Number Two Podcast

Lourdes and Tello

Number Two Podcast is the journey of two cousins from a dysfunctional Latino family trying to make it through life by laughing at it. Support this podcast: read less
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NTP 068: Dreams, and More Golden Oldies
NTP 068: Dreams, and More Golden Oldies
Lourdes starts off by talking about the stress of dealing with the pandemic. Tello tries to change the subject to something happierNumber Two Cuz also talks about attending two funerals recently, but she also had the honor of attending a 100th birthday for a local priest.Tello talks about a dream he had where he got into a fight, and the real life repercussions that it caused.Tello talks about the best advice he heard for winning a fight.Lourdes and Tello call Andrea (Lourdes’ sister) to interpret a couple of their dreams.Andrea does her best to interpret the dreams, and Lourdes and Tello find her assessments interesting.Tello and Number Two Cuz talk about the movie Stand By Me, and what it might look like if they were to make a modern remake.Lourdes and Tello also talk about Back to the Future, and what a modern remake of that could be like.Tello wonders if Lourdes’ kids would be friends with her if they had the opportunity to meet her in high school like in the plot of Back to the Future. Lourdes has an answer, but she may be way off track initially.Tello and Lourdes talk to Lupe (Lourdes’ other sister) to settle a dispute about a certain word that Lourdes may have mistakenly used. Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast:
NTP 063: Gen X vs Gen Z Pt.1
NTP 063: Gen X vs Gen Z Pt.1
Lourdes and Tello start off the show off by introducing their special guests - Lourdes’ daughters Isabel and Pila. Lourdes tries to explain the competition that we’ll be having between Gen X and Gen Z, but basically it boils down to a trivia competition about each other’s generation. Tello reads a passionate description of what it was like growing up as a Generation X. He thinks they are latch-lock generation, the last analog generation, and the bridge to the digital generation. Tello thinks Gen Z has a better chance of winning since so much of Gen X’s nostalgia has been repackaged and sold to Gen Z. Tello is surprised that Isabel and Pila are not Harry Styles fans. Lourdes mispronounces Dolly Parton’s name. Tello plays the Corey Haim hotline commercial for Lourdes’ kids to see if they would ever call a hotline like that. Number Two Cuz starts off with a pre-quiz show quiz. Tello hates everything about it. Lourdes gets confused by the first Gen Z question. Tello’s Gen X questions mostly revolved around pop culture while Isabel and Pila’s Gen Z questions were more academic about their generation. Lourdes and Tello struggled for their points, but Gen Z gave them a run for their money. The score was close at the end of the show, but it was not the final score. Come back for part 2 to see who is the definitive winner of Gen X vs Gen Z. Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast:
NTP 061: Lies, Lies, Y Mas Lies
NTP 061: Lies, Lies, Y Mas Lies
Lourdes asks if Tello can tell when she is lying to him. Tello talks about how he handles a situation when he’s being lied to. Tello recalls a story of when he caught someone lying to him at work. Number Two Cuz tells the story of when she caught a teenager lying to her at work. Lourdes read an article that says that 60% or teenagers lie. Tello pointed out that Number Two Cuz has teenagers living in her house. Lourdes can’t tell when her teenage son is lying to her. Lourdes talks about some of the things she lied about as a child - including the time she called Corey Haim and Corey Feldman. Number Two Cuz also admits to lying about smoking cigarettes and hippie lettuce and letting her older sister take the blame. Lourdes also remembers lying about  smoking in her mom’s house. Tello and Lourdes talk about the time she called the Coreys, and Tello remembers when he tried to download rainbows and unicorns that added a charge to his mom’s phone bill. Lourdes talks about situations that make her feel like she needs to when she hit the garbage can with her car. Lourdes talks more in depth about an article she read about lying. Number Two Cuz quizzes Tello to see if he knows what situations might cause her to tell lies. Tello plays two truths and a lie, and he admits to something that almost no one knows. Tello tells horror stories of when he worked for the Post Office. Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast:
NTP 060: Apple Fans Pt. 2
NTP 060: Apple Fans Pt. 2
