How to Stop Self-Doubt and Fear

The Roy Hall Jr. Podcast

02-12-2021 • 26 mins

How to Stop Self-Doubt and Fear Before It Stops You - Roy Hall Jr. Podcast

A poll was recently conducted with 2,000 Americans to determine what people fear most in 2021. I won't give you the entire list, but I will show you the top 3. Any guesses as to what they were?

Americans' Top 3 Fears 2021:

#3 – Mass Shootings

#2 – Loved Ones Becoming Seriously Ill

#1 – Loved Ones Dying

Before I go any further, I want to express my sincerest condolences and very intentional prayers to the families and victims of the Oxford High School (Oxford, MI) mass shooting that occurred on November 30, 2021. Four students lost their lives: Madisyn Baldwin, 17; Tate Myre, 16; Hana St. Juliana, 14; and Justin Shilling, 17.

This puts #3 in a different perspective. Every day that you are alive is truly a gift.

NUMBER ONE  on the list was the fear of Loved Ones Dying.

On October 12, 2021 one of my Ohio State Football Buckeye Brothers, Devan Bogard, tragically lost his life in an apartment fire. He was just 27 years old. The last time I had talked to Devan was on October 12, 2020!

I didn't have the fear of him passing. The thought never crossed my mind. My friend passed away exactly 365 days after we spoke about the AMAZING THINGS THAT HE WANTED TO DO WITH HIS LIFE.

On Episode 12 of the Roy Hall Jr. Podcast, I break down the difference between being afraid and living in fear. Believe it or not, fear can be your friend if you use it correctly. Being afraid will keep you average, but FEAR will make you fight. You'll get a full understanding of how to stop self-doubt and fear before it stops you.

Rest in Heaven Bogeez...

Take a listen on your way to work, on your lunch break, or while you're on your way home this evening. Let me know what stood out most to you.

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