Bloomberg Surveillance TV: April 12, 2024

Bloomberg Surveillance

12-04-2024 • 20 mins

Bloomberg Surveillance TV: April 12, 2024
-Ken Leon, Director of Equity Research, CFRA-Neil Dutta, Head of US Economic Research, Renaissance Macro Research-Jill Carey Hall, Head of US Small and Mid-Cap Strategy, BofA Global Research
Ken Leon, Director of Equity Research at CFRA, reacts to earnings from JPMorgan, Citi and Wells Fargo, saying there are 'opportunities for these banks to surprise on the upside'. Neil Dutta of Renaissance Macro says rate cuts are still on the table for the Fed this year despite hotter-than-expected data so far. BofA's Jill Carey Hall says the outlook for small-cap stocks depends heavily on the Fed's next move.

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