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Daily Tech News Show

Tom Merritt

Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane and the team help you stay up to date with independent, authoritative and trustworthy tech news. read less


US Chips is a Thing - DTNS 4757
2d ago
US Chips is a Thing - DTNS 4757
Is the Chips Act a success? The author of "Chip War", Chris Miller, believes it and we go over his reasons for his belief. Plus Engadget's Sam Rutherford argues that it doesn't matter if Apple only sold 400,000 Vision Pros. It's still making money. And we go over Alphabet's earnings.Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Molly Wood, Roger Chang, Joe.Link to the show notes here:Quick Hits: Stories: out Tom’s Top Five: Story:https://www.christophermiller.net’s guest:Molly Woodhttps://www.mollywood.cohttps://mollywood.substack.com guest:Scott Johnsonhttp://frogpants.com Ibbotthttps://www.coverville.com Links: