Creating Inclusive Communities to Return to... with Jen Leo & Kassi Boyd (The Steadward Centre) // Summer of COVID

Rediscovering Play

23-07-2020 • 33 mins

In this episode, our guests are Jen Leo & Kassi Boyd. JenLeo  is the Director of The Steadward Centre for Personal & Physical Achievement. With over 15 years of research and community-based experience, she has focused on understanding experiences of inclusion, engagement, and participation in adapted physical activity settings.

Kassi Boyd is the Community Impact Coordinator at The Steadward Centre for Personal & Physical Achievement. Kassi is also a 3rd year PhD student whose research interests centre on the intersections of inclusion, disability, and child-driven culture.

Jen & Kassi speak to us about the works they've been doing at the Steadward Centre and with the Promoting Inclusive Play in Alberta (PIPA) project, and we discuss the ways that communities can come together during this time to create more inclusive and accessible play environments for everyone.

Tune in for more!