Conscious and Creative Choices When Renting

Intersecarsi Chronicles

20-06-2023 • 19 mins

A soul-filled home is something that we all deserve.

Whether you own your home - or not.

Creating a home that aligns with your soul’s why and your heart’s calling is relevant for both homeowners AND renters.

In fact, my boys and I have been renting for many years now. All of the experiences, practices, and concepts that I share with you here, I’m sharing as a renter.

To be fully truthful and transparent, it took me so much time to get to this point. For so long, I held onto the belief that to be able to call somewhere home, I had to be the owner. I believed that if I was renting, then it wasn’t truly my home.

I felt like I couldn’t settle in emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. I convinced myself that we couldn’t live life the way I wanted us to. And so boxes stayed unpacked and we stayed living life on edge.

When you’re in that place, how can you possibly be connected to yourself, let alone your loved ones?

If this is a story that resonates with you, then this episode is for you.

Whether you’re a renter or a homeowner, today I’ll show you how to take an intentional look at how you move through your day and live life in your home. We’ll be going through it together, as the experiences I’m sharing are exactly what I’ve just been going through as I look for a new rental.

When you take this time to connect and explore, you’ll be empowered to make conscious, creative choices to create a soul-filled home that nourishes and fulfills you - and to know that you don’t have to be the owner to call it home.

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