Homeschooling Pro Tips... with Brigitte Pellerin (The Ottawa Citizen) // Parenting During COVID-19

Rediscovering Play

29-04-2020 • 35 mins

In this episode, our guest is Brigitte Pellerin. Brigitte is a writer, film-maker, broadcaster, and multimedia entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in Canadian media, both in French and English. I have worked as a columnist, reporter, editor and commentator with outlets including the Québécois Libre, CFRA radio, the Montreal Gazette, the Ottawa Citizen, the Sun Media newspaper chain and the Sun News Network.

Brigitte has over a decade of experience homeschooling her three children, so she gives us some homeschooling pro tips of things that she's learned over the years, and shares her experiences of what has worked and what hasn't worked for her and her family.

There are some great suggestions in here, so check it out for more!