Embark on a cinematic journey into the soul-stirring world of "Maestro," directed by the multitalented Bradley Cooper. This exclusive SoundWorks Collection video delves into the profound sound and music that weave the tapestry of Leonard Bernstein's life.
We explore various sonic scenes, the complexities of Bernstein's relationships, from his early romantic entanglements to the transformative encounter with Felicia Montealegre. We journey through decades of Bernstein's life, from the lavish parties of the 1950s to the emotional crescendo of Mahler's Resurrection Symphony in 1973, witness the intricate interplay of music and narrative. The film's exploration of Bernstein's personal battles and his enduring love for Felicia adds layers to the symphony of emotions.
Featuring Director and Co-writer Bradley Cooper, Tom Ozanich, Re-recording Mixer, Dean Zupancic, Re-recording Mixer, Richard King, Sound Designer, Jason Ruder, Supervising Music Editor and Executive Music Producer and Steven Morrow, Production Sound Mixer.
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