Does your student have a sense of perfectionism? Do they get their self-worth from achieving good grades? Are the involved in a lot of different things? DO they have a type A personality? If so, your student may not be doing as well as it looks on the outside. Your student may be suffering on the inside.
Overachievers succeed which can mask the pain inside. The pain becomes evident when difficulties arise in grades, or another emotional stressor is added, or they seem like they are overwhelmed. What had worked is not working now and the facade of wellness and perfectionism comes crashing down.
Let's avoid that. Yes, avoidance can he healthy, but not for these students. How do you spot this in your student and how do you help them overcome it? Well, that's what this episode is all about.

College Accommodations Checklist

College Transition Essentials Course

Self-Advocacy for Higher Educaiton Course

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