56. Burnt out & over it

Real-Life Business

26-03-2023 • 44 mins

As a coach, promoting the need to build a business that meets the needs of your life, rather than taking over it; to admit that I was burnt out and over it was MASSIVE.

I felt like the biggest fraud and honestly, I just wanted the world to swallow me up never to be seen again.

I thought about hiding away, coming off socials and going back to full time work - and for a short period, I was really f#$king tempted...

But something inside kept calling to me.

I couldn't just turn my back on what I can feel in my heart.

I KNOW I am here to inspire.

I KNOW I am here to lead a movement of FIRED UP parents sick to death of the hum-drum monotony of everyday life.

I KNOW there is more available to each and everyone of us who are brave enough to take the steps and make it happen.

I'm here for that.

I'll ALWAYS be here for that.

I just needed to find a different vehicle through which to make it happen!!


In this first episode back after a whopping 8 months, I'm sharing my story of burnt out and over it and how I managed to pull myself out of the biggest funk I have found myself in to date, to now be feeling FIRED UP and ready to lead a new charge!

This show is here to inspire

This show is here to empower

And this show is here to enable you to believe that ACTUALLY I CAN - you can achieve anything that you want and we're gonna do it together

So if you're with me, lean in

👉 Share what you love on your socials and be sure to tag me in the process

👉 Send it to someone who needs to hear it

👉 Reach out to grab a copy of my "Get you fire back" eBook

...and let's make 2023 f#$king fabulous! 💗

CONNECT WITH ME HERE: https://linktr.ee/clairemarkwick