FIA Ep.10: Trauma/Survival Mode

faith inspired action: the podcast

02-04-2023 • 40 mins

Hello Luminous Souls! This episode is all about trauma, recognizing both the process and long-term effects in hopes that you can begin to work on processing emotions and interrupt negative cycles and patterns from ultimately creating dis-ease and disease in your body!

You'll learn how your brain draws your attention to the trauma and how you can get addicted to the hormones that get released from a traumatic event, and then how it can ultimately change your gene expression, personality and entire life!

It's a crazy series of events but ultimately not a show stopper - you can still heal, reverse all negative effects, and decide to curate the life of your dreams!

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Reference: Becoming Supernatural : How Common People are Doing the Uncommon, Dr. Joe Dispenza

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