Episode 1 - Don't Find Yourself. Create Yourself.

7,000 Volts - Living the Electrified Life - LJ Tucker

08-03-2024 • 33 mins

Welcome to "7,000 Volts: Living An Electrified Life" with LJ Tucker. LJ offers an authentic glimpse into his life as a certified arborist and shares the beginning of his journey into motivational speaking and life coaching. This podcast delves into LJ's personal and professional journey, including his remarkable survival from a 7000-volt electrocution, his first couple jobs in the industry, into the continued growth of his tree care and property maintenance business through hard work and dedication. As a committed father and husband, LJ shares how family values and resilience shape his approach to life and business. The motivation behind starting this podcast is to connect with like-minded individuals, share practical wisdom, and inspire through real-life experiences. Join LJ Tucker as he navigates the challenges and rewards of the motivational speaking industry and shares his story of life's unpredictable branches as a certified arborist.

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