Isabelle joins Lourdes and Tello for part 2 of the Apple celebration. Number Two Cuz updates everyone on her eye hole surgery. Lourdes is a fan of roller coasters, and she’s concerned that riding them might be too much for her eyes to handle. Tello is reminded of the crazy documentary he recently watched called “Class Action Park.” A listener responded to episode 58 “Eye Holes and Superstitions” with a cajun superstition of their own. Number Two Cuz mispronounced “incense” in an embarrassing way. Tello recalls Apple’s famous “Think Different” ad campaign which featured some great 20th century personalities including, Alfred Hitchcock, Pablo Picasso, and many others. Tello recalls the introduction of the iMac and how much he didn’t like or appreciate what it had to offer at the time. Tello talks about how iTunes may have saved the music industry, and Lourdes and Tello recall their younger days burning CDs. Tello comments on how smartphones have given everyone a digital camera, and Number Two Cuz recalls the expense of buying a digital camera for Isabelle to use for her photography class. Tello talks about how Apple affected the podcast boom. Lourdes talks about Apple’s limitations, but Isabelle points out that it’s really because Number Two Cuz doesn’t like Apple and doesn’t know how to use its products. Tello appreciates Apple for giving him the tools and inspiration to continue his creative career goals. Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast:
NTP 058: Eye Holes and Superstitions
NTP 058: Eye Holes and Superstitions
Lourdes and Tello reflect on if the last episode was appropriate for children, even though her child was a part of the last show. Number Two Cuz has to take her glasses off during the show because they have a bad issue with reflection. Lourdes was having an issue with her vision, and her coworker thought it could be the worst case scenario. Lourdes’ doctor felt it might be an emergency situation, so he recommended a specialist. The doctor requested that Number Two Cuz get laser surgery as quickly as possible to address her eye-hole. When Number Two Cuz went in for laser surgery, the doctor had some trouble with his equipment. He was surprised because it had never happened to him before. Number Two Cuz wears a red bracelet to protect her from “bad juju”. Tello is not familiar with that superstition, but he is eager to talk about some research he’s done on Mexican superstitions. Lourdes tells a couple of stories of friends and relatives who also wear red bracelets to protect them from bad luck, and she recalls a story where her mother-in-law used red thread to protect her daughter from ojo (the evil eye). Tello reads excerpts from an article on how superstitions affect our psychology and well-being, and it’s not always a bad thing. Tello talks about how superstitions give people a false sense of control over their outer condition, i.e. doing the sign of the cross when a black cat crosses their path. Superstitions can be used to enhance performance in some people. For many people it’s easier to pay the cost of a cheap superstition than risk the outcome of any bad luck. Tello reads through a list of Mexican superstitions to see if Number Two Cuz is familiar with any of them. Watching a dog poop is said to cause a stye or pimple in your eye, and Tello thinks this is how Number Two Cuz got her eye hole. Tello surprises Lourdes with a quick math question about money, and Lourdes is confident she knows the answer because she used to work at a bank. Mexican’s have superstitions about dropping tortillas, pregnant women and eclipses, ojo, and the list goes on and on. Tello and Number Two Cuz go through the list to see what superstitions they believe in and remember from growing up in a very Mexican family. Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast:
NTP 057: An Awkward Conversation
NTP 057: An Awkward Conversation
Number Two Cuz brings her daughter Pila to be a guest on the show today. Pila starts the show off with a gross story of why she needs to shower. Tello starts off by recapping Lourdes’ spaghetti dinner story with Pila to see what her thoughts were on the situation. Pila thinks that the spaghetti dinner might have been her dad’s first time not enjoying a meal. Lourdes’s husband “Homie” doesn’t like much else beyond Mexican food. Pila and her sister Isabel were in agreement with not giving their dad options for dinner. Pila recalls a time when they made a fake plate of food for their dad when he said he’d eat “whatever” for dinner. Tello “turns off” Number Two Cuz’s headphones so he can ask Pila how she really feels about her mom. Lourdes gets upset when she works late, and her husband doesn’t start dinner. Tello recalls a time when Homie was cooking, and didn’t wash his hands after using the restroom. Lourdes has noticed that her husband often doesn’t wash his hands when he goes to the bathroom. Lourdes confronted her husband and son on this, and it lead to an awkward conversation about how men clean themselves after urinating. Tello tried his best to explain that a great majority of men don’t wipe themselves after going number one. The conversation almost turns into a battle of the sexes as Tello tries to explain why men don’t think of cleaning their fronts like they do their behinds. Lourdes is flabbergasted by this revelation, and Tello is embarrassed to have this conversation in front of Pila. This lead to Tello talking about giving a urine sample, and accidentally making a mess. Lourdes recalls the night of Pila’s birth. Lourdes gives Pila’s age in months, and Tello confesses that he hates when people give their babies age in months after they’re a year old. Lourdes complains that after having children, she sometimes pees a little when she coughs or sneezes. Tello asks repeatedly if Number Two Cuz has to wear diapers. Pila confesses that she’s not that much of a drinker, and she doesn’t think she can get high. Lourdes and Pila recall a family dinner where they asked their Google assistant about condoms. Pila’s brother Luis thinks condoms are bad for the environment, so he thought it would be best not to use them. Pila disagreed, and they had a family conversation about condom use. Pila talks about getting “the talk” from her aunt Phoebe, and a much more uncomfortable “talk” her grandma Monkey gave her. Lourdes has encouraged her children to seek therapy, and Tello agrees that it’s probably a good idea. Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast:
