Permission to Dream Audaciously

Intersecarsi Chronicles

23-05-2023 • 23 mins

What is your dream? The big, audacious dream that your heart truly desires?

Not your head’s dream. Not a dream that plays small.

I’m talking about the heart-driven dream for your life, your home, and your future that is undeniably your soul’s truth.

The thing is, it’s one thing to hold a dream. It’s a whole other experience to take inspired action and make the step from dreaming to physically creating.

Suddenly, excitement can turn to fear, to pressure, to overwhelm.

When our mind is struggling to see how that big beautiful dream is possible, it adjusts and makes compromises. Over time, that dream is watered down until it’s not even the same dream anymore.

Today, I want to challenge you to stop playing it safe and holding your dream in your head. Dream with your heart, dream audaciously, and think about how your home can support you in keeping that dream alive and birthing it into reality.

Your home is your sanctuary. It reminds you who you are, who you want to be, and connects you to the potency of your dreams.

Let me be your guide to a home created with soul, that leads you to filled with reminders to dream audaciously and lights the spark within your heart that desires to be birthed into being.

Don’t let your head hold you back. This is your sign that you have permission to be bold, dream big, and dream audaciously.

If this episode connected with you, let me know by sharing your favourite snippet over on Instagram and tagging me at @emilynair_design.

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