How Can We Create “Legendary” Customer-Facing AI?

Generation AI: Automating Better Business

12-03-2024 • 27 mins

Let’s be honest, not every customer experience is created equal. But what separates a brand that lasts the test of time from a brand that only creates superficial connections? With studies showing that consumers are concerned about how businesses are using AI to engage with them, it’s time to think critically about what makes a customer experience feel “legendary.”

Justin Gonzalez, most recently Director of Customer Empowerment at Square, says that these experiences only come about when AI and automation are used in service of caring about customer needs — and creating memorable experiences in every interaction.

Join us as we discuss:
  • What it means to create a “legendary” customer experiences
  • The trouble with bad bots — and how they increase customer reluctance toward AI
  • Innovation in the ongoing shift toward digital support channels