Toward A Better Life

Kevin Pennell

Join Kevin Pennell on a journey Toward A Better Life. We can all move together toward creating more fulfilling, rewarding, and healthier lives. You won't need much for this trek, just an open mind, spirit, and heart. Toward A Better Life Podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. read less


Episode 108 The Spirit of Regenerative Medicine
3d ago
Episode 108 The Spirit of Regenerative Medicine
Episode 108 Toward A Better Life with Kevin Pennell 0:00:11 - "Petrichor" - Alex Roberts (Used by Permission) 0:06:13 - Welcome to Episode 108 Toward a Better Life Podcast Features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  Submissions You may share your prose, music, poetry, or storytelling on the show just send them to me  If it's audio, please send it as an MP3 file. Subscibe Please subscribe to the show and keep following for magical insights into Earth Based Spirituality, self development, and self care. Also remember to support the show by leaving your review on Apple Podcasts. Episode Synopsis This episode examines Regenerative Medicine, though often seen as modern breakthrough medicine, yet it's been around much longer than you think.  Dr. Jeffrey Gross has been working for years on this cutting edge medicine which includes specific orthopedic concerns for the neck, back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee to name a few along with Anti-Aging, and Longevity.  0:09:26 - Dr. Jeffrey Gross Interview Dr Jeffrey Gross Regenerative stem cell medicine and anti-aging specialist.Spine fellowship trained neurological surgeon.Author of book chapters and medical research cited over 1000 times.Treats athletic injuries of the hip, knee, shoulders, spine, and more.Conservative specialist offering precision medical, longevity, and biohacking consultations to reduce disease and improve health-span.Undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from U.C. Berkeley Medical degree of the GeorgeWashington University School of MedicineInternational award-winning speaker at Biohacking and Stem Cell conferences. 0:55:32 - Episode Closing  Connections: Dr. Jeffrey Gross Website: Medicine Research: PRP in the joint (not the bone) does not improve the joint “arthritis” structurally: Acid (Lubricant) injections:,vid:IHc9mxYPqwg,st:0Detailed Lecture on Exosomes used to regenerate cartilage: Alex Roberts Website: Toward A Better Life Website: Pennell:
Episode 107 Uncovering Layers to Navigate Change
Episode 107 Uncovering Layers to Navigate Change
Episode 107  Toward a Better Life with Kevin Pennell 0:00:06 - Episode Opening  The podcast that features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. Submissions:  Be a part of the show by sharing your prose, music, poetry, or storytelling.  Just send them to me  If it's audio, please send it as an MP3 file. Subscribe AND Spread the word and keep following for magical insights into Earth Based Spirituality, self development, and self care. Free Discovery Call By the way, if you'd like to dive into self-care, self development, or distance shamanic work, drop me a line for a free discovery call. 0:01:50 Interview with Marc Scheff Marc Scheff Certified CoachAward-winning artistTransformation Connoisseur Synopsis: Dedicated to guiding people particularly creative people on a profound inner journey. With his guidance, individuals break through barriers, transcending self-limiting beliefs to unlock the full spectrum of their capabilities. Marc's transformative coaching goes beyond the visual arts, resonating with a diverse array of creative minds, empowering them to architect their own narrative and flourish in their professional endeavors.  Listen up to learn about Uncovering The Layers to Navigate Change on this episode of Toward A Better Life. 0:51:22 Episode Closing   Connections: Marc Scheff Website:   Toward A Better Life Website: Pennell:
Episode 105 Our Sacred Connection to the Natural World
Episode 105 Our Sacred Connection to the Natural World
Episode 105 Toward A Better Life - Kevin Pennell  Host 0:00:05 Damh the Bard - "Wolf In The Corn" - Raise The Flag of Green Album 0:05:00 - Episode Opening  Podcast Description: Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  Submissions: Send prose, music, poetry, or storytelling to Note: Submit Audio As MP3 file.  In This Episode: Tahverlee Anglen, Author, High Priestess, and Temple Keeper of Moon Temple Mystery School.  Music Provided by: Damh the BardSpiral Dance. 0:06:54 Interview With Tahverlee Anglen Synopsis: Tahverlee is the heart and High Priestess of the Moon Temple Mystery School, guiding seekers through the mystical landscapes of self-discovery, witchcraft, empowerment, and spiritual awakening. Rooted in ancient wisdom and aligned with the wild, she bridges the mundane and the magical, empowering others to embrace their full power and sovereignty.  In this interview, we're talking about Our Sacred Connection to the Natural World. 1:01:00 Closing Remarks 1:03:16 Spiral Dance - "Spirit of The Green" - Thirteen Notes Album Connections: Tahverlee Anglen: Website: Temple School: Damh the Bard: Website: Spiral Dance: Website: Toward A Better Life: Website: Pennell:
Episode 100 Crafting Your Druidry
Episode 100 Crafting Your Druidry
Episode 100 of Toward A Better Life    Kevin Pennell - Host  00:00:10 Spiral Dance - Winter's Dreaming 00:06:44 Welcome Special edition of Toward A Better Life.  Episode 100!  Celebrating the Winter Solstice/Albun Arthan.  Thanks to Listeners Podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. Show Submissions Share your prose, music, poetry, or storytelling on the showSend to  If it's audio, please send as MP3 file.  Please follow the show and subscribe through your favorite podcast platform 00:08:52 - Interview With Dana O'Driscoll - Crafting Your Druidry Dana O"Driscoll Grand Archdruid of Ancient Order of Druids in AmericaLifelong student of nature spirituality and druidryPracticing for 18 years.Author of multiple books that focus on nature spirituality and neopagan practices through the lenses of reverence, respect, and direct action on behalf of the living earth. These include Land Healing: Physical, Metaphysical, and Ritual Approaches to Healing the Earth (REDFeather, 2024)  Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Sustainable Practices (REDFeather, 2021) and the Sacred Actions Journal (REDFeather, 2023).Painted and published Oracle/Tarot Deck and Books: Tarot of Trees,  Plant Spirit Oracle, and TreeLore Oracle.Ollave Adept in the Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA) and currently serve as the Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America. 01:06:35 Show Information 01:08:31 Spiral Dance - Dark Days and Heys Connections Dana O'Driscoll Website: Order of Druids in America: Spiral Dance Website: Toward A Better Life Website: Pennell:
Episode 94 The Journey of Parenting
Episode 94 The Journey of Parenting
Episode 94 of Toward A Better Life.  Kevin Pennell - Host   Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.  I invite you to share your thoughts through music, storytelling, poetry, or prose.  Send them to me, Please consider Follow and Subscribe Leave a review on Apple Podcast.  This week's Show Prayerful Prose from Emily O'NealMusic from Damh the BardInterview with Danielle Lindner about about family and parenting Show Details: 1:25        Prayerful thoughts about autumn from Emily O'Neal.3:32        Interview with Danielle Lindner Danielle Lindner is an Author, Educator, and Parenting Coach who has been featured on Podcasts, Amazon Prime with her live shows, ABC, and other media.  She is also the founder of The London Day School.  She helps parents and educators alike with navigating parenting needs through today's unpredictable world.  One of her many books is the brilliant award-winning “A Parent’s Pocket Guide to Surviving the Preschool Years,” your hands-on ally in this exhilarating Journey of Parenting! 48:42     Damh the Bard - Under the Trees Connections: Daniell Lindner Emily O'Neal Damh the Bard: Toward A Better Life Website: Kevin Pennell:
Episode 89 - Meditation for the Yielding Warrior
Episode 89 - Meditation for the Yielding Warrior
Welcome to Episode 89 of Toward A Better Life. This episode features an interview with Jeff Patterson on the blending of meditation with martial arts and other forms of movement. Guided meditation at the end of the episode.Thanks by the way for the fantastic results from the last episode featuring Damh the Bard from DruidCast, OBOD, the Order of Bards Ovates, and Druids along with a couple selections from Damh's latest album Raise The Flag of Green available from Pagan Music and Spotify.Looking for your talent everyone!  Stories, Storytellers, Poetry, or Music you'd like to share, send it to me through!  Now, for this episode.  First I'll be chatting with Jeff Patterson from Portland, Oregon Jeff has over 36 years of experience, practicing and teaching the meditative and martial arts.Founded Northwest Fighting Arts/Portland Tai Chi Academy and The Yielding WarriorHe has published two books and hundreds on instructional videos.  Jeff also founded The Yielding Warrior online program Keeping with the meditation theme - Guided meditation right after Jeff's interview Links: For those who would like to donate or lend assistance for Western North Carolina here is a link to the local newspapaer that lists good resources: Contact Jeff Patterson:  https://www.theyieldi Toward A Better Life Website: Contact Kevin Pennell: Send in your Talent: