
The School of Reinvention

15-08-2022 • 2 mins

Reinvention: it’s all the rage now. Everyone wants to be the “best versions of themselves,” and in some cases what that looks like is you needing to start completely over, or reinvent your life. And I’m sure you’re thinking…But how do I actually do that?!

The journey of reinvention is not easy. If it was, everyone would do it. There is no one-size fits all, no all-in-one course, or perfect formula to get you the results you want effortlessly and easily. This will take some serious work, patience, and often blind faith, to actually accomplish. And that’s where this podcast comes in.

I started my reinvention journey on my health, wealth, and relationships back in 2005, and like most of you, I thought it was best to embark on this new adventure completely alone. That’s just what you do, right?

I’m sure you’ve heard the terms lone wolf, solopreneur, or outlier, or you’ve heard phrases like “it’s lonely at the top.” If you’re anything like me, you’ve been subscribing to these thoughts throughout your whole life, and have been conditioned to think that they’re fact… but I’m here to tell you that’s not the case.

At first, my solo reinvention journey was great… but then slowly it became a challenge to manage completely on my own. Anytime I struggled, I was the only person there to console myself or pick myself back up. I didn’t have anyone to challenge me on my ideas or plans of action, or to hold me accountable when it mattered most. I was left to learn and experiment completely on my own. I did have some friends I let in on my reinvention journey, but most didn’t seem to understand my obsession with making these changes... which for some of you probably sounds familiar.

So yes, I did come to a place of being able to reinvent myself alone, but it wasn’t until I had the right mix of people like supporters, coaches, mentors, and role models to teach and show me the skills or insight I needed, to really kick me into high gear. What previously had taken me 5 years to achieve going solo, had only taken me 1 year when I was with my tribe.

So when I started thinking about how I could support others in not only getting onto the journey to reinvention, but making the absolute most of the experience, the answer was simple - breakthrough reinvention coaching. Now, even though I don’t have the magic pill to solve all your reinvention woes, I do know from having reinvented my life many times over in the past two decades what you can do at every stage of reinvention in order to get to the finish line.

My name is Roger Osorio. I’m a public speaker, author, podcaster, and reinvention coach who helps people just like you overcome the hurdles they need, to get to the dream life they desire.

Join me every Monday, where I’ll be interviewing people who’ve gone through their own reinventions and will provide with tangible takeaways so you can make the most of your journey.

So if you’re ready to reinvent your life, you’re in the right place.

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