Strategic Property Plan Click here and have a chat with us Get a bundle of eBooks and reports – Some of our favorite quotes from the show: “Anyway, it’s the government’s job to help the disenfranchised people in Australia, and in general, it's not their fault, so this is not a judge of people.” -- Michael Yardney “Clearly, the government has no idea what it costs to construct high-rise dwellings. And if they do offer discounted rents to essential workers, and I'm not against the idea, I'm just saying the numbers don't work – where's the profit going to come from?”-- Michael Yardney “But here's the problem. Oftentimes, exploiting your own innate abilities requires an enormous investment of your time before the investment begins to pay dividends. And because the investment doesn't produce immediate rewards for many people, it ends up being a problem.”-- Michael Yardney PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW Reviews are hugely important to me because they help new people discover this podcast. If you enjoyed listening to this episode, please leave a review on iTunes - it's your way of passing the message forward to others and saying thank you to me. Here's how
Inside Domain’s Property Forecast Report: What’s Next for House Prices with Dr. Nicola Powell
Inside Domain’s Property Forecast Report: What’s Next for House Prices with Dr. Nicola Powell
On today’s episode, Dr. Nicola Powell, the Chief of Research and Economics at Domain, and I want to discuss her latest Domain House Price Forecast Report, and I ask her to share her property forecasts for the financial year 2025. We'll delve into the key findings of the report, explore regional variations in house prices, and discuss the economic factors influencing the market. We'll also cover the impact of interest rates, government policies, and supply and demand dynamics on the housing sector. I’m sure you’ll find this episode packed with valuable insights you won't want to miss, so let’s get on with the show. Australia's Property Market: Growth Predictions and Policy Impacts Together, Nicola and I discuss various aspects influencing the market, including forecasts, policy impacts, and strategic investment opportunities.  Take a look at some key highlights from our conversation. ●     The latest Domain House Price Forecast Report and the expected trends in house prices across Australia ○     Prices will continue to rise ○     However, the pace of price growth should slow from previous levels ●     The importance of sustainable growth rates to avoid market volatility and downturns ●     Regional differences, including Perth's expected growth ○     The performance of regional markets in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria ●     The impact of housing policies on affordability trends ○      The historical influence of government shifts on property values ●     The challenges in meeting the government's target of 1.2 million new homes ○      The shortage of skilled tradespeople ●      Migration caps and workforce shortages and their implications for the housing market ●     The influence of APRA's 3% interest rate buffer on serviceability and the housing market ●     Melbourne's potential for growth due to increased immigration and opportunities for buying below intrinsic value Our conversation emphasizes the importance of strategic decisions and optimism in achieving financial success in real estate, which will be helpful to listeners no matter whether you’re new to property or a seasoned investor. Links and Resources: Get the team at Metropole to help build your personal Strategic Property Plan Click here and have a chat with us Dr Nicola Powell, Domain’s Chief of Research and Economics Domain’s Home Price Report Get a bundle of eBooks and reports – Some of our favourite quotes from the show: “Obviously, during COVID, regional Australia shot up. Property values grew. That was partly because people moved there. But I think one of the things people missed was also people not moving out of regional Australia.” – Michael Yardney “I think I was lucky. I've learned not to try and time the market but just manage my cash flows.” –Michael Yardney “So, if you're a pessimist, you're literally sabotaging your life. You're pushing the very people you need away, and you're left with no choice but to rely on yourself.” – Michael Yardney PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW Reviews are hugely important to me because they help new people discover this podcast. If you enjoyed listening to this episode, please leave a review on iTunes - it's your way of passing the message forward to others and saying thank you to me. Here's how
Crisis or opportunity? Don't let the Housing Market Headlines Confuse You, with Ken Raiss
Crisis or opportunity? Don't let the Housing Market Headlines Confuse You, with Ken Raiss
