Great And Spacious Podcast


Four apostate millennials sit down and take a long hard look at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:Follow these friends raised in varying degrees of Mormonism as they attempt to make sense of what the Mormon Church actually teaches, and how that measures up to actual history and fact.Oh, also we’re super drunk! read less


Episode 67 - Charcutes For Jesus
Episode 67 - Charcutes For Jesus
Send us a Digital EpistleJoin us for another enlightening episode where we chat about life’s little absurdities. We dive into the wonderful world of cocktails with "Bubbly Baptism." Tipsy times ensue as we also explore Taco Bell's latest Cheez-It creations and the joy of stretchy maternity pants. Featuring our witty hosts Abigail, Moroni, aaaAAAaaa, Abish, and special guest Claudia.Scriptures: [00:07:59]Get ready for a rollicking ride through the Doctrine and Covenants 20. Claudia  and Abish tag team as we deconstruct Joseph Smith’s grandiose declarations, while sprinkling in personal anecdotes and a playful critique of church doctrines. The hosts hilariously break down Joseph Smith’s self-aggrandizement, focusing on belief, baptism, and a dose of sarcasm.Church Teachings: [00:50:26]Dive deep into the organizational chaos of early Mormonism with aaaAAAaaa's comedic take on the second half of D&C 20. From the duties of apostles and priests to the specifics of baptism and sacrament prayers, it's all here. The hosts' humorous asides, including stories about scout camp and Lagoon adventures, make this segment a memorable mix of history and hilarity.History: [01:07:09]We start with tales from Australia, where Abigail and aaaAAAaaa lament their platypus-less adventure. Then, it’s on to the main event: Joseph F. Smith. Born amidst chaos in Far West, Missouri, and shaped by trauma, his life was marked by hardship, racism, and controversial decisions. From early marriages to missionary misadventures, this segment uncovers the tumultuous life of one of Mormonism’s most notorious figures.Joseph F. Smith: a man of many grudges and a violent temper. This segment highlights his notorious outbursts, including physical attacks and threats, his struggle with tobacco addiction, and his vendetta against those who crossed him. Smith’s life was a storm of aggression and personal vendettas.Smith’s treatment of his wife, Levira, is laid bare. From physical abuse to derogatory comments, his actions led to Levira’s eventual escape and lifelong independence. This segment sheds light on the grim realities of his personal life and the enduring strength of Levira.During his mission, Smith didn’t shy away from wielding power. Excommunications were rampant, often for trivial reasons, showcasing his authoritarian streak. His disdain for those who defied him and his prejudiced views are explored with our signature sarcastic twist.He did, however, have moments of self-awareness. In his later years, he advised his son to avoid his own mistakes, highlighting the importance of self-control. This brief moment of introspection is a stark contrast to the rest of his life’s turmoil.We wrap up with our final thoughts on Joseph F. Smith. Despite his controversial actions, he is a figure who left a lasting impact on Mormon history. Levira and her cow Cherry receive a nod of sympathy, and we hope Levira found peace after her tumultuous marriage. Join us as we close the book on Joseph F. Smith and prepare for the next fascinating chapter in our journey.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 66 - Give All Your Gay to Jesus
Episode 66 - Give All Your Gay to Jesus
Send us a Digital EpistleWelcome to another episode of the Great and Spacious podcast, where the hair colors are debatable, the beards are optional, and the sarcasm is eternal. Your hosts Moroni, Abigail, Abish, and aaaAAAaaa kick things off with a raucous introduction, poking fun at their questionable life choices and each other. Fresh from a mind-bending weekend at the EDC rave in Las Vegas, they share tales of dancing till dawn and dodging drug offers like pros. The cocktail of the episode, the "Eternal Punish-Mint Mojito," gets a special shout-out, paired with some Trader Joe's goodies and a hefty dose of irreverent banter to set the mood.Scriptures: [00:11:58]Dive into Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) Chapter 19 like you've never heard it before. Abish takes the lead, recounting her struggles with Googling "D&C" and ending up with medical results instead of scriptures. Sharing her own D&C procedure story, she mixes humor and candor, setting the stage for a hilarious reinterpretation of the scriptures. With ChatGPT's help, the verses come alive in the voice of Regina George from Mean Girls, transforming Jesus into the ultimate high school queen bee. Think "facts, no printer" and "sparkling punishment" as the hosts dissect the absurdity and brilliance of this sassy biblical remix. Along the way, they touch on beloved and loathed media tropes, street scouting misadventures, and other pop culture antics, keeping the laughs rolling.Church Teachings: [00:30:30]AaaAAAaaa takes us on a rollercoaster ride through Doctrine and Covenants 19, unraveling the mysteries of eternal punishment. From Joseph Smith's debt dealings to Martin Harris' farm-financing woes, the historical backdrop sets the stage for a deep dive into divine justice. The hosts tackle "eternal" and "endless" punishment, questioning the logic and fairness of a loving God doling out such harsh penalties. With a healthy dose of skepticism and humor, they compare Jesus' described suffering to an over-the-top Gatorade commercial, highlighting the absurdity of religious hyperbole. Questions