Going Easy on Ourselves as Parents... with Rebecca Parlakian (ZERO to THREE) // Parenting During COVID-19

Rediscovering Play

19-05-2020 • 37 mins

On this episode, our guest is Rebecca Parlakian. Rebecca Parlakian serves as Senior Director of Programs at ZERO TO THREE, where she directs a portfolio of projects related to child development, parenting, and high quality teaching/caregiving. In her role, Rebecca has developed a variety of parenting resources in various formats (e.g., app, videos, podcasts, web-based resources). She has also co-authored three parenting education curricula and published articles on topics ranging from dual language development to the impact of screens on very young children.

Rebecca holds a Master’s degree in Education and Human Development, with a concentration in infant-toddler special education, from the George Washington University, where she is currently serving as adjunct faculty. Her most important and most satisfying lab work in child development, however, is her two children, Ella and Bennett.

Rebecca talks to us about the importance of going easy on ourselves as parents during this time, and gives us some great tips on how to help cope with some of the challenges we face with young children.

Listen in for more!