NTP 056: Ice, Art, and Mexican Slang
NTP 056: Ice, Art, and Mexican Slang
Tello and Lourdes discuss their experience during the Texas Ice Storm. Number Two Cuz talks about preparing for the disaster including getting lots of water and pots and pans for boiling water. Number Two Cuz’s experience without clean water reminder her of visiting relatives in Mexico. Tello talks about staying in one spot trying to conserve body heat while the power was out. He had to get important updates about his area’s situation through Twitter. Lourdes and Tello talk about some of the horror stories they heard about people burning furniture or heating their homes with gas stoves during the power outage. Tello talks about the unusual experience of seeing snow sandwiched between sheets of ice during the storm. Tello couldn’t believe how beautiful the weather was the week after the snow storm. Lourdes’ husband was upset that he spent so much money on supplies to protect their plants, but it wasn’t enough to save some of them. Number Two Cuz talks about her son’s art project. Little Luis is not good at drawing, and Isabel is giving him lots of help with his art homework. Tello mentions some organizations he donated to in order to help people who were affected by the Texas storm. If you’d like to help, please consider donating to: Tello surprises Number Two Cuz by asking her to define “colloquialism” to the audience. Tello reads some Mexican Slang to see if Lourdes has ever heard of them. Tello is surprised that “pendejo” literally translates to “pubic hair.” Lourdes and Tello want to popularize “disparan la mierda” as a Spanish slang. Tello also wants to popularize “Que Wow!” as a Spanglish slang. Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast:
NTP 055: Spaghetti Dinner and Nostalgia
NTP 055: Spaghetti Dinner and Nostalgia
Tello reads some excerpts from an article about Nostalgia from Brit+Co . Lourdes talks about her double nostalgic trip with her mom. Number Two Cuz’s mom sent her a photo of her birth card from the hospital when she was born. Lourdes talks about her father rescuing her mom after a bad relationship. Number Two Cuz talks about looking like a little boy in childhood photos. Big Luis didn’t like the dinner that Lourdes made for him, and she was hurt and offended. Number Two admits to feeling a little resentful towards her husband when she prepared this dinner. Lourdes and Tello talk about cooking responsibilities between stovetop cooking and barbecuing. Lourdes and Tello talk about Tello’s home video transfer project. Number Two Cuz has some heartwarming feelings watching some of the old home videos that Tello transferred to digital. Lourdes also experienced some melancholy while watching the old home videos. Tello recalls when his uncle tried giving him advice to lose weight, but at a very awkward occasion. Tello talks about his concerns about repackaging nostalgia pop culture and selling it to younger generations. Number Two Cuz shocks Tello when she admits that she never taught her son to ride a bike. Tello talks about the technical process to transfer the old home videos. Tello also talks about the self-image he had of himself when he was younger, and how wrong he was at the time. Lourdes talks about enjoying Cobra Kai with the entire family. Number Two Cuz is surprised that her son is a fan of the original Footloose. Lourdes talks about listening to the same sad music that her Dear Mother listened to when she was sad. Now she hears her kids listening to the same music, and she’s concerned. Tello enjoys nostalgia, but he encourages everyone to be careful of falling into negative trappings of nostalgia. Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast:
NTP 054: Welcome Back
NTP 054: Welcome Back
