Change Lab Season 9: Make to Know

Why AxS from ArtCenter

02-09-2021 • 2 mins

Pop quiz: Do artists and designers create to express what you know? Or do we make things to get to know ourselves and the world we inhabit?

Those are a few of the questions we’ll be grappling with throughout the next season of Change Lab, launching on September 29th, with Lorne’s revelatory interview with Mike Shinoda, artist, musician, ArtCenter alum, and rockstar in all senses of the word.

This season coincides with the release of Lorne’s book, Make to Know, investigating the relationship between inspiration and improvisation, artist and artwork, maker and finished product -- themes that will resonate with anyone familiar with this podcast. The book was inspired at least in part by insights derived from Change Lab interviews revealing the many insights into the hows and whys we humans are driven to create.

This new season will take a deep dive into those ideas with a phenomenal lineup of interviews with creative luminaries designed to complement Make to Know and function as a complete guide to accessing and implementing the creative power that lives within us all.

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