from the church manual spark critical and humorous reflections, challenging the traditional interpretations and providing a fresh, irreverent perspective on age-old teachings.History: [01:05:13]Abigail, our resident historian with a flair for the dramatic, takes the mic in a delightfully inebriated state to lighten the mood with tales of Utah's "coolest city." Inspired by "Drunk History," she explores the origins of Fort Buenaventura, established by fur trapper Miles Goodyear in 1846, predating the Mormon pioneers. The narrative weaves through Goodyear's interactions with the Shoshone and the fort's transformation into Ogden, blending historical facts with playful commentary. The story then shifts to the railroad's impact, telegraph lines, and the legendary meeting of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads at Promontory Summit in 1869.The segment is peppered with humorous anecdotes, from Leland Stanford's Golden Spike mishap to Ogden's evolution into "Junction City." The hosts revel in Ogden's colorful past, from brothels and gambling dens to urban legends about Prohibition-era tunnels. They celebrate Ogden's revitalization and cultural significance, noting famous figures like firearms inventor John Moses Browning. With its unique character and rich history, Ogden emerges as a city of contrasts, roFollow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 65 - Jesus Howard Christ
Episode 65 - Jesus Howard Christ
Send us a Digital EpistleIn this lively and humorous introduction to the "Great and Spacious Podcast," the hosts dive into a spontaneous and playful conversation about capybaras. Abigail, Moroni, Abish, aaaAAAaaa, and Claudia share a mix of humor and banter as they correct each other on capybara facts, peppered with personal anecdotes and workplace mishaps. Highlighting their camaraderie, they segue into introducing the cocktail of the day, the "Quo-Rum of the 12," before teasing upcoming segments and taking a break for sponsors.Scriptures: [00:14:54]aaaAAAaaa tackles the scriptures segment, opting to read verbatim despite his initial plan to rewrite notes. Delving into a revelation to Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer in 1829 about apostleship and church building, the hosts humorously critique Oliver Cowdery's persistent questioning and mock interpretative nuances. Playful banter ensues over the "gates of hell" and deciphering scriptural complexities, intertwined with irreverent jests about the names of God and Jesus.Church Teachings: [00:42:50]Moroni leads a discussion on recent Mormon Church practices, focusing on temple construction, especially the controversial Lone Mountain Temple in Las Vegas. He humorously critiques temple metrics under President Russell M. Nelson, questioning the rationale behind global temple proliferation amidst declining membership. The hosts poke fun at zoning disputes over temple height and the concept of "lying for the Lord," exploring historical instances and personal discomforts within temple rites. They wrap with ethical reflections on institutional integrity and the future of temple use.History: [01:10:33]Abigail delves into the history segment, recounting Short Creek's polygamous saga and the rise of leaders like "Uncle Roy." From early integration attempts to the infamous 1953 raid, the podcast navigates tensions between religious autonomy and state intervention. She dissects the raid's impact on fundamentalist Mormon communities, highlighting media scrutiny, legal battles, and community resilience amidst upheaval. The segment concludes with reflections on lasting implications for polygamous groups and the complex legacy of government actions in religious contexts.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
HOAMT Episode 2 - Through the Mortal Portal
HOAMT Episode 2 - Through the Mortal Portal
Send us a Digital EpistleIt's pride month, and Moroni wanted to celebrate by inviting his partner Reuben to tell his story of sneaking into the temple as a non-member. So join Moroni, Reuben, Abigail, and aaaAAAaaa on this Ocean's level temple high-st.Reuben recalls all of the preparatory work getting ready to experience the temple for the first time, memorizing handshakes and secret phrases, as well as almost getting caught trying on temple clothes at Moroni's mom's house.Then, Moroni recounts some back story of his fascination bordering on obsession with the temple, his eventual realization that it is all bullshit, and his decision to start pushing the envelope on what he could get away with when he realized that the power of discernment is merely just a person's own ability to discern.Finally, we get Reuben's experience going through a proxy temple session and all of the things that he took note of while doing it, and as a bonus Abigail and Moroni share some of their experiences and thoughts about the temple.So, sit back, pop an edible, and see if you can follow a bunch of high people getting through a story that, with sober people, would have maybe been 30 minutes at best!Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 64 - If The Wagon’s A-Rockin’
Episode 64 - If The Wagon’s A-Rockin’
Send us a Digital EpistleWelcome to another thrilling episode of The Great and Spacious Podcast, where opening lines are as elusive as Moroni’s plates. Abigail, our resident opener-flubber, dives into her specialty of comedic intros, proving once again that she’s much better at goodbyes. Moroni and aaaAAAaaa join in the banter, setting the stage for Abigail’s drink segment featuring the illustrious "Uncle Roy's Prairie Surprise," a gin concoction so wild it might just convert you back.The hosts don’t stop there, spiraling into personal tales and tangents about time travel, historical mishaps, and last episode’s genealogical deep dive into Abigail’s ancestor. They dabble in the latest pop culture obsessions, dissecting the ethical dilemmas of "The Circle" and the dystopian delights of "Fallout." As the segment wraps, they tease the scripture deep dive up next—because nothing says entertainment like poking fun at divine revelations.Scriptures: [00:13:14]Moroni takes center stage, scrutinizing the Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) sections 15, 16, and 17, turning what some see as holy writ into a comedy sketch. First up is Section 15, where God supposedly tells John Whitmer to, surprise, preach repentance. Our hosts find this less than revelatory, mocking the banality of the divine directive.Section 16’s déjà vu moment features Peter Whitmer, Jr., with almost identical content to Section 15. The hosts hilariously question the originality of Joseph Smith’s cut-and-paste revelations. And then there's Section 17, starring Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris. The hosts have a field day with the “conditional” nature of witnessing the gold plates, suggesting it’s less a vision and more a strategic move to validate Joseph Smith’s prophetic claims.With biting humor and a healthy dose of skepticism, they conclude that these scriptures are more about repetitive rhetoric than divine inspiration.Church Teachings: [00:24:40]aaaAAAaaa steps up to tackle the church teachings on the testimonies of the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon. Amidst a barrage of witty remarks, the host reads the official testimonies, pointing out the miraculous yet suspiciously vague nature of these spiritual experiences.The discussion veers into the logistics and plausibility of these testimonies, suggesting that seeing the plates by "the power of God" is conveniently unverifiable. They humorously question the financial motivations behind the witnesses’ claims, hinting that divine revelation might come with a price tag.Blending humor with critical analysis, this segment encourages listeners to look beyond the surface of these historical testimonies and consider the broader implications.History: [00:48:15]Abigail picks up the story of her ancestor, Warren Marshall Johnson, whose life reads like a tragic novel with a hint of dark comedy. Starting with the family’s diphtheria-induced decimation and eerie family photos, the hosts transition to 20th-century Mormonism and the end of polygamy—or not, as some members conveniently ignored the 1890 manifesto.Johnson’s story continues with his move to Wyoming, a severe spinal injury, and the harsh realities of pioneer life. Despite building a log cabin and enduring brutal winters, Johnson’s injury worsened, leading to a gruesome death and an ironic reburial due tFollow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 63 - Zion is the Friends We Made Along the Way
Episode 63 - Zion is the Friends We Made Along the Way
Send us a Digital EpistleIn a playful banter, the hosts reminisce about the song "Peaches" by The Presidents of the United States of America, sparking memories of discovering its true meaning through the ChaCha text service. They jest about modern high-tech services like human-operated Amazon stores and a quirky incident at the Kansas City Airport. Introducing their signature drink, the "Moronic Peachhood," they share tales of whiskey procurement mishaps and a humorous nod to their sponsor.ScripturesaaaAAAaaa leads a comedic exploration of D&C sections 11-14, teasing out repetitive themes, biblical references, and vivid agricultural imagery. Amid jokes about the scriptures' hidden innuendos and the quirky revelations to Joseph Smith, the hosts discuss the restoration of the Aaronic priesthood, infusing the discussion with pop culture references and irreverent humor.Church TeachingsAbish delves into Mormon temple teachings, blending ADHD-induced tangents with critiques of temple construction logistics and costs. From jokes about temple covenants resembling paid subscriptions to mocking the solemnity of temple recommend interviews, the hosts offer a humorous yet critical analysis. They touch on topics ranging from the repression of joy in temple settings to historic church teachings on abuse victims, peppered with internet trends and ghostly encounters.HistoryAbigail recounts the tragic tale of Warren Marshall Johnson and his family's struggles at Lee's Ferry. From Permelia's encounter with a black widow spider to the devastating diphtheria outbreak that claimed half of Permilia's children, the story unfolds with heart-wrenching detail. Despite isolation and oversight from Church authorities, Warren's unwavering faith guides the family through unimaginable hardships, underscoring their resilience amidst adversity in the harsh landscape of the late 19th century frontier.Tune in for a blend of wit, sarcasm, and historical insight as the hosts navigate through peaches, priesthood, and tragic tales in this latest episode.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 62 - The Lord is My Chicken
Episode 62 - The Lord is My Chicken
Send us a Digital EpistlePrepare for a delightful mess as our hosts stumble through their introductions, swapping names and bantering about the show’s theme. This week, we’re diving into D&C Section 10, aka "The Case of the Missing 116 Pages." We've got a Reddit theory about Joseph Smith’s tactics, and Abish’s social media escapades—think TikTok meets temple garments. Stay tuned for our botched Instagram invite to David Archuleta and our bespoke cocktail called “Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Rum,” paying homage to South Park.Scriptures: [00:22:55]Abish kicks off with a side-splitting intro to D&C Section 10. Picture a biblical tale spiced with Pokémon references. We break down Joseph Smith’s divine cover-up after Martin Harris misplaces 116 pages—because obviously, wicked men altered them to sabotage God’s plan. Cue sarcasm and pop culture parallels from “Arrested Development” to “Game of Thrones.” Expect to hear about our chubby mama hen God herding chickens and other absurdities before we wrap up with a clucking good sign-off.Church Teachings: [00:48:54]Moroni tackles the church's narrative: if it's not from God, it’s Satan’s handiwork. We dissect Joseph Smith’s polygamy and the lost 116 pages saga—Martin Harris’s wife thought she smelled a scam, and maybe she was onto something. After losing the manuscript, Smith’s nine-month creative drought supposedly tested by Satan, and God’s Plan B (because divine omniscience, right?) Critics think Smith was just stuck. We poke fun at the church’s habit of demonizing skeptics and liken it to cultish paranoia.History: [01:17:20]After a rumbling introduction courtesy of Abigail’s burps, we revisit the 2002 Winter Olympics and Utah’s school children song squads. Then, it’s off to Utah’s rocky road to statehood: from the grand State of Deseret (including half of the Wild West) to Brigham Young’s polygamous pushback. We chart Utah’s seven attempts before Congress finally said yes in 1896. Special shoutout to Susan B. Anthony for helping the ladies get the vote.Ogden wasn’t just a cow town—it had gas, railways, and brothels run by “respectable” women. Compare that to Provo and Logan’s quieter scenes, early colleges, and smaller populations. Abigail paints a lively picture of late 19th-century Ogden, with hydroelectric projects and indoor plumbing. Meanwhile, the rest of Utah’s towns battled economic woes, from cotton in the south to sugar beets up north. We joke about large Mormon families and the exodus of youth seeking better prospects.Did you know Utah’s name means “people of the mountains”? We didn’t either. Enjoy a rapid-fire round of state symbols, from the seagull (state bird) to the Browning M1911 (state firearm). We sprinkle in witty remarks and personal stories, making this trivia segment anything but boring. Stick around for some final jabs at our former faith and a toast to the absurdity of it all.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 61 - The Answer is Shut Up
Episode 61 - The Answer is Shut Up
Send us a Digital EpistleJoin your favorite ex-Mormon misfits—Abish, Abigail, aaaAAAaaa, and Moroni—as they kick off another episode with their usual mix of humor, tangents, and irreverence. This time, they recount their hilariously makeshift eclipse viewing experience with cobbled-together sunglasses, somehow segueing into a heartfelt ode to the cinematic genius of Greta Gerwig. The cocktail of the day, "J. B'love's Babyface Elixir," is a sparkling concoction of coconut rum, pineapple juice, and ginger ale, with a health-conscious twist of antioxidant-rich blueberries. Abish shares her love for a Cutwater White Russian and a passion fruit Mom Water, while lamenting the aging-related challenges of alcohol consumption. Abigail entertains with a tale of Moroni’s clandestine alcohol procurement from a military base. They dodge diving into a recent Jeffrey R. Holland controversy to avoid stress, and instead ponder the relative threat levels of pandas versus bears, wrapping up with their mutual disdain for Holland before a sponsor break.Scriptures: [00:14:19]Moroni takes the helm, hilariously skewering sections 7, 8, and 9 of the Doctrine and Covenants. He kicks off with Section 7, a supposed revelation about John the Beloved found on an enigmatic parchment, which he gleefully mocks for its dubious origins. Section 8, featuring Oliver Cowdery's translation ambitions and convoluted divine promises, provides more fodder for sarcasm. The saga continues with Section 9, where Oliver's translation gift is dramatically revoked, showcasing Joseph Smith’s manipulative tactics. The hosts blend irreverent commentary with sharp historical skepticism, turning scripture into satire.Church Teachings: [00:43:03]aaaAAAaaa delves into the enigmatic figure of John the Beloved and the church's teachings about him and the three Nephites allegedly roaming the earth until Jesus returns. Quoting scripture, aaaAAAaaa humorously speculates on John’s ambiguous identity and possible familial ties to Jesus. This leads to a cheeky discussion about a New Zealand preacher's theory suggesting a special, perhaps romantic, bond between Jesus and John. The hosts mix serious discussion with humor, exploring both traditional and controversial interpretations of John's role in Christianity, and reflect on organized religion versus personal spirituality.History: [01:11:15]Abigail brings history to life with a sardonic take on Lorenzo Snow’s peculiar journey. Born in Mantua Township, Ohio (not to be confused with Italy’s Mantua), Snow's path from Oberlin College to Mormon devotion—under the influence of his formidable sister Eliza Roxcy Snow—is laid bare. Abigail highlights Snow’s frequent illnesses, his polygamous marriages, and the tragic death of his wife Charlotte, all punctuated with humor and modern commentary. Snow’s mission-led absences, his numerous young wives, and the intertwined family dynamics are recounted with a blend of fact and wit.The hosts recount Snow's perilous missions, including a near-drowning incident in Hawaii and his eventual arrest for polygamy. They humorously navigate his rise to church president, his financial reforms, and his efforts to secure church leadership succession. The overlooked contributions of Snow’s wives are finally acknowledged, emphasizing their significant yet unrecognized roles in church history. With humor and skepticism, the hostFollow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 60 - WiffWoof and the Q-Duzz
Episode 60 - WiffWoof and the Q-Duzz
Send us a Digital EpistleIn this episode, we’re diving into the divine absurdities of D&C 6. Your beloved hosts Moroni, Abigail, aaaAAAaaa, and Abish kick off with their usual banter about their colorful personalities before introducing the Oliver Cow-Dry Martini—a cocktail inspired by today’s theme. Sip along as they share the recipe and their unfiltered reactions to its taste. As always, they sprinkle in jokes about past episodes and the delicious snacks that keep them going. Take a break with us before we plunge into the scriptures.Scriptures: [00:05:24]Join aaaAAAaaa for a wild ride through D&C 6. Expect plenty of sarcastic commentary and irreverent speculation as they delve into the divine dialogue between God, Jesus, and Oliver Cowdery. The hosts poke fun at the archaic language and lofty themes, throwing in personal anecdotes and tangents about spirituality and human behavior. The segment wraps up with a tongue-in-cheek summary and a seamless segue into the next break.Church Teachings: [00:28:05]Abish tackles the thorny topic of forgiveness. The hosts recount a heartwarming yet eyebrow-raising tale from a 2020 BYU talk about Victoria Ruvolo forgiving her assailant, Ryan Cushing. The discussion veers into critical territory, as they dissect the LDS Church’s forgiveness doctrine, highlighting its unrealistic expectations and the problematic emphasis on victim accountability. Personal stories and Reddit posts add depth and humor to the conversation about the complex, deeply personal nature of forgiveness, often marred by untrained bishops and invasive questions.History: [01:07:41]Brace yourselves as we dive into the historical escapades of Wilford Woodruff and his era. Abigail, slightly tipsy, lightens the mood with hilarious anecdotes about Woodruff’s life and his numerous wives. The hosts recount a dramatic altercation between Mr. Cannon and Mr. Lippman, spiced with scandal and public humiliation. The episode navigates through the church's convoluted relationship with polygamy, highlighting Woodruff's official yet dubious efforts to end the practice. So grab your Oliver Cow-Dry Martini and join us for another irreverent, eye-opening episode.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 59 - Sorry ‘Bout Your Jimmies
Episode 59 - Sorry ‘Bout Your Jimmies
Send us a Digital EpistleIntro:Join aaaAAAaaa, Abigail, Moroni, and Abish for another wild ride through irreverent humor and insightful banter. In this episode, the hosts kick things off with playful greetings to their beloved listeners, affectionately dubbed "campers" and "shit bags." aaaAAAaaa sets the tone with promises of laughter and a splash of information, highlighting the loudest laughter moments. They dive into bespoke cocktail "The Tree Witnesses" and share amusing anecdotes from their thirties, including Barnabus's hilarious Vegas escapade gone wrong. The conversation meanders through aging, TikTok trends, and Hollywood's underbelly, with detours into Bill Murray documentaries and Nickelodeon's treatment of child stars. Childhood memories of Nickelodeon shows and thoughts of buff JK Simmons add nostalgic charm before the segment wraps up with sponsor messages.Scriptures: [00:13:18]Abish takes the reins in this segment, exploring sections four and five of the Doctrine and Covenants with a healthy dose of wit and sarcasm. The discussion centers on Martin Harris's quest to witness the plates and God's directives to Joseph Smith. As they dissect the revelations, the hosts reflect on mortality through the lens of untimely deaths, from Steve Irwin to Anton Yelchin. Emotional connections to figures like Bindi Irwin add depth to the lighthearted banter, blending humor with moments of contemplation.Church Teachings: [00:37:44]Moroni leads a spirited discussion on Church teachings, focusing on passages from Doctrine and Covenants 4 and 5. The hosts share personal anecdotes of scripture memorization and explore the cultural pressures of Mormon upbringing, particularly regarding missionary work and tithing. They turn their attention to Ezra Taft Benson's 1983 talk, dissecting his views on virtues and self-control, including his controversial stance on masturbation as "self-abuse." With a blend of skepticism and criticism, they question the church's handling of complex issues like sexuality and autonomy, infusing the conversation with humor and insight.History: [00:51:59]Abigail delves into the aftermath of John Taylor's presidency, focusing on the fallout from the Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act of 1882. The act's impact on Mormon communities, including imprisonment and disenfranchisement, sets the stage for a discussion on significant figures and cases affected by the legislation. From Taylor's evasion of arrest to the disputed 1886 revelation defending plural marriage, the segment offers a nuanced exploration of Mormon history tinged with skepticism and humor. The episode concludes with Taylor's death and the interim leadership of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, leaving listeners eager for more insightful hilarity in the next installment.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 58 - The Regina George of Religion
Episode 58 - The Regina George of Religion
