Get Back Up Again...and Again...

The Roy Hall Jr. Podcast

02-05-2021 • 28 mins

Get Back Up Again...and Again

It's not easy being knocked down time after time, and have to get back up. It's not easy having to start over after you've invested so much time and energy into your business, relationship, or education, only to have to start over for a number of reasons (I'm sure you can name them). It's extremely difficult making hopeful financial decisions, only to watch them flake away during the pandemic. What about weight loss? Health goals? Studies show that smokers may try quitting an average of 30 times before they succeed.

The truth is, you have to fight to get back up. You have to find a way to get back up. You have to! The loss isn't what defines you. The mistake isn't what defines you, unless you allow it to keep you down. Getting back up IS what will stick. Beating the odds is what you will be remembered for.

That's why in this episode of the Roy Hall Jr. Podcast I made it a priority to show you how to build resilience so that you can hurry back to your feet.

Getting back up is NOT easy. If it was easy, everyone would do it. YOU CAN though. You can get back to your feet. You can get back what you lost. You can still live the life you desire and get the results that you've worked your entire life for.

I've been down before. Physically and mentally. Take this journey with me so that I can help you get to where you want to go. You CAN Get Back Up Again...and Again starting right NOW!

Click Here to take my FREE COURSE: Make It Count – How to Stay Motivated Each Day and Keep a Positive Perspective.

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