HypnoGeeks Podcast

Amanda Joy

Welcome to the HypnoGeeks Podcast, hosted by Amanda Joy, the Director of Studies at the Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCCH). Each episode of this podcast is a journey into the world of hypnotherapy and holistic healing, guided by Amanda Joy's extensive expertise and passion for the field.

Amanda Joy brings her deep knowledge and commitment to education to the forefront, providing listeners with insightful discussions on the latest research, techniques, and practical applications in hypnotherapy and beyond.

Tune in to explore a wide range of topics, from the intricacies of clinical hypnotherapy to the benefits of mind-body psychology, neurobiology, and other profound healing modalities.

Whether you're a practitioner seeking to deepen your understanding or someone curious about the transformative power of hypnotherapy, the HypnoGeeks Podcast offers valuable information and inspiration.

Listen to Amanda Joy and her guests as they share their experiences, stories, and tips to help you harness the power of your mind and achieve your fullest potential. The HypnoGeeks Podcast is your gateway to living a balanced, fulfilling life through the power of holistic healing.

Find out even more at www.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com

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HypnoGeeks Episode 15 with Craig Fookes Clinical Hypnotherapist
HypnoGeeks Episode 15 with Craig Fookes Clinical Hypnotherapist
Ever wondered why procrastination feels like an insurmountable hurdle and how it ties into our mental health? Join us as we unpack the complex web of procrastination, motivation, and mental health with Craig Fookes, a clinical hypnotherapist known for his straightforward approach. In this episode, we promise you'll uncover effective strategies to overcome the paralysis that procrastination induces and find new ways to stay motivated, especially in demanding professions like hypnotherapy and well-being.Craig Fookes shares his transformative journey from financial services to becoming a clinical hypnotherapist and mindfulness instructor. Discover how his personal battles with mental health fueled his career switch and provided him with unique insights into the male mental health stigma. Craig and I explore the concept of the comfort zone, the neurochemical processes involved in learning new skills, and the often overlooked but crucial importance of pushing past our comfort zones to achieve long-term goals.From examining the brain's prioritization of physical health to navigating the emotional intricacies of internal conflicts, this episode sheds light on why we fall into avoidance behaviors and how we can visualize our best selves through hypnotherapy. We touch on the pitfalls of over-scheduling, the importance of rest and boredom, and the dangers of conflating personal development tools with mental health recovery. Tune in to gain a nuanced understanding of motivation and learn practical tips for achieving personal growth and fulfillment.Support the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com
HypnoGeeks Episode 14 with Albert Vigil & The Silva Method
HypnoGeeks Episode 14 with Albert Vigil & The Silva Method
Welcome to the HypnoGeeks Podcast episode 14! In this episode, I am thrilled to introduce Albert Vigil, a passionate advocate for self-improvement and holistic healing. Albert is certified in the Silva Method and Reiki levels 1 and 2, and is currently pursuing advanced education in clinical medical hypnotherapy, mind-body psychology, neurobiology, and neurochemistry. His dedication to understanding profound healing modalities extends to biology, biochemistry, and psychology.In this episode, we'll dive into the transformative power of the Silva Method, a pioneering self-help programme developed by José Silva in the 1960s. The Silva Method focuses on enhancing mental abilities and personal well-being through deep relaxation, meditation, and visualization techniques. By learning to enter a relaxed state of mind known as the "alpha level," practitioners can tap into heightened creativity and problem-solving skills. The programme also emphasizes positive thinking, affirmations, and intuition development, empowering individuals to reprogramme their subconscious minds for success. Through goal setting, mental rehearsal, and mind-body healing techniques, the Silva Method provides a comprehensive approach to achieving personal and professional goals, reducing stress, and fostering overall health and happiness. Albert is not only an aspiring author but also a committed educator, developing community programmes to spread awareness about the benefits of self-help and motivational education. Join us as we explore how The Silva Method, clinical medical hypnotherapy and self-directed methods can empower us to become our best selves, thrive in life, and feel good. Discover the secrets to living the life of your dreams and the transformative power of doing the self-work necessary to achieve it. Tune in and get inspired on the HypnoGeeks Podcast!Want to know more about how to become a Clinical Hypnotherapist check out www.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com and discover how you can be a bright light in your community. https://linktr.ee/a1234.vSupport the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com
HypnoGeeks Episode 13 with Shig
HypnoGeeks Episode 13 with Shig