Send us a Digital EpistleIntroJoin hosts Abish, Abigail, aaaAAAaaa, and Moroni as they navigate the high seas of humor and hijinks aboard their seafaring vessel. In this episode, the crew shares tales of their attempts to concoct the perfect bespoke cocktail, "Perse-cucumber Cooler" while discussing modern perceptions of persecution, Gen Z fashion, and the Mean Girls musical. With witty banter and playful commentary, they set the stage for a lively exploration of Mormon history.Scriptures: [00:16:15]Moroni takes the helm in this segment, navigating the waters of the Doctrine and Covenants with a humorous twist. Sections 2 and 3 come under scrutiny as the hosts provide their unique commentary on Joseph Smith's encounters with the Angel Moroni and the infamous loss of the Book of Mormon manuscript. Amidst the laughter, they dissect the complexities of scripture while injecting their own anecdotes and observations into the mix.Church Teachings: [00:33:21]aaaAAAaaa delves into the depths of Mormon doctrine to explore the concept of persecution with a blend of introspection and levity. From its role as a heritage of the faithful to its connection to religious beliefs, the hosts dissect the serious topic with a dose of humor. Through pop culture references and witty banter, they navigate the turbulent waters of historical persecution, offering insights and puns in equal measure.History: [00:53:44]Abigail sets sail on a journey through Mormon history, exploring the life of John Taylor, a figure in the Latter-day Saint movement. From his humble beginnings in England to his leadership roles within the church, the host paints a picture of Taylor's involvement in Mormon settlements and his practice of polygamy. Despite the humorous commentary, Taylor emerges as a significant yet relatively unremarkable figure in Mormon lore.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 57 - Mutually Consensual Fisticuffs
Episode 57 - Mutually Consensual Fisticuffs
Send us a Digital EpistleIntroIn this episode, Moroni, Abigail, Abish, and aaaAAAaaa make their triumphant return from hiatus, joking about their forgetfulness and updating listeners on their lives. They dive into the premise of "The Great and Spacious Podcast," their excuse to hang out and get drunk while discussing leaving the Mormon Church and their collective religious trauma. Banter about personal updates ensues, including running regimens and video game experiences, before introducing their bespoke cocktail for the episode, "Choctrine and Covemints." The conversation wraps up with playful banter about maturity levels and an upcoming sponsor break.Scriptures:  [00:12:08]Starting with workplace mishaps and snarky IT interactions, the hosts transition into a detailed examination of Doctrine and Covenants section one. Their commentary on God's choice of Joseph Smith as a prophet, the nature of sin, and repentance is hilariously irreverent, interspersed with personal anecdotes and witty remarks. The segment ends with their reaction to the scripture and a playful acknowledgment of the seriousness of their commentary.Church Teachings: [00:31:41]Abish takes the lead in discussing apostasy within the Mormon Church, sharing teachings from Church leaders like Elder Dallin H. Oaks. They delve into the Church's stance on same-sex marriage, offering humorous insights into how to avoid apostasy, such as staying busy with Church work and avoiding critical thinking. The segment provides a candid and critical examination of Church teachings and practices regarding apostasy.History: [00:57:48]Amidst casual banter about childhood memories and old technology, Abigail delves into the history of the Doctrine and Covenants, focusing on William E. McLellin and his tumultuous journey in early Mormonism. From multiple instances of excommunication to attempted fistfights with Joseph Smith, McLellin's story is both intriguing and humorous. The segment also touches on controversial changes to the Doctrine and Covenants and concludes with a fun fact about a copy of the scripture that traveled to the moon and back.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 56 - It's An Eternal Maybe
Episode 56 - It's An Eternal Maybe
Send us a Digital EpistleJoin Moroni, Abigail, aaaAAAaaa, special guest Claudia, and Abish for another episode filled with banter, laughs, and irreverent discussions. From navigating stairs to pondering the mysteries of afterbirth, the hosts kick off with their trademark wit and sarcasm. They dive into the end of the Book of Mormon, exploring Moroni's challenge amidst tales of failed double dates and attempts at mixing the perfect "Moroni’s Challenge" cocktail.Scriptures: [00:17:25]aaaAAAaaa takes the reins in this segment, guiding the crew through a deep dive into Moroni 7-10. Amidst the ambiguity of scripture and the weighty themes of faith and judgment, the hosts inject levity with personal anecdotes and clever critiques. From rewriting passages as modern emails to dissecting the societal woes of ancient civilizations, nothing is off-limits. Join in as they navigate the complexities of religious teachings with a healthy dose of humor.Church Teachings: [00:55:55]Abish leads the charge in dissecting Church teachings, offering a critical lens tempered with wit. Tad Callister's talk gets a colorful critique, and the hosts playfully debate the moral compass of historical figures. As they delve into the gray areas of morality, they serve up a side of laughs and skepticism. Don't miss out on the hilarity as they tackle the intricacies of right and wrong in the Book of Mormon and beyond.History: [01:17:55]In this historical segment, the hosts dish out humor while discussing Brigham Young's demise and its aftermath. From wild speculations about his cause of death to media coverage of the event, nothing is sacred. As they wrap up, they tease upcoming content, from special episodes to a cocktail recipe book and merch updates. Don't forget to tune in for the next episode and join the conversation on social media – after all, where else can you find this unique blend of wit and irreverence?Tune in and join the fun – but remember, laughter is the best medicine, especially when navigating the complexities of faith and history.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 55 - Called To Mansplain
