The Manticlore Podcast

01-07-2024 • 57 mins

They are back and better than ever. The Death Arc is Pandora's Box, now opened for the Galaxy to witness, and fear. They want only to spread, consume, and destroy in ceaseless rage. Learn about this existential threat's history, the forms they take, and about what makes them terrifying on a cosmic level.

Welcome to the Manticlore Den!


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The Manticlore Podcast’s Warpath Faction Playlists Event

Submit Entries Between June 17th 2024-Sept 30th 2024


We want to hear your moodboards for your favorite factions. Present us your playlists full of songs that vibe with your Veer-myn, make your Marauders merry, and rile up your Rebs. WE NEED YOU!!!


  1. Each playlist creator will comment on the Faction Playlists channel with

    1. What faction(s) they want to make a playlist for

    2. What their username is on the music platform they will be making them on.

    3. What the music platform will be. (Must be a free-to-use music platform)

Multiple people may do the same faction, but we encourage the creators to coordinate this way to try and get every faction at least one playlist.

  1. The creators will have the duration of the event to share their playlists as a comment to their faction declaration post in the same channel. The event will close at 11:59 MDT Sept. 30, 2024.

  2. During October, Ashwalker and Zacama13 will judge the entries with the criteria below with the intention to declare the winners in the first episode released in November.

Playlist Parameters

  • Each Playlist should have a name that includes the name of one of the playable factions in Mantic’s Firefight, Deadzone, or Warpath. Alternatively, you could make one for Dreadball, but we will keep that as just dreadball, instead of a category for each individual team.

    • GCPS

    • Marauders

    • Asterians

    • Forge Fathers

    • Enforcers

    • Plague

    • Veer-myn

    • Mazon Labs

    • Nightstalkers

    • Rebs

    • Nameless

    • Dreadball*

  • Each Playlist should excite a fan, positively represent, or capture the vibe of the faction named.

  • Each playlist should contain at least 2 hours of music with no one song lasting longer than 12 minutes. The more music the better!

  • Songs may contain explicit lyrics, but discretion should be exercised to not promote self-harm, hatred towards a group of people or culture from the real world, or be sexually provocative.

  • We will not be playing any of the music on the podcast, so feel free to use music that could be copyrighted such as music from movie scores, videogame scores, etc. You could even try including your own music if you want to put it out there!

Judging Criteria

  • Preliminaries

    • Ashwalker and Zacama13 will judge the playlists by grouping the playlists by faction, after which we will pick 10 songs at random and listen to the samples of those songs.

    • Each song will earn 0-2 stars for its playlist. (MAX 40 stars)

      • 0 stars=doesn’t remind us at all of the faction

      • 1 star=reminds us of the faction and is a good song for them.

      • 2 stars= reserved for absolute perfect matches, music that we feel transports us into the Warpath universe.

    • After each song is judged this way, we will announce the top 2 playlists from each faction if applicable.

  • Faction Finals

    • The top 2 from each faction, Ashwalker and Zacama will listen to in their entirety, and then discuss overall feelings and highlights and decide who will be the BEST playlist-in our opinion-to represent that faction.

  • Overall Top 3

    • From each of the faction playlists we will discuss and pick 3 playlists that we feel best represent their faction through music.

  • Fan Favorite

    • During the month of October while we are doing our judging, we will have polls attached to our spotify episodes where the listeners can vote for their favorite playlists and on the first podcast of November, we will announce which playlist received the most overall votes for Fan Favorite.