NTP 058: Eye Holes and Superstitions

Number Two Podcast

13-04-2021 • 59 mins

  • Lourdes and Tello reflect on if the last episode was appropriate for children, even though her child was a part of the last show.
  • Number Two Cuz has to take her glasses off during the show because they have a bad issue with reflection.
  • Lourdes was having an issue with her vision, and her coworker thought it could be the worst case scenario.
  • Lourdes’ doctor felt it might be an emergency situation, so he recommended a specialist.
  • The doctor requested that Number Two Cuz get laser surgery as quickly as possible to address her eye-hole.
  • When Number Two Cuz went in for laser surgery, the doctor had some trouble with his equipment. He was surprised because it had never happened to him before.
  • Number Two Cuz wears a red bracelet to protect her from “bad juju”.
  • Tello is not familiar with that superstition, but he is eager to talk about some research he’s done on Mexican superstitions.
  • Lourdes tells a couple of stories of friends and relatives who also wear red bracelets to protect them from bad luck, and she recalls a story where her mother-in-law used red thread to protect her daughter from ojo (the evil eye).
  • Tello reads excerpts from an article on how superstitions affect our psychology and well-being, and it’s not always a bad thing.
  • Tello talks about how superstitions give people a false sense of control over their outer condition, i.e. doing the sign of the cross when a black cat crosses their path.
  • Superstitions can be used to enhance performance in some people.
  • For many people it’s easier to pay the cost of a cheap superstition than risk the outcome of any bad luck.
  • Tello reads through a list of Mexican superstitions to see if Number Two Cuz is familiar with any of them.
  • Watching a dog poop is said to cause a stye or pimple in your eye, and Tello thinks this is how Number Two Cuz got her eye hole.
  • Tello surprises Lourdes with a quick math question about money, and Lourdes is confident she knows the answer because she used to work at a bank.
  • Mexican’s have superstitions about dropping tortillas, pregnant women and eclipses, ojo, and the list goes on and on. Tello and Number Two Cuz go through the list to see what superstitions they believe in and remember from growing up in a very Mexican family.

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