Episode 55 - Called To Mansplain
Send us a Digital EpistleThe hosts aaaAAAaaa, Abigail, Moroni, and Abish reunite in this lively episode. After almost finishing the Book of Mormon, they introduce the "Straining Ordinance" drink, sharing the recipe with a dash of sarcasm. Amid discussions about "Resident Alien," Alan Tudyk's brilliance, and life's struggles, they casually drop hints about hospital bills and job losses. The banter concludes with a cheeky mention of Joseph Smith.Scriptures: [00:08:40]Abish takes the stage, presenting her version of the Book of Moroni in Alexis Rose's style. They rewrite verses, introducing terms like "GayDHD" and "same-sex distracted". The hosts imagine biblically accurate apostles with wings and ears (instead of eyes), revamping sacrament prayers, and turning the Holy Ghost into a "spirit ninja warrior." As they spice up scriptures, laughter reigns, making even the most solemn verses entertaining. Who knew the Book of Mormon could be this fun?Church Teachings: [00:24:26]Moroni tackles the priesthood's gender bias in the Mormon Church. Abigail shares tales of her mother's struggle for equality and recalls the "Ordain Women" movement's uphill battle. The hosts delve into temple rituals, highlighting the unspoken disparities in gender roles. The discussion unfolds as they navigate through the complex power dynamics within the church, shedding light on the controversial Ordain Women movement and its aftermath.History: [00:52:04]Abigail takes a historical plunge into the "Adam God doctrine," unveiling Brigham Young's quirky beliefs about Adam's divine status. From Adam being the father of all spirits to fathering Jesus physically, it's a wild ride through early Mormon theology. The hosts dissect reactions within the Mormon community and the gradual distancing from the doctrine by the church. The episode wraps up with Abigail decoding 1869 newspaper jokes, leaving listeners questioning the humor of yesteryear and the mysteries of "quack dishes" and "double-enders."Join the hosts for another dose of humor, skepticism, and a journey through the quirks of Mormon history. Whether it's sipping on Straining Ordinances or pondering the mysteries of Adam God, this episode promises laughter and enlightenment in equal measure.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 54 - When Shiz Hit The Fan
Episode 54 - When Shiz Hit The Fan
Send us a Digital EpistleWelcome to the Great and Spacious Podcast, where Abigail, aaaAAAaaa, and Moroni embark on a journey through the bizarre world of Mormonism with a side of snark and a generous pour of nihilism. In our tantalizing intro, our hosts dive into the "Enochian Dream" cocktail, a lavender-infused concoction that might just make you question reality. Lavender room spray or decomposing odors? You be the judge. Plus, ever heard of Zython? Neither had we, but it's got a past as murky as our Enochian Dream.Scriptures: [00:08:57]Get ready for a rollercoaster of disbelief in our Scriptures segment as Moroni unravels Ether chapters 11 through 15 from the Book of Mormon. Wars for seemingly trivial reasons, disappearing swords, and headless push-ups - because who needs a motivational war speech, right? But wait, there's more! Join the hosts in a laugh-out-loud exploration of potentially pornographic interpretations of the Book of Mormon events. It's like Sunday School, but with more imagination and irreverence.Church Teachings: [00:41:44]aaaAAAaaa takes the mic in our Church Teachings segment, confusing Zion in Jackson County, Missouri with Zion National Park. Easy mistake, right? The hosts share their humorous take on the church's beliefs about Zion and the New Jerusalem, from geographical blunders to the evolving concept of unity, godliness, and charity. Spoiler alert: Zion might be wherever the Saints gather, but make sure it's not a national park.History: [00:54:30]In our History segment, Abigail unfolds the epic saga of the Temple Lot in Independence, Missouri. Failed missions, legal disputes, angelic interventions, and Monty Python-esque calamities - it's the gift that keeps on giving. Discover the Temple Lot Church's optimistic attempts to build a temple, only to face fires, legal battles, and the inevitable Monty Python comparisons. Ever wondered about Jesus showing up at a lean-to? It's just another day in the Temple Lot Church.Hold onto your hats as the hosts dive into the vast land holdings of the LDS Church. From armories to skyscrapers, cattle ranches, and even McDonald's burgers, it turns out the church is quite the real estate mogul. But hush-hush, as they discuss the secretive financial activities, shell companies, and a mere $5 million SEC fine – a small price to pay for undisclosed billions. With a touch of concern for local communities and a generous sprinkle of sarcasm, the hosts unravel the jaw-dropping, mind-bending, and wallet-stretching world of the Mormon Church's wealth. Cheers to Mormon beef and the mysteries of Zion!Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 53 - Snake Lake City
Episode 53 - Snake Lake City