🧠Unlocking the Power of Mind and Recovery 🧠Are you ready to explore the fascinating world of the mind, delve into the secrets of personal transformation, and discover the keys to recovery and well-being? Look no further than Hypnogeeks episode 13 – the ultimate podcast for therapists, curious minds, and seekers of positive change!Join us as we embark on a mind-bending journey through the realms of hypnotherapy, holistic healing, and the power of the human spirit. Hosted by experts in the field, our podcast episodes are packed with fantastic information. Episode 13  of our Hypnogeeks Podcast with Shig 🎙️ Step into the World of Recovery and Transformation  🌟In this captivating conversation, we journey deep into the heart of truth and transformation. Hypnogeeks explores the very essence of our existence, unveiling the stories, struggles, and triumphs that shape our lives.🔍 Unearthing the Roots:Discover the profound origins behind life's challenges – from the feeling of not fitting in, to the masks we wear. These issues run deep, and families often hold the key to unraveling them. Shig believes in listening, understanding, and embracing these perspectives from the earliest stages.🤯 The Ripple Effect of Substance Misuse:Did you know that for every person grappling with substance misuse, a staggering 14 lives are impacted? But it doesn't stop there. Addiction's far-reaching consequences affect families, friends, and communities at large. The numbers might be even higher, revealing the urgency of addressing this issue.🏠 A Fresh Approach to Recovery:Traditional rehabilitation centers have their place, but they come with challenges – time off work, separation from family, and costs. Enter SP Bespoke Solutions, setting a new standard with rapid intervention and individualised care. Their dedication and expertise make all the difference.🌟 The Power of Early Intervention and Education:COVID-19 brought substance misuse into sharp focus as people were confined to their homes. Early recognition and seeking help became crucial. SP Bespoke Solutions emphasizes the need for education and intervention to prevent further harm and maintain family bonds.🏛️ Government's Investment in Recovery:While the government invests in recovery services, the conversation calls for a holistic approach. Legal measures might not be as effective as comprehensive support and therapy, in addressing the emotional and psychological facets of addiction.❤️ Shig's Path to Recovery:Shig's own journey to recovery is a testament to revisiting the past, embracing the good and the bad, and learning to love oneself. His approach involves clearing minds of negativity, offering "rent-free space" in heads, and empowering individuals to live without fear of substances.🌠 Individualised Recovery, a Team's Dedication:Shig and his team at SP Bespoke Solutions champion individualised recovery plans. Their mission? To help individuals reclaim their lives, mend relationships, and become positive contributors to their communities.🎧 Join "Hypnogeeks" for a heartfelt exploration of addiction recovery. Witness the power of compassion, early intervention, and personal dedication. Together, we'll unveil the path to healing and transformation.🚀🌈Support the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com
HypnoGeeks Episode 12 with Neil Christey
HypnoGeeks Episode 12 with Neil Christey
In this episode, we chat about all things meditation and The New Guided Minds Meditation Teacher Training Course at the NCCH.Neil our meditation teacher began his journey to spiritual freedom in November 2017 beginning with Meditation classes.The joy and blissful state of being that Neil began to experience with meditation was more than enough to convince him that life is a truly magical gift and that the changes to come would be for the highest good of himself and all his relations.Meditation reconnected Neil with his creative spirit and this took him to sing in concerts in Italy, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, and New York City as well as bringing an abundance of joy to his life. His dedication to meditation under the spiritual guidance of Sri Chinmoy enabled him to flip unhealthy and addictive behaviours bringing centredness and grounding to his whole life.Before meditation, his life was extreme but he found his 'here and now' on the middle path of enlightenment, and knowing this place of balance he lives a fully expressive and empowered life. Neil's exploration of the healing arts blossomed under the tutelage of Sheila Whittaker at the College of Sound Healing,  Suzy Crockford for Ancient Ways, Leo Rutherford for his expertise on the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, and in addition Angelic Reiki, Cacao Ceremony Facilitation, Ho'oponopono, Mindfulness, Hatha Yoga and most recently with the guiding light of Hypnotherapy, Amanda Joy at the Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy.All of the teachings Neil receives, he shares in facilitating and holding space for his events with The Soul Sound Spirit www.thesoulsoundspirit.com.Neil loves to share sound healing and meditation in his spare time he performs at festivals and concerts and has performed at the Yoga Show in Alexandra Palace, The Durham Festival of Well being and Ferne Cotton's Happy Place Festival, and many more to come! Neil currently leads and facilitates classes for adults and children in Meditation and Mindfulness bringing presence and grounded living to all who seek it. 'The building blocks of an enriching spiritual life are found in meditation and mindfulness, from there you can blossom and flourish on your own spiritual journey to enrich the mind, body, and soul.It's really an immensely rewarding calling to teach meditation, you find yourself within each and every student you teach.' Neil is very excited to share the wonderful gift of becoming a teacher of Meditation with the Guided Minds Meditation Teacher Training - 'It's about being a bright guiding light in your world, to love, grow and create the world that you share from the pure light of the heart.' Support the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com
