S3 E4 KAREN PATER Harmonica/Percussion for THE RIVER RATS, previous bands include BILLY GOAT BOOGIE and Heather Frahn & the Moonlight Tide

BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series

02-09-2022 • 35 mins

Karen Pater was born in Sydney, spent her teenage/early-mid adult life in Perth, and in recent years moved to South Australia settling in the Fleurieu Peninsular. Despite taking up playing the harmonica initially whilst living in Perth, initially inspired to play this instrument after seeing Matt Taylor play, and Matt encouraging her to continue playing, Karen eventually became frustrated by the lack of ways to learn how to play. The pre-internet days meant relying on learning to play by ear whilst listening to records, and eventually, life got busy with work and other commitments, so apart from jamming with friends or attending an open mic, Karen didn't have much of an opportunity to advance her natural talent. All of this changed in recent years when she moved to South Australia, Karen was asked by her friend Heather Frahn if she would like to play with her band Heather Frahn & The Moonlight Tide at the Deep South - Roots, Blues & Folk Festival in 2013, giving Karen the opportunity to fulfill her dream of playing at The Gov on the main stage. Since marrying and retiring from nursing, Karen has had the time and the opportunity to rediscover her love of the harmonica. The first band that she joined in SA was called 'Billy Goat Boogie, and when a couple of the band members decided to move on and form their own band The River Rats, they asked Karen if she would be interested in joining them.

The River Rats started in 2019 with the aim of putting together a blues repertoire to then gig at local bars and festivals. The 'Rats, as they've become known, have built a very strong following on the Fleurieu Peninsular and surrounding areas with their brand of cool blues classics and original songs. The band includes Karen Pater (harmonica and percussion), Garry Searle (lead vocals, drums, and guitars), originally Michael Porter on guitar, now replaced by Caitlyn Rault, and Paul Kraack (vocals, bass, and guitars). Through the challenges of COVID-19, Paul and Garry built a song-writing collaboration and began recording a number of original songs - and the band created the EP titled 'Hold On'. Two singles 'Hot And Cold', and 'Wildflower' were released around Christmas 2021 on all streaming services. In January ’22, their blues song ‘Wildflower’ achieved national recognition when it hit number 3 on the Australian National Radio Airplay Project regional charts. The 'Rats continue to gig around the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia and perform their originals and R&B classics.

Music "Band It About" theme song, written and recorded for the BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series by Catherine Lambert and Michael Bryant.

Outro; 'Wildflower' The River Rats 2021 debut EP 'Hold On', written by Garry Searle and Paul Kraack. + Bonus audio after song.

Links: BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series links can be found here: https://linktr.ee/banditaboutpodcastseries

The River Rats Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/theriverrats19/

Spotify: https://artists.spotify.com/c/artist/19mtYa567KY3UQDxCV8511/home

Thanks for listening! Di Spillane BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series Host/Creator/Editor