The Essence of Leadership in Christ - CHRISTIAN MOTIVATION PODCAST - BIBLE PODCAST 2023

Christian Motivation Podcast

26-06-2023 • 16 mins

Ladies and gentlemen, let's get straight to the point – leadership is not about the perks, it’s not about the accolades, and it's definitely not about power. Leadership is about service and being the guiding light – the True North Star.

Now, I want you to envision the ultimate leader, Jesus Christ. Here was a man who didn't have a mansion, He didn't even have a place to lay His head, but the magnitude of His leadership still resonates throughout the world today. He was selfless. He was humble. His compass was set on love and service.

We live in a world filled with countless distractions and mirages of success. But, let me tell you this – if your compass isn't calibrated towards true service, you're navigating through treacherous waters without a map.