Hypno Geeks Episode 11 with Rod Aungier
Hypno Geeks Episode 11 with Rod Aungier
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition caused by a traumatic experience.Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder include flashbacks, nightmares, feeling very anxious and difficulty sleeping.The main treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder are antidepressants and talking therapies.Any situation that a person finds traumatic can cause post-traumatic stress disorder. Examples include a road accident, an assault and childbirth.Complex trauma describes exposure to multiple traumatic events often of a wide range of types, long-term exposure to trauma and/or repeated trauma. These events are severe and pervasive, such as abuse or profound neglect.Roderick Aungier Known as Rod is an independent Gestalt Psychotherapist with a small private practise. He has also helped set up an online Institute called Complex Trauma Institute where provides various online active learning groups, the occasional webinar and some training as and when.Qualified in Gestalt and Somatic Developmental Psychotherapy – qualified in New York.  He has various diplomas around Embodied Relational ways of working – because he found that connecting at a bodily level worked for him and his trauma process and he sees incredible results with clients.  Before Gestalt training – in 2002 I worked at various jobs which all seemed to relate to trauma, notably working with acquired brain injury for ten years. He studied natural science at university later in life (36) and did Analytical chemistry for five years and discovered an analytical side of him that he didn’t know existed but he never felt like a real scientist.Rod sought help and therapy for many years after leaving school after realising that he was pretty damaged. He found very little help or understanding from any of the available resources provided until one day when he told his Doctor that he was suicidal and was referred to see a Gestalt therapist.This Gestalt therapist was pivotal for his awareness of what happened to him and years of peeling away the layers of the onion followed – and still continue. When he felt, he had come to a good point in his personal therapy and understanding he engaged in Gestalt training – and of course became much more aware of how him and his damage had affected everyone he was in contact with.Further understanding led him to investigate embodiment and embodied work and the connection between one lived body and another – which. If paid attention to, can lead to profound healing.That seemed to be the place he needed to be so his therapy approach is a mixture of Gestalt and Embodied work.Rods childhood from a very early age involved a confusing – charming for a lot of the time but brutal, controlling and physically violent at other times– father.  All of his adjustments and adaptations and unawareness’s came about because of one man, and he say that sometimes when he looks back and sees how one person’s actions can affect a whole family system its staggering.There were five in his family and not once was his father ever confronted with the truth of his actions and if Rod looks at the world today you can clearly see the benefits of being an autocratic and brutal leader everywhere you look which is a sobering thought.Rod is passionate to share that trauma and even complex trauma _ the enduring kind, which he suffered, can be worked with, processed and transformed – it’s just not the easiest nor the shortest of journeys. So the real driver behind writing the book was what I saw as a real split in therapy and healing. On the one hand you had the absolute expert scientific approach and on the other you had the spiritual hippy very unscientifSupport the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com
The Wednesday wellbeing show 5th of October 2022 with Liz Howard
The Wednesday wellbeing show 5th of October 2022 with Liz Howard
Tonight on the #Wednesdaywellbeing show I'm chatting with voice specialist and Expert. Healer of the voice, former X-factor voice coach and the Founder of Soulfood Seminars, Liz Howard Yates.Liz helps men and women who have issues of anxiety towards public speaking, which might include panic, weakness, or frailty In their voice! With her Soulfood method, you will discover how to speak with a calm, commanding voice on the Topics that matter. With her 25 years of experience as a voice expert and a TEDx Speaker, she's helped hundreds of nervous speakers from around the globe release fear, find their voice, and champion their ideas when stepping into the spotlight. 💯 listen tonight and reach out to Liz when you're ready and need to work on your public speaking skills. aka… Heal your voice!  💯get in touch if you need feedback concerning your Podcasts or Videos. 💯 Rid stage fright that maybe over-taking your confidence. Your voice mirrors who you indeed are!  Liz's motto is, We can strive for perfection; however, authenticity will always open the doors 🚪 to freedom! 💯👍🏾📌🎙 Mail: speak@soulfood-seminars.com www.soulfood-seminars.com www.facebook.com/Howard.Liz  http://linkedin.com/in/liz-🎙-howard-62469418  https://www.google.com/search?q=soulfood-seminars.com%20liz%20howard IG https://www.instagram.com/businessvoiceexpertliz_h/?hl=enSupport the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com
The Wednesday Wellbeing show 7.9 2022 with Geua Hila on recovery from sexual assault and domestic violence.
