Our Greatest Expression

Intersecarsi Chronicles

29-08-2023 • 14 mins

Expression comes in so many different forms. Whether consciously chosen or predetermined for us, our expressions are uniquely ours.

Rightly or wrongly, expression can come with weighty consequences. We may be judged or treated differently by others because of the different filters that each of us sees the world through.

Recently, I have come to realise how passionately I feel about the injustice of someone’s expression being shut down or denied. It’s something that stirs memories of past life experiences and lights a fire in my soul.

Yes, we all process things through our own filters, but we also all have a choice to have integrity, and courage, and to support those whose expression and voice are being denied.

So, what does this have to do with creating a soul-filled home?

Our homes are our greatest expression of who we are. They’re our beautiful place of refuge where we can be our fullest selves in our fullest expression, a safe haven in moments when the outside world may not feel welcoming in expressing ourselves.

To create a home that is a true expression of who you are is to have courage - the courage to take a stand for what you truly believe in, the courage to dive deeper than what you can see on the surface.

To be free to express yourself, you must be in tune with who you are on a soul and human level. It’s from that deep, foundational place that you will be able to create a beautiful, soul-filled home that is your greatest expression.

Let’s connect on Instagram at @emilynair_design

Do you dream of creating a soul-nourishing home that aligns with & supports your heart’s true calling? Let me support you through 1:1 Home Design Mentorship and full end-to-end Home Design Services.

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