Safety Moment - Embracing Imperfection: A Safety Moment with Todd

PreAccident Investigation Podcast

05-06-2024 • 2 mins

Hey everybody, welcome to another pre-accident investigation safety moment with Todd! In this episode, Todd kicks things off with an insightful quote from Henry Petrosky: "We have learned to live in a world of imperfect things, just as we've learned to live in a world of imperfect humans."

Todd delves into the humility and profound truth behind this quote, emphasizing that neither systems nor people are perfect. He highlights the importance of recognizing potential weaknesses and flaws in our work and daily lives, urging us to be prepared for inevitable failures.

Whether managing high-risk systems or simply navigating everyday tasks like shopping or getting repairs done, Todd reminds us that how we approach and understand the potential for disappointment is crucial. He encourages listeners to share their interpretations of the quote and celebrates the diversity of perspectives that make life interesting.

Join Todd for a reflective moment that underscores the value of learning, having fun, and being kind and safe in an imperfect world. Learn something new every day and embrace the journey!

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