Tello and Lourdes catch up Since we’ve last seen them, Lourdes has gotten her Associate Degree Tello thinks a Bachelor of Science makes him a scientist Tello states his political stances that not everyone might agree with, but he invites those who think differently to continue listening to the show to try and find some common ground. Number Two Cuz talks about her husband’s shaving habits. Lourdes and Tello talk about why they haven’t recorded in awhile Tello needed some time to recover from other projects before feeling ready to return to the podcast. Tello wanted to shoot a couple of shorts, but the pandemic prevented that. Lourdes misunderstood what “shorts” meant when Tello talks about wanting to make a couple of shorts. Lourdes talks about being manipulated by her five year old niece, and being tricked into a sleepover. Tello talks about supporting the show by buying shirts through our amazon store at Lourdes talks about not wearing her “A La Muerte” shirt where it might be inappropriate. Lourdes and Tello talk about the new logo for Number Two Podcast. Number Two Cuz had a fun time working with @go_go_tani to come up with ideas for the new logo. Tello has been too lazy to try and record a new intro song. Tello talks a little bit about nostalgia Lourdes ruins the podcast again by having the definition of nostalgia ready for Tello’s request. Tello plays a couple of clips of an old Corey Haim 900 number. Lourdes talks about calling those 900 numbers when she was a child. Number Two Cuz calls her mom to tell her side of the 900 number story. Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast:
N2P 053: Mom Turns 69
N2P 053: Mom Turns 69
* Lourdes and Tello recap their interview with Tello’s mom. * Tello wanted to concentrate on more of the happy memories, but Tello’s mom keeps it real and tells some of the darker stories from her past. * Tello was surprised by some information that came from a question his brother asked after the recording was done. * Tello was pleased that his big Mexican family enjoyed his sister-in-law’s pho at his mom’s birthday party. * Tello was kind of surprised by the colorful language his mother used. * Lourdes and Tello interview Aunt Becky (Tello’s mom). * Tello’s mom gives short answers at first, but Tello and Lourdes are able to get more and surprising stories out of her. * Tello finds out how his mom met his brother’s father and his father, and what their relationships were like. * Tello is surprised that his grandfather had a good relationship with Tello’s father. * Tello gets frustrated with his mother’s short answers, and tries to pull full stories out of her instead of boring short answers. * Aunt Becky tells some dark stories of the times her ex-husbands tried to shoot her. * Tello is shocked that his mom wouldn’t take any responsibility for the fight that her husband started at her sister’s wedding. Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast:
N2P 052: Anatomy of Gummy Bears
N2P 052: Anatomy of Gummy Bears
Support Number Two Podcast by visiting * Tello jokes about the inconsistent release schedule of Number Two Podcast. * Number Two Cuz should get her Associates degree in another year, but it will take a few more years to complete her full degree plan. * Tello jokes about Lourdes starting a new career in her mid 40s. * Lourdes is taking Anatomy this semester, and she’s afraid she won’t pass the class because she didn’t know what a vulva was. * Number Two Cuz has to buy gummy bears to dissect for her anatomy class. * Coincidentally Tello found some funny Amazon reviews of gummy bears. * Lourdes will figure out how to show where the gummy bear anus is. * Number Two Cuz forgot to apply for financial aid for this semester of school. * Tello interrupts Lourdes’ financial aid story to read a funny Amazon review for the bag of gummy bears about someone getting the runs. * Lourdes has a lot of pressure from school and life. Tello pretends to be future Dr. T. to help Lourdes deal with her stress. * Tello offers some very sage advice to Lourdes to handle the stresses she’s dealing with. * For some reason this reminded Lourdes of a fire alarm at work. Some people ignored the alarm because they thought it was a drill, but this turned out to be a real fire. Those who followed protocol got soaking wet because it was raining outside. * Tello reads another funny Amazon review about gummy bears making people sick. * Tello reads some iTunes reviews, and one of them makes Lourdes’ heart melt. * Tello asks if anyone has any negative reviews of the show to post it on twitter or instagram so he can cuss them out. * Lourdes is a nice person for a short time out of the month because she suffers from issues two weeks before and two weeks after her monthly cycle – plus there’s the week of that is also a problem too. Tello concludes that there are 5 weeks out of the month where Number Two Cuz is not a nice person. * Tello isn’t happy with the lighting on him or Number Two Cuz. Lourdes criticizes Tello’s lights for being too bright. * Tello reviews the changes that Lourdes made to Tello’s dating profile, but Tello isn’t really happy with the updates. * Tello’s mom is turning 69 this year. * Lourdes’ mother-in-law just celebrated her 79th birthday, and Luis and his family surprised her with a big party. Lourdes bought some small gifts to give away as prizes, but no one played the party games. Lourdes decided to keep the prizes to herself. * Lourdes’ mother-in-law gave her a blessing that ended with her hand on Lourdes’ lips. Tello wonders if she washed her hands after she went to the bathroom. Lourdes was grossed out, but didn’t want to cause a scene. * Tello tries some reverse psychology to get people to buy Number Two Podcast shirts from Contact us: Support us: --- Support this podcast: