BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series

26-10-2023 • 20 mins

S4 E2 Multi Award Winning Singer/Songwriter/ and Multi-Instrumentalist Steve Eales of Steve Eales and The Open Road is this weeks BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series guest.

During this weeks episode Podcast Host/Creator Di Spillane asks Steve what he will be performing during his first appearance at the festival, has an in depth conversation with Steve about songwriting and the songwriters workshop that he will be holding, and Di even manages to ask Steve a couple of questions that nobody has ever asked him before!

Steve will be holding a Songwriters Workshop during this year's Port Noarlunga Blues Festival on Saturday the 25th of November at 11am in the Noori Wine Bar on Gawler Street. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased vial this link: https://www.trybooking.com/events/1125816/sessions/4191152/sections/2107353/tickets

Steve will be performing his brand new songs during the festival, 7pm at the Port Noarlunga Hotel and 9pm at Drifters on Saturday the 25th, and on Sunday he will be performing at Port Burger at 4pm.

For more information about this year's festival please go to their website: https://portnoarlungabluesfestival.com.au/

Steve Eales website: https://www.steveeales.com/

The BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series theme song was written by Catherine Lambert and Michael Bryant for the BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series.

For more places to listen, rate, and or support this independent Music Interview podcast please go to the BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series Linktree: https://linktr.ee/banditaboutpodcastseries Thanks for listening!

BAND IT ABOUT - Proudly Supporting Live Music.

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