Conscious Evolution:The Journey

Galanthus International

What if I told you it is possible to find purpose in uncertainty, embrace complexity, and even appreciate ambiguity? What would that look like and how would it change your life? Danielle and Natalie unpack what it means to intentionally learn, grow, and consciously evolve into having meaningful experiences and redefined perspectives on life, leadership, and impact. They introduce the fundamentals of what it means to consciously evolve, why it's important and how it influences and transforms the way you live. read less


#Knowthyself to navigate ambiguity
#Knowthyself to navigate ambiguity
Join Natalie and Danielle as we explore how knowing yourself can help you define your values and make decisions even in uncomfortable and ambiguous situations. Email us at for more information on our Enneagram coaching special and how to get a free life journey map coaching session. Episode Show Notes Season 2, Episode 1: Awakening through Your Values  Today on the Conscious Evolution: The Journey podcast,  We operate in a pre-existing complex environment We often think the problem is that we don’t have a system for making decisions in ambiguous and complex situations What role does understanding our values play in helping us navigate ambiguity and complexity? How can you determine your values and motivations through a Life Journey map?  Creating a Life Journey Map  Pick a defined period of time you want to focus on (the previous 10 years, 15 years, entire life, etc.) Divide your time period into smaller units (I.e. each year, or childhood/adolescence/young adulthood/other significant events) In each time period, write down the situations/events/etc., that stood out during that time period. Then look for the beliefs you took on during that period as well as the values that may have materialized during those events or situations. Looking at your map as a whole, look for both positive beliefs and beliefs you may have outgrown or might be blocking you from creating the life you want.  Resources Mentioned  List of 100 Values from Brene Brown Medium article: How former President Obama makes tough decisions  Coaching Specials  Email us at for more information on our Enneagram coaching special and how to get a free life journey map coaching session.