Send us a Digital EpistleWelcome back to another riveting episode of our podcast, where we share our thrilling holiday mishaps and delve into the complexities of the American healthcare system, because nothing says entertainment like discussing insurance premiums. We introduce a concoction called "Jaredite Bilge Water," because everyone loves a beverages inspired by ancient boat journey human, and animal, waste soup. Brace yourself for a banter-filled exploration of biblical references, where we promise to tone down the sexual innuendos but can't resist teasing the audience about the dubious allure of the "brother of Jared." Stay tuned for more biblical absurdities after the break.Scriptures: [00:13:54]In the Scriptures segment, aaaAAAaaa struggles through the convoluted Jaredite story, grappling with stone-induced illumination, confined spaces, and imaginary timelines. He attempts to decipher the logistics of waste disposal on a floating vessel and discuss rebellious characters, secret combinations, and snake-related kingdoms. Be prepared for a rollercoaster of confusion, humor, and occasional existential dread as we dissect the Book of Mormon narrative.Church Teachings: [00:55:15]Next up is Church Teachings, where Abish sheds light on the Church's stance on music. Get ready for a riveting discussion featuring a dog licking an arm in the background. We share scintillating anecdotes about attending a rock band-infused Christian Bible church and marvel at the musical restrictions within the LDS Church. Brace yourself for a hilarious take on Dallin H. Oaks' 1970s talk, where the Church's perspective on music genres is mocked and the elusive "spirit" that certain tunes apparently summon. Tune in for a reflection on the paradox of musical expression in religious settings.History: [01:16:30]In the History segment, Abigail recounts the life of William S. Godbe, a man who managed to be born and sail the seven seas before ending up in Salt Lake. Discover the thrilling tale of Fanny Stenhouse's bonnet-making venture and the unfortunate encounter with Brigham Young that left her financially wounded. Marvel at Godbe's rebellion against Brigham Young's economic policies and the birth of the Godbeites—a group that apparently thought spiritualist seances were a logical response to leadership dissatisfaction.The Godbeites embark on a quest for political reform, creating the Liberal Party of Utah to challenge LDS candidates. Spoiler alert: they face challenges and eventually get ousted as the party transforms into an anti-Mormon crusade. Godbe's church introduces spiritualist practices, leading to internal strife, disenchantment, and eventually irrelevance. As Godbe hangs on in Salt Lake City, we chuckle at his attempt to escape the heat by moving to Brighton. He dies at 69, nice, and so does the relevance of the Godbeites' political influence. We conclude with the LDS Church's attempt to control political affiliations, because who doesn't love a good power play? Enjoy this rollercoaster of historical absurdity and irreverence.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!
Episode 52 - Ether Bunny
Episode 52 - Ether Bunny
Send us a Digital EpistleWelcome to another riveting episode of the podcast where sanity goes to die! In our intro segment, Claudia, Moroni, Abigail, and aaaAAAaaa embark on a banter-filled journey through the realms of absurdity. From Bishlet's unfortunate illness to Abigail's attempts at magical healing rituals, the conversation careens into the creation of a cocktail with a name only a drunk person could pronounce – "Mhrrmhrmancmr." Because why not add linguistic gymnastics to your alcohol-induced confusion? Math class memories, chest hair anecdotes, and body shots – because nothing says intellectual podcast like reminiscing about high school escapades.Scriptures: [00:09:27]Moving on to our Scriptures segment, aaaAAAaaa bravely tackles Ether 1-5 from the Book of Mormon, where the hosts find themselves drowning in a sea of genealogy longer than your last family reunion. The hosts, with a delightful blend of mockery and skepticism, dissect the narrative, questioning the consistency of different Jesus accounts and cracking jokes about the Tower of Babel's linguistic chaos. The Lord's confounding response to the brother of Jared's plea for language clarification is met with eye-rolling humor, envisioning a divine comedy of miscommunication.Church Teachings: [00:44:15]In the Church Teachings segment, Moroni dons the cape of skepticism, taking a critical stance on the Tower of Babel. From questioning the flood's bloated corpses meme to challenging the literal interpretation of biblical tales, Moroni leaves no sacred cow unprodded. Nimrod's rebellious nature gets a satirical spotlight, and the entire biblical narrative faces a critical interrogation. It's a rollercoaster of skepticism, humor, and religious irreverence that might make your grandma clutch her pearls.History: [01:00:59]And now, onto History with Abigail, where glowy rocks, fanfic websites, and outdoor escapades take center stage. Luminous gemstones, folk tales, and personal anecdotes weave a tapestry of hilarity. Dive deep into the pseudo-archaeological rabbit hole of the "Dendera light" as Abigail debunks ancient Egyptian light bulbs with a healthy dose of sarcasm and evidence. Because nothing says history like a podcast that's one part illumination and two parts pure, unadulterated skepticism. Tune in if you dare – or if you've run out of mind-numbing alternatives.Follow us on Insta @gr8_and_spacious, Twitter @gr8andspacious, and Reddit u/gr8_and_spacious for behind-the-scenes shenanigans, hilarious memes, and maybe even a sneak peek at our next episode..If you've got a burning question, a hilarious anecdote, or just want to say hi, shoot us an epistle at don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a review of our podcast!