The Wednesday Wellbeing show 7.9 2022 with Geua Hila on recovery from sexual assault and domestic violence.
This week on the #wednesdaywellbeing show comes with a content warning!! This episode contains content that may be alarming to some listeners. Please check the show notes for more detailed descriptions before listening and take care of yourself. Tonights topic is sexual violence and domestic abuse. Far more than that, we discuss how you can heal fully from these types of horrific experiences. To provide some perspective, here are some key statistics from trusted sources showing the scale of the problem in England and Wales. 1 in 4 women are raped, sexually assaulted and or sexually abused. 1 in 6 children have been sexually abused and 1 in 20 men have been raped or sexually assaulted as an adult. That's more than 1 in 20 people every 12 months. My guest tonight Geua Hila spent over 30 years battling with depression and anxiety after falling victim to sexual abuse, divorce and homelessness.Geua is the founder of The Wholistic F.A.I.T.H Process; a process that allows all who will apply it, to become enlightened and feel empowered in reclaiming a life they have lost.  Through inspirational and motivational speaking, she has unlocked doors for women to regain control and use their negative past experiences as fuel for a positive present and future. She has spoken on platforms such as The Evolve Network, women-only group She’roes, International Women’s Day events and Kingdom Women of the Word. She has also featured on Jessie Wang’s podcast ‘Voices Unheard’ and this week she's joining me on my podcast as she prepares to share her story at an event. You can join Geua at Customs House on the Friday the 7th of October 2022 at 10:00  till 15:00 BST. Tickets available at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/think-and-feel-great-seminar-reach-out-tickets-409417417517You can listen on DH9digital or at Nova Radio on Sunday or on Amanda Joy's Podcast too. This is possibly the most challenging and inspiring interview I've ever done.Support the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com
The Wednesday wellbeing show 29th of July 2022 with Martin and Neomi.
The Wednesday wellbeing show 29th of July 2022 with Martin and Neomi.
This week on the #Wednesday Wellbeing show we are talking love, romance, and relationships with Just 1 to 11 it • Relationship Coaching • Speaker • Trainer • Coach, Martin and Naomi.Perhaps you are bickering more with your partner, drifting apart, prefer being apart and dread time together.How's the intimacy, are you feeling unloved, irritated, fed up and frustrated? The pandemic was “the perfect storm” for many couples, with lockdowns and social distancing causing them to spend increased amounts of time together. This has, in many cases, acted as a catalyst for break-ups that may have already been on the cards, especially if previous separate routines had served to mask problems. With divorce rates being so high maybe we need to ask, why have humans suddenly become so inept at making relationships last? Have we forgotten how to love? Or worse, forgotten what love is? This week we take a deep dive into our romantic life, share the reality and the challenges that relationships bring.  We look at why relationships don't work out and how we can get through tough break ups. How would you currently rate your relationship out of 10?Where would you LOVE your relationship to be out of 10?Wherever you are at, we will show you have to take it to an 11! You can listen at 8 pm on DH9digital on Wednesday and on Nova Radio North East 102.5fm on Sunday afternoon or on Amanda Joy's Podcast.Support the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com
The Wednesday wellbeing show 25th of May 2022 with Clare Evans
The Wednesday wellbeing show 25th of May 2022 with Clare Evans
This week on the #Wednesdaywellbeing show I'm chatting with Clare Evans Co founder of Defi Health Solutions (DHS). As our NHS faces unprecedented challenges, it's going to require an equally unprecedented, and long term, response from the government. Firstly to deal with the backlog of both physical and mental healthcare that the pandemic has caused, and second to create a system of health and care that tackles both the health inequalities and the other weaknesses that covid-19 has exposed. Clare has a background of 26 years in health as a registered general nurse. She has worked within most specialities in health and across all of the main health systems during her career. Her clinical background is acute general medicine, multiple complex chronic conditions management, hospital avoidance, disease prevention, education and her specialist area, is respiratory disease, asthma and COPD. For over 26 years Clare has studied and analysed health systems and is an expert in systems and solutions development.In 2017 Clare developed Global Health Solutions for respiratory conditions, asthma and COPD. She took them to the WHO, as well as other global leaders and respiratory organisations between 2017 and October 2019 however, they were not ready for a radical change in health systems, disease management and prevention of disability. In February 2022 she met Adam Ahmed co-founder of Hybridtech Group (HTG). Adam, is a global business development and marketing strategist. He was creating a powerful ecosystem of partners to create global change, empowering people with knowledge and education to create smart entrepreneurs and wealth, amongst other things. Clare and Adam have come together to change Global Health. The objective is for it to become patient centred, holistic, and caring, Whilst addressing the problems with effective, simple, timely, cost-effective solutions. The mission is to develop powerful community-based health systems and solutions which balance medical health, holistic health and introduce the most advanced effective technologies to our clients.  