14. John 9 - A... Problem, of Punctuation?

Rethinking Scripture

14-09-2021 • 30 mins

Rethinking Scripture Podcast -

Episode 14: A... Problem, of Punctuation? (John 9)

September 13, 2021 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall

Before Jesus heals a blind man, in John 9, the disciples ask Him a very strange question. “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?” Unfortunately, our English translations may be misguiding us in regards to Jesus’ response. So let’s move some punctuation around and rethink what Jesus might have been saying about sin, work… and the sabbath.

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Show Music:

  • Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos Santos
  • Transition Music - produced by Jacob A. Hall

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