The Power of Perspective

The Roy Hall Jr. Podcast

13-03-2021 • 40 mins

The Power of Perspective | Ep. 3

Last week I found out that my friend, Ms. Dreaddi Larcher, a progressive educator and student mentor, passed away after a courageous fight with cancer. Ms. Dreaddi was the consummate professional. In her obituary, a co-worker wrote:

"Dreaddi was like the sunshine walking into the room with her smile and her presence. It was an honor to know and work with such an amazing woman."

The loss of life instantly puts things into perspective. There is significant power in perspective. Perspective is a top-3 characteristics that all successful people and professionals need to possess.

On average, your heart beats 108,000 times each day. Each subtle thump in your chest is an obvious reminder that you still have a chance to become a better person and professional. The faint rhythmic cadence that we often take for granted is an unmistakable indication that you still have an opportunity to use your life to make a difference in the world. Two people die each second, on average. Just the fact that you are reading this sentence is significant proof that you are here for a reason, and that reason isn't just to be the best at your professional position.

In this podcast I honor Ms. Dreaddi's life by sharing how to maintain and protect your perspective, and how passion is the catalyst for all success. Additionally, I discuss the Easy 4-Step Process to Change Any Area of Your Life in Just 30 Days.

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