DHS aims to open one stop Health Hubs, with powerful community-based collaborations to provide holistic individualised, patient centred, community-based care, right from birth to end of life in every community across the UK. The aim is to educate clients not only on all of their health needs, but on the wide range of treatment options available to them, to enable informed choice.The aim to provide choice over where they receive that care; in the Health Hubs, in their own home, in a practitioner’s own clinic or even via zoom when possible. They aim to manage all aspects of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing to ensure that clients become not only healthy, and educated on their own health, but the best versions of themselves they could possibly be. The first Health Hub has opened in Bradford UK. When this model has been finalised, the system will be modelled around the UK and the world as a franchise option. It's an exciting time and I can't wait to introduce you to Clare Evans.Listen live at 8 pm on DH9digital on Amanda Joy's Podcast and Nova Radio North East 102.5fm on Sunday afternoons4.https://defihealthsolutions.com/Support the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com
The Wednesday Wellbeing show 18th of May 2022 with Antonio De Sousa
The Wednesday Wellbeing show 18th of May 2022 with Antonio De Sousa
This week on the #Wednesdaywellbeing show I'm chatting with Antonio De Sousa.Anthony is a Self Belief & Self Joy Facilitator, mentor and coach specialising within spiritual frequency areas of self love, self care and self mastery. He’s the author of a brilliant brand new book that was launched just a few weeks ago. Antonio, formally a plasterer, in his new book gives his true account of what it is like to be a man who once hated himself. He acknowledges that life hasn’t been easy for him, codependency and a predisposition for drugs, and a break up that led him to question if he even wanted to continue living. Antonio has embarked on improving the fragile relationship he had with himself, in his debut book; 📚The Lockdown on Self-Love📚 Antonio promotes transparency and advocates that vulnerability is real strength. He gives voice to sensitive subjects that many men have suffered with and certainly don't talk about. He loves to share these principles with others, with a dose of personal development and spirituality, to inspire others to realise that the most important relationship there will ever be, is the one you have with yourself. He is also a proud father of two young children. In his book Antonio wears his heart on his sleeve. One thing that screams out from each chapter and each page of this book, is the realness through the way he expresses his experiences from his perspective. He quite refreshingly owns his part throughout from very early childhood having to flee South Africa, to landing in a foreign land in Portugal, to then finally relocation within England. I can only imagine what an experience it must have been to revisit some of the tough times in his life facing them head on and writing them down. He has let go of traumatic life experiences, childhood sexual trauma, violence, prison exposure, drugs, illusions, educational challenges like dyslexia, in such a creative  inspiring way. From challenging the status quo on mental health, spirituality, awakening, living an authentic life, its all in his book along with the depths of chaos he experienced. Now out in public within the world spreading his very special message of self empowerment, self belief, self joy, and ultimately self love, his presence is a real gift THE LOCKDOWN ON SELF-LOVE: How to make suffering work for you https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09WQ17YHS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_66C9PFT9QJB93DXEEJX0Support the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com
The Wednesday wellbeing show 11th of May 2022 with Anita Reeves
The Wednesday wellbeing show 11th of May 2022 with Anita Reeves
This week on the #Wednesdaywellbeing show I'm chatting with Anita Reeves Anita is a graduate of the Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy where she gained a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy in 2021. Anita is a Mum and also a modern day monk her spiritual name being Viramata Ishaya. World Class Clinical Hypnotherapist modern day monk and international meditation teacher of ascension meditation. She works with thousands of people globally, online and in her local town Stokesley. Anita's unique Stepping stones to a calm mind programme is just perfect for anyone with a busy mind and it's been created to support the whole family. Anita is an ordinary mum who has unbelievable extraordinary tools to stay in the present moment, create love and space for all her family.  She uses these tools blended with powerful Hypnotherapy techniques to help you reduce your body shape and size, have a better relationship with food, move, dance or exercise more. Working with Anita is like having a holiday in your mind, and with her Hypnotherapy techniques your body gets all the holiday benefits too. Anita will guide you to make simple changes that will transform your mental health and bring you back to peace.It's was a blessing having her on my Diploma and a joy to have her as this weeks guest on my podcast.www.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com Support the Show.This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapywww.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com