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the conflicting information about Australia's housing markets? Well, you're not alone. A short while ago, Ken Raiss, director of Metropole Wealth Advisory, and I conducted a webinar, and even though there were well over 1,500 people registered for the webinar, I know the audience to this podcast considerably, considerably more than that, and so, therefore, I wanted to share it with you as well. In the show notes, I’ll leave you a link to where you can watch the replay and see the slides. We are going to talk about whether the housing market situation is a crisis – or is it an opportunity? We're going to unpack the key factors shaping the current housing markets and where there will be opportunities to thrive. We're going to talk about some proven strategies for making sound investments even when the market is unpredictable. We're going to talk about protecting your investments and give you some predictions about where our housing markets will be in three years. So, rather than making decisions based on fearmongering, this episode will help you make some evidence-based investment decisions.   Links and Resources: Michael Yardney Ken Raiss, director of Metropole Wealth Advisory Have a chat with Ken Raiss and the team at Metropole Wealth Advisory to secure your financial future – click here Why not get the team at Metropole on your side to give you holistic property and wealth advice– find out more here. Watch the replay of the original masterclass here. Get your bundle of E-books and resources as my gift for subscribing to this podcast Shownotes plus more here: Crisis or opportunity? Don’t let the Housing Market Headlines Confuse You, with Ken Raiss
The 106 suburbs that are cheaper to buy in now than five years ago revealed, with Dr. Nicola Powell
The 106 suburbs that are cheaper to buy in now than five years ago revealed, with Dr. Nicola Powell
There are 106 suburbs across Australia that are cheaper today than they were five years ago, new analysis shows, despite house and unit prices doubling at the same time. That’s one of the reports from Domain that I’m going to chat about today with Dr. Nicola Powell, Domain’s Chief of Research and Economics, and we will also discuss Domain’s latest reports covering the latest developments in our housing and rental markets and much more As somebody interested in property, you're probably pleased that we’ve now had 16 months of continuous property, price, and rental growth, but can this continue? Is it sustainable? And what’s ahead for our housing markets? These are also some of the questions I’m going to be asking Nicola today. Whether you're a prospective homebuyer looking for valuable insights, a seasoned investor seeking to navigate the market confidently, or simply curious about the current state of Australian real estate, I’m sure you’ll get some great insights from my chat with Nicola. Links and Resources: Get the team at Metropole to help build your personal Strategic Property Plan Click here and have a chat with us Dr Nicola Powell, Domain’s Chief of Research and Economics Domain’s Rental report Domain’s Home Price Report Get a bundle of eBooks and reports – Shownotes plus more here: The 106 suburbs that are cheaper to buy in now than five years ago revealed, with Dr. Nicola Powell
Crisis or Opportunity? Navigating Australia's Apartment Drought with Richard Temlett
Crisis or Opportunity? Navigating Australia's Apartment Drought with Richard Temlett
Over the past few years we've witnessed a whirlwind of changes, particularly in the mortgage market. Mortgage rates have skyrocketed, soaring from 2.9% in April 2022 to a staggering 6.4% today. And if that wasn't enough, the rental crisis has reached new heights, with vacancy rates plummeting to record lows nationwide, causing rents to skyrocket. In the face of these mounting pressures, purchasing an apartment has become a viable solution for some. However, this seemingly attractive option comes with its challenges with a severe shortage of apartments nationwide. It’s a topic at the forefront of discussions among investors, developers, and policymakers alike. To unpack this further, I'm joined by Richard Temlett, the National Executive Director of Research at property consultants and valuers Charter Keck Cramer. We'll explore the dynamics of the current apartment market, understand the factors driving the shortage, and dissect the trends in both the build-to-rent and build-to-sell sectors. Whether you are a property investor, apartment owner, or Real Estate enthusiast, I’m sure you will get some benefit out of our chat today. Links and Resources: Michael Yardney Richard Temlett - Charter Keck Kramer Get the team at Metropole to help build your personal Strategic Property Plan Click here and have a chat with us Get a bundle of free reports and eBooks – Shownotes plus more here: Crisis or Opportunity? Navigating Australia’s Apartment Drought with Richard Temlett
Avoiding the Tax Trap: An In-Depth Discussion with Assistant Tax Commissioner Rob Thompson
Avoiding the Tax Trap: An In-Depth Discussion with Assistant Tax Commissioner Rob Thompson
As we edge towards the end of the financial year, it's the time that you need to crunch some numbers to make sure you have all your tax obligations right, so today I am again joined by Rob Thompson, Assistant Commissioner of the ATO to dive into the world of taxation, specifically targeting tax time tips, the ins and outs of selling property, and the nuances of Capital Gains Tax. Rob's here to ensure you can navigate these turbulent tax waters confidently and avoid running afoul of the tax man. Whether you're looking to sell a property and want to understand the CGT implications, or you're prepping for tax time and seeking ways to optimise your claims, this discussion is tailored for you. Links and Resources: Michael Yardney Get the team at Metropole to help build your personal Strategic Property Plan Click here and have a chat with us Get a bundle of eBooks and reports = ATO Resources: ●        Tax time toolkit for investors: ●        Rental properties guide: ●        Rental video series: ●        Property sale clearance certificates: ●        Working from home: ●        Car expenses: Shownotes plus more here: Avoiding the Tax Trap: An In-Depth Discussion with Assistant Tax Commissioner Rob Thompson