Hootie & the Blowfish - Cracked Rear View | 90s Album Review

Dig Me Out: 90s Rock

14-05-2024 • 1 hr 23 mins

In terms of unexpected successes in the music industry, Hootie & the Blowfish might be the biggest one of all. Having spent years playing southern bars as the 80s gave way to the 90s, the band couldn't get a record deal despite success with an independent EP. The A&R rep that signed them did so because they didn't sound like what was popular, and Atlantic Records gave them a fraction of their standard advance and no money to make a video for their 1994 debut Cracked Rear View. Years of honing their chops on the SEC circuit meant the pop-rock tunes with a tinge of southern flavor were tight and catchy - the perfect antidote to the domination of minor chord and drop-tuned Seattle sound that dominated after the release of Nevermind. Naturally, as their record sales exploded, backlash wasn't far behind, which quickly made the band fodder for comedians and music journalist poison pens. So is the hate directed at four compentent musicians with a goofy band name and over twenty-million albums sold valid?

Thank you to Tara for her years of support, please check out Prism United.

Songs In This Episode

Intro - Hold My Hand

26:47 - Hannah Jane

29:35 - Drowning

48:40 - Only Wanna Be With You

52:29 - Running From An Angel

Outro - Goodbye

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