Addiction Files: Recovery Podcast

Shane Meyer

Struggling with addiction and don't know where to start? On this channel, you'll learn more about addiction, the recovery process, coping strategies, and what goes into living in recovery. My goal is to help those struggling with addiction find their way back to health and live a fulfilling life. My channel is your one-stop shop for all things recovery. Whether you're struggling with a mental illness, PTSD, or addiction of any kind, we have helpful guides and videos to walk you through the process. Subscribe now to get access to my exclusive collection. Patreon will be in development soon. read less


EP# 17| A Family Disease
EP# 17| A Family Disease
In this insightful podcast episode, we delve into the profound concept of addiction as a family disease, exploring the intricate web of dynamics that affect not only the individual struggling with addiction but also their loved ones. Join us as we uncover the far-reaching impact of addiction on families, unraveling the complexities of this often hidden aspect of substance abuse. Throughout this episode, we'll navigate the emotional landscape of families grappling with addiction, shedding light on how the behaviors and choices of one member can reverberate throughout the entire family unit. Through personal stories, expert interviews, and real-life examples, we'll examine the roles each family member plays in this complex dynamic – from enablers and caretakers to those affected by codependency. Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the cyclical nature of addiction within families, as well as the potential for generational patterns to perpetuate. We'll discuss the emotional toll on spouses, children, and parents, and explore how denial, guilt, and shame can exacerbate the challenges faced by those connected to the addicted individual. While delving into the often heartbreaking aspects of addiction's impact on families, this episode will also highlight the potential for healing and recovery. We'll discuss the importance of communication, setting healthy boundaries, and seeking support, both individually and collectively, to break free from the grip of addiction's effects. "Ties that Bind: Addiction as a Family Disease" is an eye-opening exploration of the multifaceted connections between addiction and the family unit. Whether you're someone personally affected by addiction or seeking to better understand its pervasive influence, this episode offers valuable insights into the complexities, struggles, and possibilities for healing that arise when addiction becomes a part of a family's story.
EP#16 | The Disease to Please
EP#16 | The Disease to Please
In this thought-provoking podcast episode, we delve deep into the fascinating topic of the "Disease to Please," exploring the profound impact of an inability to say no and the pervasive habit of people-pleasing. Join us as we uncover the root causes, psychological mechanisms, and real-life consequences of this common yet often overlooked behavior. Throughout this episode, we'll dissect the complex dynamics behind the "Disease to Please," shedding light on why some individuals find themselves trapped in a never-ending cycle of saying yes, often at the expense of their own well-being. Drawing on expert insights and relatable anecdotes, we examine how societal pressures, personal history, and the desire for validation contribute to this tendency. Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the psychological toll that people-pleasing can take, as well as the toll it can take on relationships, self-esteem, and personal growth. We'll also explore the blurred boundaries between genuine kindness and self-sacrifice, discussing strategies to distinguish between healthy compassion and the pitfalls of overextending oneself. Through relatable stories and practical advice, this episode provides a roadmap for breaking free from the grips of the "Disease to Please." From setting healthy boundaries to nurturing self-worth, we'll discuss actionable steps that empower individuals to regain control of their lives and prioritize their own needs. "Breaking Free: Understanding the Disease to Please" is a compelling exploration of a behavior that many can relate to, yet often struggle to address. Whether you've felt the pressures of people-pleasing or are curious about its psychological underpinnings, this episode offers valuable insights and guidance for cultivating authentic relationships, self-respect, and a more balanced, fulfilling life.
EP #14 | Co-dependency
EP #14 | Co-dependency
In this eye-opening 15-minute podcast episode, we delve deep into the intricate connection between codependency and addiction, uncovering the complex web that binds these two phenomena. Through thoughtful analysis and expert insights, we shed light on how codependent relationships can fuel and exacerbate addictive behaviors, creating a destructive cycle that's challenging to break. Join us as we explore real-life stories that illustrate the dangerous dance between codependency and addiction, and how these patterns often intertwine. We'll hear from psychologists and counselors who provide valuable perspectives on the root causes and common traits that drive individuals towards both codependent tendencies and addictive habits. Throughout the episode, listeners will gain a better understanding of the emotional, psychological, and social factors that contribute to this toxic dynamic. We'll discuss strategies for recognizing the signs of codependency and addiction, and offer actionable advice for individuals seeking to untangle themselves from these harmful relationships. Ultimately, "Breaking the Chains: Codependency & Addiction" offers a concise yet impactful exploration of the link between these two issues, providing listeners with crucial insights to help them navigate towards healthier, more empowered lives. Whether you're personally affected or interested in understanding these complexities, this podcast episode offers a valuable and enlightening perspective on a critical topic.