Dr. Dolores Cormier-Zenon, NBCT - President Louisiana National Board Certified Teacher Network

National Board Conversations

16-12-2023 • 20 mins

Dr. Dolores Cormier-Zenon is a National Board Certified Teacher with over 25 years in education. She served as President of ASCD (Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development), the co-founder/President of the PC2 Education Foundation, and founder/vice-chair of the National Board Network of Accomplished Minority Educators (NAME). Additionally, she serves as President of the Louisiana National Board Certified Teacher Network while supporting underprivileged students to achieve post-secondary academic success. Cormier-Zenon was recognized by the Louisiana Department of Education as a Distinguished Educator in 2004, significantly impacting change in challenging schools and districts to elevate their commitment to educators, families, and students' social-emotional and academic needs. Cormier-Zenon later earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2012 and continues to promote a focus on diverse topics that influence equity, advocacy, and policy, teacher leadership, professional practice, family engagement, and high-quality instruction that impacts the whole child. In response to COVID, she founded the WISE OWL Scholar Academy to challenge and support students in a safe and healthy environment. Dr. Zenon espouses the belief that “Every child, every zip code, no matter their circumstance.”

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Facebook: The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

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